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A list of Zords and Zord combinations used by the Dino Rangers in Power Rangers Dino Quest.

Dino Zords[]

Tyrannosaur Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Tyrannosaur Zord is the Red Tyranno Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on giant T-Rex and largest compare to other dinosaurs. It can chase enemies and crush them, and roars out loud to make a wave to knock them out as well or chew on enemies. Tyrannosaur Zord forms head, torso, waist, thighs, right leg and feet of Dino Knight Megazord.

Tricera Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Tricera Zord is the Blue Tricera Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on giant Triceratops despite it has four legs. It can ram into enemies and dispose them with its horns. Tricera Zord forms the left leg of Dino Knight Megazord.

Pteranodon Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Pteranodon Zord is the Yellow Pteranodon Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on giant Pteranodon despite for the flight capable as well. It can fly into enemies and grab them by feet and destroy with unknown process. Pteranodon Zord forms helmet and chest armor of Dino Knight Megazord.

Raptor Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Raptor Zord is Green the Raptor Ranger's Zord. The Zord was based on huge Velociraptor upon has two arms and two legs. It can chase the enemies and grab them by jaw and toss them away in the air. Raptor Zord forms left arm of Dino Knight Megazord.

Parasaur Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Parasaur Zord is the Pink Parasaur Ranger's Zord. The Zord was based on Parasaurolophus It can attack the enemies in some different ways to dispose them off in the knockout. Parasaur Zord forms the right arm of Dino Knight Megazord.

Stegosaur Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Stegosaur Zord is the Purple Stegosaur Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Stegosaurus has four legs. It can somersault to ram the enemies into smithereens and attacks them with it's tail. Stegosaur Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the somersault technique and blade spines on the Megazord.

Pachycephalo Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Pachycephalo Zord is the Orange Pachycephalo Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on the mighty Pachycephalosaurus and it was unstoppable. It can headbutt the enemies with its iron forehead to injure them to death. Pachycephalo Zord was powerful beast after Knuckles increases the steel power for the Zord to destroy the stronger enemies. Pachycephalo forms a Megazord mode to battle the monsters as well. Pachycephalo Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the helmet, back and sword Steel Knuckle Megazord.

Seismo Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Seismos Zord is Pink Parasaur Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Seismosaurus and its long neck was shorter than Brachiosaurus. Seismo Zord can attack the enemies with its neck. Seismos Zord forms the long staff arm gauntlet for Dino Knight Megazord, and later forms the right arm of Dino Monarch Megazord.

Styraco Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Styraco Zord is Blue Tricera Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Styracosaurus. However, Styraco Zord can attack the enemies and does the same thing as Tricera Zord. Styraco Zord forms the shield and armor for Dino Knight Megazord, and later forms the right leg of Dino Monarch Megazord.

Plesio Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Plesio Zord is Green Raptor's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Plesiosaurus and has a swim ability to swim in distance plus it can go further. Plesio Zord can swim underwater to destroy the sea enemies and monsters. Plesio Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord to form surf board for the Megazord to ride on. And Plesio Zord forms the left arm of Dino Monarch Megazord.

Therizino Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Therizino Zord is Yellow Pteranodon Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Therizinosaurus and it was huge beast by any means necessary. Therizino Zord can attack the enemies to hurt them with its claws and dispose them in deeds. Therizino Zord forms the bazooka for Dino Knight Megazord. Therizino helps Dino Knight Megazord to prevent enemies from coming in. Therizino Zord forms the left leg of Dino Monarch Megazord.

Apatosaur Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Apatosaur Zord is Red Tyranno Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Apatosaurus and it was fascinating plant beast. Apatosaur Zord can attack the enemies to hurt and get rid of them for good. Apatosaur Zord forms the hammer for Dino Knight Megazord. Dino Knight Megazord uses Apato Hammer to destroy enemies for good. It allows to finish the Megazord off the strong enemies and Monsters with the big strong hammer as well. The Apatosaur Zord forms head, torso, waist and thighs of Dino Monarch Megazord.

Spinosaur Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Spinosaur Zord is Gold Spinosaur Ranger's main Zord. This Zord was based on Spinosaurus and it has sharp crescent spine on its back, plus the it will teach the monsters a lesson. Spinosaur Zord can attack the enemies with its jaws to eat them, scratch them and dispose them to death. Spinosaur Zord forms the main body, legs, and head of Dino Predazord and handle of Dino Blade Sword for the invincible Megazord.

