Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"T-Rex Fury, Red Ranger!"
―Former Roll Call[src]

"Dino Fury Power!"
―Team Roll Call[src]

"Dino Fury Victory!"
―Victory Catchphrase[src]

"T-Rex Fury, Zenith Ranger!"
―Roll Call[src]

Zayto is a Rafkonian from the planet Rafkon who led the Ancient Dino Fury Rangers 65 million years ago as the Dino Fury Red Ranger. In the present day, he returns with the modern Cosmic Fury Rangers as Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger.

After his death following the battle with the Nemesis Beast, Zayto was revived as Zenith by the Morphin Masters until he evolved into a Morphin Master to finally defeat Lord Zedd. With his mortal life over, Zayto left Earth to join his fellow Morphin Masters in the Morphin Grid.


Early Life[]

Knight of Rafkon[]

Zayto was born on the planet Rafkon, after becoming a Knight, he received a pendant from his mother as a gift, with her telling him to never give up when all things seem hopeless. Lost Signal Zayto was the leader of the Knights of Rafkon, the main military force of his planet. Destination Dinohenge Sometime during his early days as a knight, he befriended Aiyon, who became his sparring partner and closest comrade. With the forces of evil approaching the planet, the military council of Rafkon decided to create Sporix Beasts in order to expand Rafkon's defenses. When the council asked Zayto about his opinion on the project, he trusted the judgement of his superiors despite Aiyon asking him to stop the project. Ancient History (Dino Fury)

Great Sporix Wars[]

Just as the council activated the machine to create the Sporix, Aiyon tried to destroy the machine, but Zayto stopped him, starting a fight that ultimately ended his friendship with Aiyon. Unfortunately, Aiyon was proven right as the unleashed Sporix Beasts attacked their planet. During the battle to defend their home Zayto led the Knights of Rafkon against the evil beasts, though they were not strong enough. In the end, their home planet was destroyed by the same monsters their people created and unleashed upon. Ancient History (Dino Fury)

When Zayto, Aiyon and their teammates traveled to Earth where Sporix invaded, they teamed up with dinosaurs to defeat the Sporix Beasts. Sometime after the Sporix Wars, they were contacted by the Morphin Masters, who were able to fuse their dinosaur allies with them and turn them into the first Dino Fury Power Rangers. While the previous Dino Fury Rangers did managed to defeat and capture the Sporix Beasts by locking them in a chest, the majority of Zayto's teammates perished and two of the Dino Fury Keys were lost when the Knights that wielded them fell in the war. Both Zayto and Aiyon went into stasis, with Zayto's pod being submerged underwater, separating himself from Aiyon. The Green Morphin Master then appeared in front of him, giving him a task while also warning him that without him, Lord Zedd will reign again sometime after his defeat by Zordon's Energy Wave. Destination Dinohenge

Dino Fury[]

65 million years later, Aiyon is awakened from his stasis by the Ninja Nexus Prism. After Slyther and Mucus found his stasis pod, they are surprised to see him awake inside and escaped while he went out to save his friends from Tidemare. He would then teleport away after defeating the Sporix Beast.

Non-Ranger Powers and Abilities[]


  • Rafkonian Physiology: As a Rafkonian, he is able to utilize the following:
    • Telepathy: Zayto can read minds by making physical contact, which he used to discover Ollie and Amelia's occupations and personality traits. He is also able to use this ability for the following further powers:
      • Retrocognition: Zayto's telepathy allows him to see visions of the past.
      • Memory Projection: Zayto can also show others his own memories using his telepathy.
      • Memory Reading: With his telepathy, Zayto was able to look into Javi's memories to notice the Freeze Dino Key.
      • Super Eyesight: Through his telepathy, Zayto was able to see Javi and Void Knight's battle with Snageye from a far distance when he and the other Rangers were trapped in the general's pocket dimension.
    • File:Zayto.gif
      Retractable Antennae: Zayto can retract his antennae to blend in with the humans of Earth. Since arriving on Earth, he only extends them when using his psionic abilities.


  • Sword Mastery: As a former Rafkon Knight, he excels in utilizing a sword, demonstrated with his Chromafury Saber.
  • Reflexes: Zayto possesses great reflexes, as seen when he quickly caught Ollie's Dino Fury Key in his hand.
  • Spear Mastery: Although not seen often, Zayto did demonstrate throwing a javelin (mistakenly calling it a spear) across a field. It is implied that he did have some mastery over a spear when he was in Rafkon.


  • Limited Life/Dependence on Energy: Due to the method by which he was revived, Zayto's abilities became linked with his life force, as using his abilities eventually brought him to the cusp of death.



Dino Fury Red Ranger

This form is Zayto's primary Ranger form that he was granted from by the Morphin Masters 65 million years ago. His Ranger form resembles a Tyrannosaurus Rex, thus was also his dinosaur ally during the battle against the Sporix.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • T-Rex Fury Strike: By inserting the spare T-Rex Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber, Dino Fury Red gathers all of the T-Rex Champion Zord's power and executes an extremely powerful energy slash that takes the form of T-Rex Champion's head.


