Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-tenraigerThis article is about a/an changer in Odotai Sentai Tenraiger.
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"Tenrai Henshin!"
―Transformation call

The Transformation Sword Zodiac Hot Ken (変身剣ゾーディアック ホット剣 Henshin Ken Zōdiakku Hotto Ken?, Transformation Sword Zodiac Hot Sword) is the bladed transformation and summoning device of the Hot Tenraiger Team, a six-person team including the Hirangers and Kazerangers.


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To transform, a Tenraiger summons the sword by performing a martial salute, before forming a circle created with their element; the right hand starts on the top left, while the left starts bottom right, and both go clockwise. After, the sword appears in the hands of the Tenraiger when they come back together, as the Tenraiger uses the transformation call Tenrai Henshin (天来変身 Tenrai Henshin?, Divine Transformation) to complete the transformation.


To summon the Zodiac Beasts, the Tenraigers push the circular emblem on the crossguards of their swords four times, with their Zodiac Beasts simply knowing which Tenraiger is "theirs", and appearing.


After summoning the Zodiac Beasts, the sword is inserted into a slot in front of the piloting Tenraiger, to be used as a joystick. The other functions of the Zodiac Beasts are accessed by levers within their cockpits.


To combine the Zodiac Beasts, any Tenraiger (typically the highest ranking individual in a combination) asks the Zodiac Beasts to combine. Though this typically works, some Zodiac Beasts do not listen to Tenraigers suck as Tenrai Futago or Tenrai Shishi.


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Icon-tenraiger Odotai Sentai Tenraiger
Kosuke Hino - Homura Yuge - Katsuro Ito
Reina Maruyama - Tadashi Sato - Riku Ishikawa
Ruka Kaze - Miyako Izumi - Toshiro Kesen
Yuki Tsukioka - Mizuki Nishina - Kazumi Shimizu
World of Stars: Astraeus - Eos - Notus - Eurus - Zephyrus - Boreas
Land of Fire: Blaze - Azara
Land of Earth: Forest - Azalea
Land of Air: Celeste - Caelus
Land of Water: Marina - Caspian
Others: Kishirangers - Kyurangers
Transformation Devices
Zodiac Hot Ken - Zodiac Cool Ken
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Fire Cannon (Fire Sword - Fire Nunchuks - Fire Bow) - Earth Cannon (Earth Flail -Earth Spear - Earth Scythe) - Air Cannon (Air Javelin - Air Fan - Air Shurikens) - Water Cannon (Water Chakram - Water Trident - Water Dagger)
Tenrai Shot
Control Gloves - Tenrai Brace
Mecha and Robos
Zodiac Beasts
Aries Ram - Taurus Bull - Gemini Twins - Cancer Crab - Leo Lion - Virgo Maiden - Libra Scales - Scorpio Scorpion - Sagittarius Archer - Capricorn Goat - Aquarius Waterbearer - Pisces Fish
Nenshou Gattai Fire Mage - Seishi Gattai Earth Mage - Bouage Gattai Air Mage - Nagareru Gattai Water Mage
Hikuuki Gattai TenraiHot - Mizuji Gattai TenraiCool - Odotai Gattai TenraiOh
Earth's Core Syndicate Yoake Tribe
Godfather: Daybreak
Consigliere: Phoebus - Phoebe
Underbosses: Burnout - Romar - Tempus - Necron - Aura - Quarris - Augur - Keres - Vampris - Agrona - Maelstrom - Riven
Caporegrimes: to be added
Grunts: Lycan Soldiers
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