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A list of Zords and Zord combinations used by the Animal Task Rangers in Power Rangers Animal Task.

Animal Zords[]

Ape Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Ape Animal Zord is Red Ape Ranger's Zord. It can throw bananas at enemies, and pound its chest to make a wave. It forms head, torso, waist and thighs while his arms forms the back and his legs attach the back thighs of the Savage Megazord.

Wild Cat Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Wild Cat Animal Zord is Blue Wild Cat Ranger's Zord. It can scratch enemies with claws It forms left leg of the Savage Megazord.

Cheetah Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Cheetah Animal Zord is the Yellow Cheetah Ranger's Zord. It can scratch enemies with its claws. It forms the right leg of the Savage Megazord.

Panther Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Panther Animal Zord is Black Panther Ranger's Zord. It can scratch enemies with claws. It forms left arm of Savage Megazord.

Tiger Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Tiger Animal Zord is White Tiger Ranger's Zord. It can scratch enemies with claws It forms right arm of Savage Megazord.

Wolf Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Wolf Animal Zord is Wolf Ranger's Zord. It can scratch enemies with claws and grabs them with its jaw and tossed them anywhere on the ground. It forms majority of the Megazord itself called LoneWolf Megazord. In fact, it can battle stronger enemies as well.

Dolphin Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Dolphin Animal Zord is Teal Dolphin Ranger's Zord. It can swim underwater, flips and ram against enemies. It can fly as flight capable. Besides It forms arms of the Glide Megazord.

Falcon Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Falcon Animal Zord is Crimson Falcon Ranger's Zord. It can fly and attacks airborne enemies. Besides, It forms torso, head, wings, and wing boomerang of Glide Megazord.

Horse Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Horse Animal Zord is the Zord of Chameleon Ranger. This Zord can combine with Chameleon Ranger into the Centaur Mode and also use a sword to attack enemies as well. Chameleon Ranger shares its power to combine into Centaurus Chameleon Megazord.

Rhino Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Rhino Animal Zord is Gold Rhino Ranger's Zord. It can charge at enemies by ramming them away. Besides, It forms waist, legs and feet of Glide Megazord.

Armadillo Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Armadillo Animal Zord is Silver Armadillo Ranger's Zord. It can somersault at enemies by knocking them away. Besides, It forms ball and chest of Glide Megazord.

Jaguar Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Jaguar Animal Zord was one of Amazon Ranger's Zords alongside Elephant Animal Zord. Jaguar Zord can scratch enemies with its claws to destroy them. It also combines with Elephant Zord into the Jungle Megazord and forms its arms.

Elephant Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Elephant Animal Zord was one of Jungle Amazon Ranger's Zords alongside Jaguar Animal Zord. It was the only largest Zord to carry all the Zords. Elephant Zord has two alternate modes standard mode and centaur mode, plus it forms Megazord form in which Elephant Zord forms main body, waist, legs and head.

Lion Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Lion Animal Zord was used by the Rangers as their auxiliary Zord. Jungle Ranger manages to control the Lion Zord to attack the enemies. Together, Beast Ultrazord and Lion Animal Zord can combine into the grand powerful strike to destroy the strong monsters.

Auxiliary Zords[]

Bat Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Bat Animal Zord is an indigo auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers Animal Task. It attaches to the Savage Megazord as the wings and back, forming the CatBat Megazord.

Giraffe Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Giraffe Animal Zord is an amber auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers Animal Task. It forms the longest sword and staff for Savage Megazord.

Fox Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Fox Animal Zord is an orange auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers Animal Task. It can transform into a somersault like a bowling ball. It forms bowling ball for Savage Megazord.

Manta Ray Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Manta Ray Animal Zord is an light blue auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers Animal Task. It forms the shield and surfboard for Savage Megazord.

Gazelle Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Gazelle Animal Zord is an emerald auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers Animal Task. It forms the arm armor and helmet of Savage Megazord.

Saw Shark Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Saw Shark Animal Zord is an ruby auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers Animal Task. It forms the giant saw sword and helmet for Savage Megazord.

Penguin Animal Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Penguin Animal Zord is an navy auxiliary Zord in Power Rangers Animal Task. It forms the snowboard for Savage Megazord.


Savage Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

Savage Megazord is the combination of Ape, Wild Cat, Cheetah, Panther and Tiger Animal Zords. Ape forms head, torso, waist and thighs while his arms forms the back and his legs attach the back thighs. Wild Cat forms the left leg, Cheetah forms the right leg, Panther forms the left arm and Tiger forms the right arm.