Dimentro Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Dimetro Zord is Silver Dimetro Ranger's main Zord. This Zord was based on Dimetrodon and it has rough spine on the beast's back and it will kills enemies and leading them to have the taste of their own medicine. Dimentro Zord can attack the enemies with its somersault to crush them to death. Dimentro Zord forms right arm and helmet of Dino Predazord.

Ankylosaur Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Ankylosaur Zord is Bronze Ankylosaur Ranger's main Zord. This Zord was based on Ankylosaurus and it has sharp spikes on beast's back and its tail becomes a Drill and kills enemies with the drill. Dimentro Zord can attack the enemies with its drill to break them into small smithereens. Ankylosaur Zord forms left arm of Dino Predazord and Dino Blade Sword's sharp blade.

Iguanodon Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Iguanodon Zord is Blue Tricera Ranger's (second) and Silver Dimetro Ranger's first auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Iguanodon and it can transform its tail into Flail to swing and smash the ball at the enemies or spin the flail to trip the enemies off and making them fall. Iguanodon Zord forms the long flail and morning star arm gauntlet for Dino Knight Megazord.

Tupandactyl Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Tupandactyl Zord is Green Raptor Ranger's (second) and Bronze Ankylosaur Ranger's first auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Tupandactylus and it can fly with incredible speed and flies towards enemies with one tough strike. However, this Zord can give Dino Knight Megazord a hand to get rid of those worse monsters. Tupandactyl Zord forms Bang and the lower wings for Dino Knight Megazord while Pteranodon Zord takes upper wings for the Megazord.

Ichthyo Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Tupandactyl Zord is the second auxiliary Zord to both Yellow Pteranodon Ranger and Pink Parasaur Ranger. This Zord was based on the Ichthyosaurus and it can swim underwater with swimming techique to destroy sea enemies. However, this Zord can give Dino Knight Megazord a hand to ride on the monster. Ichthyo Zord forms long fins and swimming gear for Dino Knight Megazord was called (Swimming Mode). Dino Knight Megazord swims deep in the water to destroy the enemies and it was unstoppable.

Futaba Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Apatosaur Zord is Red Tyranno Ranger's auxiliary Zord (second) and Gold Spinosaur Ranger's first auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Futabasaurus and it was streak beast. Futaba Zord can attack the enemies by teaching them a lesson. Futaba Zord forms the Baseball Bat for Dino Knight Megazord. Dino Knight Megazord uses Futaba Bat to destroy the enemies by sending them flying out of the sky for good. It allows to finish the Megazord off the strong enemies and Monsters with the big strong baseball bat as well.

Brachio Carrierzord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Brachio Carrierzord is the mysterious Brachio Ranger's main Zord and the Carrierzord to the Rangers. This Zord was based on Brachiosaurus and its long neck was longer and it was more gigantic of the Zords. Brachio Carrierzord can carry the all the Zords except for Zaxxer's Zords. This Carrierzord has three modes, Dinosaur mode, Carrier Mode and Megazord Mode. Brachio Carrierzord can transform into the Megazord called "Brachio Steel Megazord" to battle the stronger monsters and enemies. It combines the with all Zords into an one massive giant Megazord called Dino Ultrazord and it was 20-piece Megazord. Brachio Ranger has help the Rangers to gain the strength to channel all the Dino powers to increase the ability.

Chasmo Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Chasmo Zord is the Zord that was used by all Dino Rangers. This Zord was based on Chasmosaurus and its does a same example as Tricera and Styraco Zords. Chasmo Zord can transform into a sword called "Chasmo Sword" and it will be only used by Dino Ultrazord to destroy the enemies.

Evil Zords[]

Carnotaur Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Carnotaur Zord is Zaxxer the Death Hunter Ranger's main Zord. This Zord was based on maroon and black Carnotaurus and this beast was more scarier and violent than Tyrannosaur Zord and Spinosaur Zord. Carnotaur has sharp teeth and tiny arms, plus it can challenge Tyrannosaur Zord to a duel and the two will battle each other and willing to teach each other a lesson. Carnotaur Zord can attack the enemies like other Rangers' Zords with its jaws to eat them, scratch them to protect the monsters. Carnotaur Zord forms the main body, legs, and head of Exterminator Megazord and its tail transform into an giant sharp metal blade ax for the scary and violent Megazord. Thanks to Death Hunter's dark power, it was more invincible than Dino Knight Megazord and Dino Monarch Megazord.

