A list of Zords and Megazord combinations used by the Arctic Force Rangers.
Fox Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Fox Arcticzord is Arctic Force Red Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Arctic Fox. It can bite enemies with its teeth. It forms the torso, the arms, the hips, and thighs of the Arctic Force Megazord.
Walrus Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Walrus Arcitczord is Arctic Force Blue Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Walrus. It can simply ram into the enemies and whack them with its tail and fin. It forms right leg of the Arctic Force Megazord.
Seal Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Seal Arcticzord is the Arctic Force Yellow Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Seal. It can somersault like a ball and strike toward enemies. It forms the left leg of the Arctic Force Megazord.
Penguin Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Penguin Arcticzord is Arctic Force Green Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Emperor Penguin. It can whack some enemies with its flipper arms by slapping them rapidly. It was the only Zord that is the medium that forms the feet of Arctic Force Megazord and later forms the left shoulder of Ice Cold Megazord.
Hare Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Hare Arcticzord is Arctic Force Pink Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Tundra Hare. It can jump by hoping and land on enemies while kicking them with its feet. It was the only Zord that is the smallest that forms the head of Arctic Force Megazord.
Wolverine Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Wolverine Arcticzord is Arctic Force Navy Ranger's Zord. This Zord is based on Wolverine. It can bite enemies with its teeth. It also combines with Arctic Force Megazord and forms the lower arms resulting in forming the Wolverine Arctic Megazord.
Sealion Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Sealion Arcticzord is Arctic Force Purple Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Sealion. It can somersault like a ball and strike toward enemies with special effect. It forms the right arm and the head of Triple Megazord and later forms the right shoulder of Ice Cold Megazord.
Bear Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Bear Arcticzord is Arctic Force Silver Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Polar Bear. It can scratch the enemies with its ferocious claws. It forms the hips, the legs, the feet and the left arm of Triple Megazord and later forms the feet of Ice Cold Megazord.
Reindeer Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Reinder Arcticzord is Arctic Force Orange Ranger's Zord. This Zord was based on Reindeer. It can grab enemies with its antler. It forms the torso, and the shoulders of Triple Megazord and later forms the upper torso and helmet of Ice Cold Megazord.
Owl Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Owl Arcticzord is Arctic Force Pink Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Snowy Owl. It can fly as well as swoop down towards enemies. It forms the head of Frozone Megazord.
Mammoth Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Mammoth Arcticzord is Arctic Force Red Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Mammoth. It can blow enemies with its trumpet nose or stomps on them. It was the only Zord that is the largest of all Zords that forms the the torso, the hips and the thighs of Frozone Megazord.
Cod Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Cod Arcticzord is Arctic Force Navy Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Cod. It can attack enemies with its tail fin. It forms the right arm of Frozone Megazord.
Whale Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Whale Arcticzord is Arctic Force Blue Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Baleen Whale. It can jump in the water to make gigantic tsunami and splash some enemies. It forms the legs and the feet of Frozone Megazord.
Fulmar Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Fulmar Arcticzord is Arctic Force Green Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Fulmar. It can peck the enemies with its beak. It forms the chestplate-like tapestry of Frozone Megazord.
Narwhal Arcticzord[]
[[Category: Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The Cod Arcticzord is Arctic Force Yellow Ranger's auxiliary Zord. This Zord was based on Narwhal. It can stab enemies with its sharp horn. It forms the left arm of Frozone Megazord.
Blizzard Megazord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
Blizzard Megazord is the combination of Fox, Walrus, Seal, Penguin and Hare Arcticzords. Fox Zord forms torso, arms, hips, and thighs Walrus Zord forms right leg and right shoulder, Seal Zord forms left leg and left shoulder, Penguin Zord forms feet and Hare Zord forms head. The Megazord's attacks are "Ice Punch" and "Blizzard Beam."
Wolverine Blizzardzord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
With Wolverine Zord combines with Blizzard Megazord, it forms lower arms for the Megazord. During the Megazord's info, it was use the attack called "Ice Fury."
Ice Predazord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
Ice Predazord is the combination of Sealion, Polar Bear and Reindeer Arcticzords. Sealion Zords forms right arm and head, Polar Bear Zord forms hips, legs, feet and left arm, and Reindeer Zord forms torso and shoulders. This Megazord use special attacks are "Sea Lion Knuckle", "Bear Punch" and "Snow Fury."
IceCold Megazord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
The IceCold Megazord is the combination of Blizzard Megazord and Ice Predazord. Sealion Zord forms right shoulder while Penguin Zord forms the left shoulder, Polar Bear Zord forms feet, Reindeer Zord forms helmet and upper torso and Arctic Fox Zord forms the middle and lower torsos.
Frozone Megazord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Arctic Force]]
Frozone Megazord is the combination of Snowy Owl, Mammoth, Cod, Baleen Whale, Fulmar, and Guillemot Zords. Snowy Owl forms the head, Mammoth Zord forms the torso, hips and thighs, Cod Zord forms the right arm, Baleen Whale Zord forms the legs and feet, Fulmar Zord forms the chestplate and Narwhal Zord forms the left arm.