Savage Megazord Sword Mode[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

When forming the Savage Megazord Sword Mode, Giraffe Animal Zord forms the sword and staff for Savage Megazord. The Megazord can slash the enemies with it.

Savage Megazord Bowling Mode[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

When forming the Savage Megazord Bowling Mode, Fox Animal Zord forms the bowling ball technique for Savage Megazord. The Megazord can use it to strike down the enemies.

Savage Megazord Surf Mode[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

When forming the Savage Megazord Surf Mode, Manta Ray Animal Zord forms the shield and surfboard for Savage Megazord. The Megazord can surf and splash the enemies or use it as a shield to prevent oncoming projectiles.

Savage Megazord Armor Mode[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

When forming the Savage Megazord Armor Mode, Gazelle Animal Zord forms the arm armor either side of the Megazord's arm for Savage Megazord. The Megazord can do the Ungulate mode to attack the enemies as well.

Savage Megazord Saw Mode[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

When forming the Savage Megazord Saw Mode, Saw Shark Animal Zord forms the giant saw sword for Savage Megazord. The Megazord can use the saw sword to slice down the enemies every last one of them.

Savage Megazord Snowboard Mode[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

When forming the Savage Megazord Snowboard Mode, Penguin Animal Zord forms the huge snowboard for Savage Megazord. The Megazord can surf on the avalanche and give the enemies a chilly condition.

CatBat Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

When forming the CatBat Megazord, Bat Animal Zord forms the wings and back of Savage Megazord called the CatBat Megazord. It can fly to defeat air enemies.

Centaurus Chameleon Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

Centaurus Chameleon Megazord is the combination of the Horse Zord and Chameleon Ranger's power. The Megazord has special attack is "Chameleon Surge" and "Cavalry Slash". This Megazord looks similar to Centaurus Wolf Megazord/Centaurus Phoenix Megazord and Phoenix Unizord.

LoneWolf Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

LoneWolf Megazord is Wolf Animal Zord's Megazord form. It can transform itself into Warrior Mode. Wolf Zord's tail can also transformed into a sword or a boomerang. LoneWolf Megazord's attacks are "Lunar Blade", "Wolf Punch", "Wolf Cutter" and "LoneWolf Strike". However, with Shadow's duty, LoneWolf Megazord can defeat strong enemies and monsters, such as Tikimon, Ballossus, Viker, Viperz and Clownjester.

Glide Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

Glide Megazord is the combination of Dolphin, Falcon, Rhino, and Armadillo Zords. Dolphin Animal Zord forms arms of Glide Megazord, Falcon Animal Zord forms torso, head, wings, and wing boomerang of Glide Megazord, Rhino Animal Zord forms waist, legs and feet of Glide Megazord, and Armadillo Animal Zord ball and chest of Glide Megazord. Glide Megazord can fly to pick up air enemies and defeat them.

Animax Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

Animax Megazord is the combination of both Savage Megazord and Glide Megazord. All 9 Zords combined together. Crimson Falcon Animal Zord forms wings on back of Savage Megazord, Teal Dolphin Animal Zord forms shoulders on Savage Megazord, Gold Rhino Animal Zord forms two boot armors for Savage Megazord and Silver Armadillo Animal Zord forms chestplate on Savage Megazord and as well soccer ball. This Megazord can destroy strong enemies.

Jungle Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

Jungle Megazord is the combination of Elephant Animal Zord and Jaguar Animal Zord. Elephant Zords forms main body, waist, legs and head while Jaguar Zord forms arms. It was most largest Megazord. Their attacks are "Jaguar Fury Punch" and "Jungle Beam."

Beast Ultrazord[]

Beast Ultrazord
Megazords Used Animax Megazord
Centaurus Chameleon Megazord
LoneWolf Megazord
Bat Animal Zord
Giraffe Animal Zord
Fox Animal Zord
Manta Ray Animal Zord
Gazelle Animal Zord
Saw Shark Animal Zord
Penguin Animal Zord
Jaguar Animal Zord
Elephant Animal Zord
Series Power Rangers Animal Task

Beast Ultrazord is the combination of all 20 Animal Zords. Elephant Zord will become the carrier, Jaguar Zord jumps and attaches on Elephant, forming as the cockpit and sitting on Elephant's neck, Bat, Manta Ray and Sawshark Zords are used for flight capable to follow, Giraffe, Fox, Gazelle, and Penguin Zords and Centaurus Chameleon Megazord takes the land position, and both Animax Megazord and LoneWolf Megazord attaches on top of Elephant Carrierzord, together, they combine into the great power to defeat monsters. Their special moves are "Stampede Strike" and "Ultimate Beast Roar."
