Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
NoRanger This article is about a/an Ranger in Power Rangers: Future Force.

"It's Morphin Time! Titanus!"
ā€•roll call as the Mighty Morphin Grey Ranger[src]

"You've all met my father, but I haven't. Do you really think that I'm missing out on this?"
ā€•Zoltar upon volunteering to join the Future Rangers on their mission[src]

Zoltar is the son of Zordon and the first Gray Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Retroactively, he is also referred to as the Mighty Morphin Gray Ranger or Gray Mighty Morphin Ranger, though these are in reference to the show, as opposed to proper labels.



Zoltar was born the son of Zordon. Not much is known about his past, as even he does not remember anything about his own past other than his name and the identity of his father. What is known is that sometime after Zordon's death on November 21, 1998, Zoltar discovered a Power Coin and created his own Power Morpher and became the Gray Ranger.

Future Force[]

In his adulthood, he came to become good friends with Andros, the Red Space Ranger. On the 25th anniversary of his father's death, Zoltar met up with Andros, Andros' sister Karone, and a group of Power Rangers consisting of Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, Kimberly Ann Hart, Tommy Oliver, Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Katherine "Kat" Hillard-Oliver, Tanya Sloan, Justin Stewart, T.J. Johnson, Carlos Vallerte, Ashley Hammond, Cassie Chan and Zhane, at the ruins of the old Power Chamber to commemorate Zordon's memory.

After paying their respects to Zordon, Jason, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Kat, Andros, Karone, Minh, and Zoltar go to the Command Center that Billy built underneath Cranston Technologies. While there Zoltar listens when it's revealed that Billy's efforts to restore Zordon have failed so far in the present. As an alternative Plan B, Billy reveals that he converted the original RadBug, his car from the old days, into a time machine. Billy explains that in tribute to one of his favorite movies, Back to the Future, he specifically modeled his RadBug time machine after the fictional DeLorean time machine from said movie, and as such it requires Plutonium to power its time circuits rather than something more technologically advanced and that the time circuits would activate once the RadBug reached a driving speed of precisely 88 miles per hour.

Billy proposes that a team of five Rangers would use the time machine, which he warns is experimental (though he is 98% certain will work safely for its users even though he hasn't tested its ability to travel any longer than a minute forward or backward in time), to travel back to time to September 12, 1997, one day after Tommy, Adam, Tanya and Katherine transferred their Turbo powers to T.J., Carlos, Ashley and Cassie. Once there, they would arrange transportation to Eltar, where they would either prevent Zordon's capture by United Alliance of Evil or if they arrived after his capture, find a lead as to where they were keeping him. After saving Zordon, they would take him to the relative safety of either the Power Chamber or the Astro Megaship (depending on whether or not they had arrived on Eltar on time to prevent his initial capture) and entrust either the Turbo Rangers or the Space Rangers with the Universal Purifier, a device powered by a still-living Zordon that Billy created to recreate the Z-Wave created by Zordon's death in the original timeline.

Billy then asks for 4 volunteers (as Tommy, who as an adult is a fellow scientist who has been assisting Billy in his various endeavors to bring Zordon back, had already volunteered before Billy's briefing) to go back in time to save Zordon. After Jason and Kimberly volunteer, Zoltar also volunteers due to wanting to meet his father as he had never known him. Due to him suffering a minor injury that hasn't healed yet, Billy announces that he won't be able to join the Rangers on their journey through time, and as such Andros volunteers to join the group.

With the time machine fueled and the coordinates set, Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, Zoltar, and Andros depart, with Tommy driving the RadBug time machine. However, an error occurs in the computer controlling long-term time travel, causing the set time to change from September 12, 1997 to August 12, ???. The next thing the Rangers know they arrive in a wildly unfamiliar time period in the past and they can't even be completely certain that they were even still on Earth.

After Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, Zoltar, and Andros look around to see if they see anything familiar, Zoltar points out a number of animals which Tommy identifies as having gone extinct long ago on Earth but which lived in California during the Late Neolithic, thus tentatively dating the period of time that they arrived at to that time period. As the five are realizing this they spot a large unknown alien spacecraft, which teleports the five strangers onboard in beams of colored light.

Arriving on the bridge, the five find Zordon, who hasn't been trapped in a time warp yet, who introduces them to his robotic assistant and elite soldier Alpha 1, as well as his other two elite soldiers Trey of Triforia and Zorion of Eltar. While Zordon is impressed with Billy's ability to create a working time machine, he expresses concern about the possibility that disrupting the space-time continuum could, worse case scenario, destroy the universe. As such, he offers the five safe refuge in his starship and base of operations, the Starcarrier, and urges them to stay onboard and try not to interfere with the flow of time while in the present by avoiding unnecessary contact with the natives of this timeline.