Allo Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Allo Zord is one of Zaxxer the Death Hunter Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on brown Allosaurus and this beast was more scrawny and cunning. Allo has sharp teeth, and it can challenge Raptor Zord to a duel and the two will battle each other and willing to teach each other a lesson. Allo Zord can attack the enemies like other Rangers' Zords with its jaws to eat them, scratch them and bite the dust to protect the monsters. Allo Zord forms the right arm and helmet of Exterminator Megazord. With the help of Death Hunter, Allo Zord was healed before the transformation.

Irritator Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Irritator Zord is Zaxxer the Death Hunter Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on dark blue Irritator and this beast was more nastier and eager. Irritator has sharp teeth, and it can battle Zords like Rangers' Zords and they will battle each other. Irritator Zord can attack the enemies like other Rangers' Zords without breaking the sweat, and teaching them a lesson, and protecting the monsters. Irritator Zord forms the left arm and chest of Exterminator Megazord. With the help of Death Hunter, Irritator Zord was healed before the transformation by using the dark power to regenerating.

Oviraptor Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Oviraptor Zord is Zaxxer the Death Hunter Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on green Oviraptor and this beast was more nastier and eager. Oviraptor has sharp teeth, and it can battle Zords like Rangers' Zords and they will battle each other. Oviraptor Zord can attack the enemies like other Rangers' Zords without breaking the sweat, and teaching them a lesson, and protecting the monsters. Oviraptor Zord forms the shoulders and shoulderpads of Exterminator Megazord. With the help of Death Hunter, Oviraptor Zord was ready to go.


Dino Knight Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Dino Knight Megazord is the combination of Dino Zords. Tyrannosaur forms head, torso, waist, thighs, right lower leg and feet, Tricera forms lower left leg, Pteranodon forms wings and helmet, Raptor forms left arm and Parasaur forms right arm. The Megazord bears the similarities with Megazord from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Dino Knight Megazord (Somersault Power)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Somersault Power consists Stegosaur Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the somersault technique and sharp blade spines on the Megazord's back. The Megazord can somersault the strong monster to destroy those beasts.

Dino Knight Megazord (Staff Power)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Staff Power consists Seismosuar Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by Seismosaur Zord forms the long staff arm gauntlet for the Megazord. The Megazord can swing the staff with sharpened end to slice the monster into pieces.

Dino Knight Megazord (Shield Power)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Shield Power consists Styraco Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the shield and armor for the Megazord. The Megazord can use Styraco Shield to repel the incoming projectiles from the enemies and monsters.

Dino Knight Megazord (Water Skateboard Mode)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Water Skateboard Power consists Plesio Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming surf board for the Megazord. The Megazord use it as a surfing board to wash the enemies away and leaving them to be destroyed.

Dino Knight Megazord (Bazooka Power)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Bazooka Power consists Plesio Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming big bazooka for the Megazord. The Megazord can use the huge bazooka launcher to destroy the enemies.

Dino Knight Megazord (Hammer Power)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Hammer Power consists Apato Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the hammer for the Megazord. Dino Knight Megazord can use the Apato Hammer to slams on the ground to make a big earthquake and make enemies unstable.

Dino Knight Megazord (Flail Power)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Flail Power consists Iguanodon Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the Flail and morning star arm gauntlet for the Megazord. Dino Knight Megazord can use the Iguana Flail to swing the Flail towards the enemies.

Dino Knight Megazord (Double Wing)[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Double Wing Power consists Tupandactyl Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the lower wings for the Megazord, while Pteranodon Zord takes the upper wings to give the Megazord more flight and speed power. Dino Knight Megazord can use the Pteranodon-Tupandactyl wings to fly faster to destroy the airborne enemies.

Dino Knight Megazord Swimming Power[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Swimming Power consists Ichthyo Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming the long fin and the swimming gear for the Megazord and gives the Megazord a swim agility. Dino Knight Megazord can use the Ichthyo Marine Power to swim deep in underwater faster to destroy the swimming enemies.