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Appearances: DF S1 Episodes 1-22; DF S2 Episodes TBA


Dino Knight Red Ranger

The Dino Knight Armor is Zayto's power-up form accessed through the Dino Knight Key after inserting it in the Dino Knight Morpher. It enables him to maximize & combine the powers of Dino Fury Keys.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Dino Knight Strike - Fury Unleashed - By pressing the Dino Fury emblem on the Dino Knight Morpher with the inserted Dino Key, Dino Knight Red generates purple and red energy and combines it, executing a drill-style spiraling strike with the Morpher.


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Appearance: DF S1 Episode 1 (flashback); DF S2 Episodes 9, 11-17, 19-21


Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger

Zayto assumes this form shortly after being recovered from planet Levvina. Due to his present situation, Zayto is stripped of his civilian Rafkonian abilities, including his antennae.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: CF Episodes 4-9


Morphin Master

After Zayto's limited lifespan ran its course, his body returned to the Morphin Grid. It transformed him into a Morphin Master, maintaining his appearance and no longer bound by mortality. While he typically appears with his civilian face, he can also take on a visage similar to the other Morphin Masters.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Portal Opening: The Morphin Masters were able to open up a massive swirling blue portal at will to transport themselves around.
  • Longevity: The Morphin Masters survived at least 65 million years between the events of Dino Fury's prelude and the events of "Big Sisters" but as in expanded continuity, they are not immortal.
  • Levitation: The Morphin Masters are able to float in mid-air unassisted.
  • Artifact Creation: By tapping into the Morphin Grid, the Morphin Masters can create special artifacts that allow one to morph into a Power Ranger. These include the Dino Gems, the Energems, and the Ninja Nexus Prism.
  • Resurrection: The Morphin Masters can bring others back from the dead, since Master Green appears to have been the one who resurrected Steel.
  • Suspended Animation: Master Green has been shown to inherit this ability as she was the one that put Aiyon in a stasis for 65 million years.
  • Bubble Shield: Master Green was able to create a bubble-like shield to protect the Rangers.
  • Energy Sensing: The Morphin Masters can sense others through their energy.


  • Staffs: All six Morphin Masters carry large white staffs at all times.
    • Power Bestowment: The Morphin Masters were able to hold their staffs into the air and charge them up with white energy before blasting people with them. These energies transform animals into Zords and give the humans Morphers to access the Morphin Grid and become Power Rangers.
    • Lightning Generation: As demonstrated by Master Green in the flashback of Ancient History, they can release lightning of their respective colors from their staffs.
    • Power Restoration: In the episode Void Trap, Master Green was able to restore the Rangers' powers with her staff.
    • Teleportation: Master Green was able to teleport away by gently slamming her staff down.
      • Remote Teleportation: Master Green was able to teleport the Rangers to safety in balls of light through her staff.
    • Healing: Master Green was able to heal Zayto with her staff.
    • Conjuration: Master Green was able to conjure up the Dino Master Saber with her staff.
    • Energy Lasers: The Morphin Masters can fire energy lasers of their respective color from their staffs.
      • Crystal Imprisonment: The energy lasers from the Morphin Masters' staffs can imprison anyone in crystal.
      • Freeing: Master Red was able to free the Master Green from her crystal prison with his staff's energy lasers.
    • Levitation: The Morphin Masters can also make objects levitate with their staff.
  • Morphin Hearts: Morphin Hearts are crystalline objects that most or all individuals of the Morphin Masters' race owns. Each heart bears a black symbol over a red background unique to each individual. The hearts of younger individuals are all circular, while those of older individuals and the Morphin Masters themselves are rhombus-shaped. They can be used as energy sources, and are able to siphon off and contain Grid Energy.
Appearances: CF Episode 10





  • Unnamed Father
  • Zayto's mother



Villain Groups[]

Void Family[]
Lord Zedd's New Forces[]


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Behind the Scenes[]



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  • Zayto's name a homage to Seto, an entity and former Ranger from Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger that was used for Dino Fury's source material for Zayto.
  • In astrophysics, the zenith refers to the highest point of a celestial body relative to an observer's horizon, or the point at which the object is directly overhead of the observer. In more common usage, the zenith refers to the highest point reached by some thing (e.g. a civilization).


  • Zayto came to Earth with his teammates 65 million years ago and were given the powers of the dinosaurs by the Morphin Masters. Since his team were granted the powers to become Rangers, this makes Zayto, Aiyon, and their deceased teammates the earliest known Power Rangers in the franchise and the first Power Rangers of Earth, which would also make Zayto the first active Red Ranger.
  • The Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger's color scheme is champagne. According to producer Simon Bennett, Zayto was intended to be designated as a White Ranger. but Hasbro rejected this idea due to concerns about a black character becoming the White Ranger. An alternative Titanium color scheme was suggested and rejected. Eventually, the champagne color was approved by Hasbro, and the character given the label "Zenith."


See Also[]