After Tommy explains the situation and their motives to Zordon, he offers to provide them a lead on restoring his future counterpart before they return to their time in exchange for promising to never use the time machine again, notifies them of the dire situation that his forces are in regarding Rita Repulsa, and Zordon tasks Alpha 1 with fixing the flaw in their time machine, Zordon shows Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, Zoltar, and Andros to their rooms. However, the Starcarrier is then suddenly attacked by a large group of Putty Patrollers led by Goldar, his brother Silverback, Darkonda, Scorpina, and Mordant, who were sent by Lord Zedd, who became aware of their arrival by Rita (who became aware through her own magic).

Despite Zoltar morphing into the Gray Ranger, possibly for the first time since obtaining his Power Coin, he and the other Rangers are overwhelmed when Eye Guy and Knasty Knight lead another force of Putties in ambush. The five are captured and brought to the Dark Dimension for eventual questioning on future events.

Shortly afterwards, Zoltar and the other Rangers are rescued by Zordon, Trey, and Zorion, who teleport them from the Dark Dimension back to the Starcarrier. There Zordon announces his intention to accelerate his plans to seal Rita and her minions away, but fears that Lord Zedd might attempt to interfere. In response, Zoltar and the others volunteer to teleport to the Moon Palace to provide a distraction to the Evil Space Aliens to buy Zordon more time.

Thus the five morph and teleport to the Moon Palace, but are quickly discovered and attacked by Zedd's forces. Zoltar engages Mordant in battle while occasionally assisting Kimberly and Andros in battling Scorpina and Darkonda. After a fierce battle, Mordant, Scorpina, and Darkonda are seemingly destroyed and Zordon, who arrived to battle Rita and Zedd personally alongside Trey and Zorion, informs them that Rita had fled the battlefield.

Deducing that Rita was preparing to accelerate her plans of trapping Zordon in a time warp, Kimberly, Zoltar, and Andros go to confront Rita and find her in Zedd's throne room. The three then battle with Rita who uses her magic to attack them before they are joined by Jason and Tommy, who have just defeated Goldar and Silverback and Eye Guy and Knasty Knight before them.

Together, the five destroy the device that Rita was planning on using to trap Zordon in a time warp. Zordon then arrives, having alongside Trey and Zorion managed to destroy Zedd's staff and forced him to retreat from the Moon, and then uses his powers to seal Rita and her known surviving minions away in a space dumpster.

Back on the Starcarrier Alpha 1 has finished fixing the time machine. Zordon informs the Rangers that a great power exists on the distant planet of Pheados which Zordon believes can restore his future counterpart, at least temporarily. Zordon assures the Rangers that the time machine hasn't damaged the universe and that their actions have not drastically altered the timeline beyond splitting it in two and that the time machine has been modified to bring them to their own time rather than Zordon's future. After this Zoltar notifies Zorion, whom he had bonded with over the course of the special, where he found his Power Coin.

The five give the Universal Purifier to Zordon's Forces and inform them that it can be powered only by Zordon and that it can be used to save the universe from the United Alliance of Evil. Zordon then wishes them farewell with the words "may the power protect you". Upon returning to the present, Zoltar witnesses Tommy give Tommy the Phaedos lead before setting off for parts unknown in the universe.


Due to having no memory of his own childhood and most of his past prior to discovering his Power Coin and having to fend for himself for as long as he can remember, Zoltar is a man who sometimes prefers to work alone, leading others to regard him as a lone wolf which in turn makes him often clash with his more team-oriented teammates. For better or worse this also might explain his fast friendship with Andros, as shown in Power Rangers: Future Force, who as a loner himself understands Zoltar's occasional need to do things on his own.

In spite of that, Zoltar is very dedicated to his duty as a Power Ranger and will help anyone in trouble, especially a fellow Power Ranger from any team, in fighting the forces of evil.

Despite never knowing or having met his father, Zoltar through some inexplicable means knows that it was Zordon, but doesn't know how he knows who his father was.


Mighty Morphin Gray Ranger insert theme is Go Gray Ranger.


Ranger Costume

As the Gray Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Also retroactively known as Mighty Morphin Gray Ranger or Gray Mighty Morphin Ranger (unofficial titles).

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


to be added


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to be added



Appearances: FF





  • ā€  Zordon - Father (deceased)
  • Zorion - Surrogate Brother
  • Unnamed Mother



Villain Group[]

Evil Space Aliens[]


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to be added

Behind the Scenes[]




  • After almost 30 years, Zoltar is the only known relative of Zordon.


See Also[]