Dino Knight Megazord Baseball Power[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

The Baseball Power consists Futaba Zord combines with Dino Knight Megazord by forming Baseball Bat and the Baseball Glove for the Megazord. Dino Knight Megazord can use the Futaba Baseball Bat to knock the enemies to the sky and explodes. With the help of Power Rangers, they say "Strike 3 out!'" to the enemies.

Pachy Battlezord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Pachy Battlezord was the only transformation for Pachycephalo Zord. However, the Pachycephalo Zord can transform into the Megazord mode with its tail becomes arm sword and shield to defeat certain bad guys with the power of Steel. Pachycephalo Zord can combine with Dino Knight Megazord into Steel Knuckle Megazord.

Steel Knuckle Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Steel Knuckle Megazord is the combination of Dino Zords. Pachycephalo Zord combines with Dino Knight allowing Pachycephalo forms an helmet, back and sword. Steel Knuckle Megazord has the power of steel to bash harder enemies.

Dino Monarch Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Dino Monarch Megazord is the combination of Apatosaur, Styraco, Plesio, Therizino, and Seismosaur Zords. Seismosaur and Plesio forms the arms for the Megazord left and right respectively, while Styraco and Therizino Zords forms the right and left lower legs and feet and Apatosaur forms the head, torso, waist and thighs of the Megazord. Dino Monarch Megazord prevents Dino Knight Megazord from being destroyed by the enemies. Dino Monarch Megazord's main weapon is "Dino Spear" to destroy the strong monsters and the enemies as well. The finisher move is "Dino Crush" and "Prehistoric Beam Wave" to finish off the monsters at once. Both Dino Knight and Dino Monarch Megazords work together by using the finisher called "Prehistoric Fury" and Monarch itself is called "Dino Slash". Dino Monarch Megazord saves the day and Rangers will celebrate their own victory.

Dino Predazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Dino Predazord is the combination of Spinosaur Zord, Dimetro Zord, and Ankylosaur Zord. It all starts with Spinosaur Zord forms the main body, legs, and head of Dino Predazord and handle while the spine forms the handle of Dino Blade Sword, Dimentro Zord forms right arm and helmet of the Megazord, and then Ankylosaur Zord forms left arm of Dino Predazord and Dino Blade Sword's sharp blade. However, Spinosaur's spine and Ankylo Drill forms the Dino Blade Sword. Spinor, Ozzy and Oliver joins forces to control the Megazord, fights bad guys, protecting other Rangers and save the day. Dino Predazord was prepare to attack the hideous monster who was responsible for defeating other Rangers.

Dino Ultrazord[]

Dino Ultrazord
Series Power Rangers Dino Quest

Dino Ultrazord is the combination of all the Dino Zords. Brachio Carrierzord forms the ultra capacity for the Megazord as the armor. First ones are Seismo and Plesio Zords will form the right and left shoulders and shoulderpads respectively, second is Styraco and Therizino Zords forms the lower arms, third ones are Tyrannosaur and Apatosaur forms torso and waist, the fourth leads Raptor and Parasaur to store in Brachio Zord as the feet open capacity, fifth is Tricera, Stegosaur and Pachycephalo Zords forms chestplate and armor, Pteranodon and Tupandactyl Zords forms the double wings on the back, Iguanodon and Spinosaur Zords combines as the arm gauntlets for the Megazord, both Dimetro Zord and Ankylosaur Zord forms as the lower legs, Ichthyo Zord forms rear right leg and Futaba Zord forms rear left legs of the Megazord. Dino Ultrazord is an unstoppable Megazord and ready to beat the crap out of the monsters.

Exterminator Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Dino Quest]]

Exterminator Megazord was the combination of Zaxxer's Carnotaur, Allo, Irritator and Oviraptor Zords. The mighty and scary Carnotaur Zord forms the main body, legs, and head of Exterminator Megazord and tail transform into an giant sharp metal blade ax for the scary and violent Megazord, the Allo Zord forms the right arm and helmet, Irritator Zord forms the left arm and chest and finally Oviraptor Zord forms the shoulders and shoulderpads. Exterminator Megazord was one Crushing Mecha to destroy the Power Rangers and their Zords.
