In order to defeat the Armada, the Space Pirates Rangers must obtain the Zaferia Stones of the previous 19 Power Rangers teams before them. Each Zaferia Stone they hunt for has an associated lesson with it.
By unlocking the Zaferia Stones of a previous team's Legendary Ranger Keys, the Space Pirates Rangers can access special powers, often activated with the Legendary Megazord, based on the previous Power Rangers teams. Most of the powers manifesting as zords are completely redesigned and don the Space Pirates Rangers' symbol. The unlocking of a Zaferia Stone is signaled when the Ranger Keys of the team that has been unlocked start to glow.
Eventually, the search for the Zaferia Stones ended with the Space Pirates Rangers in possession of all 20 after they defeated Silas.
Zaferia Stone is a yellow sphere-like orb identified by the team's respective logos and shared among the Rangers team's members. This power can be stored in the Legendary Ranger Keys to be used by the Space Pirates Rangers.
The Zaferia Stone of a Ranger team can be transferred remotely to the Legendary Ranger Keys when at least one member of the team approves the Space Pireate Rangers' worthiness. It can be transferred directly via a physical contact with the keys as well.
It is revealed that inexperienced Rangers teams may be unaware of their own Zaferia Stones, like in cases of Space Pirates Rangers themselves.
Zaferia Stones by teams[]
Mighty Morphin Rangers[]

Q-Rex Dinozord
Q-Rex Dinozord: The Mighty Morphin Rangers' Zaferia Stone is part of a trio of Zaferia Stones granted to Orion (Space Pirate Silver). The Mighty Morphin Zaferia Stone is granted to him by Tommy Oliver (Mighty Morphin Green Ranger), where it is incorporated in one of the Q-Rex Drill's alternate modes, the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord-like Q-Rex Dinozord. Silver Lining, Part 2
Squadron Rangers[]

Legendary Squadron Strike
The Squadron Stone: The Squadron Rangers' Zaferia Stone was granted to the Space Pirates Rangers by Red Emissary (Red Squadron). During the fight, the Pirates Rangers, in the Legendary Megazord, accessed the Squadron power for the Legendary Squadron Strike, where Legendary Megazord charges immense levels of energy blast within it, then infuses the energy into the Q-Rex Megazord, then attacks (while being backed by the Legendary Megazord) drill arm-first through the target. Squadron Power
Aquitar Rangers[]

Giant Ninjor alongside Ultimate Legendary Ultrazord
Ninjor: He was an ally of the Aquitar Rangers. After a long journey through the Desert of Despair, the Space Pirates Rangers find the hidden entrance and enter through the false wall. After entering the inner sanctum, they find Ninjor in a jar who initially refuses to held them until they prove their worthiness. In the inner sanctum, Ninjor grants them the Aquitar Rangers' Zaferia Stone, after they were able to prove their worth to him as a Power Ranger. Ninjor is the final Zaferia Stone they obtained.The Ancient Ninja
Zeo Rangers[]

Pirate Cannon
The Zeo Stone: This stone is used in the completion of the Pirate Cannon granted by Katherine Hillard (Zeo Ranger I Pink), the Space Pirates Rangers' powerful team cannon which is powered by loading Legendary Ranger Keys similar to how the Zeo Cannon was loaded with Zeo Power Cells. The Zaferia Stone itself is to bring the powers of a team together for a devastating attack.The Grass is Always Greenerā¦ or Bluer
Turbo Rangers[]
The Turbo Stone: The Legendary Megazord is able to perform Legendary Megazord Spinout, an attack that resembles the finishing attack of Turbo Megazord.

Legendary Megazord Spinout
The Turbo Rangers' Zaferia Stone was granted to the Space Pirate Rangers by Justin Stewart (Blue Turbo Ranger) during the Megazord fight. Love Is In the Air
Space Rangers[]

Winged Q-Rex Megazord
Mega Winger: A component of Silver Space Ranger's jet-like personal zord, Mega Winger, to fight alongside the other Space Rangers; he usually let the Space Rangers use a Mega Wing glider to become Winged Mega Voyager. Similar to this, the Space Rangers' Zaferia Stone gives Q-Rex Megazord Mega Winger's Mega Wing, the formation being called Winged Q-Rex Megazord.
With the Space Stone, Winged Q-Rex Megazord can attack drill-arm first in an attack. The Wrath
The Zaferia Stone was granted by Andros (Red Space Ranger), after the Space Pirates Rangers set off into space in an attempt to thwart the plans of an unknown enemy, later revealed to be Silas. Silas also tried to take the Zaferia Stone for himself but was foiled by the Space Pirates Rangers. Rangers in Space
Galaxy Rangers[]

Q-Rex Megazord's attack
The Lost Galaxy Stone (or Galaxy Stone) is transferred to the Magna Defender Key by Mike Corbett after his approval and gives it to Orion after Silas tried to take the Galaxy Stone from Mike. The Lost Galaxy
When the Magna Defender Key is inserted into Q-Rex Megazord, it performs a spinning bifurcation attack similar to Torozord' signature finisher. Back to the Past
Lightspeed Rangers[]
Fire Hoses: When the Space Pirates Rangers use the Lightspeed Rescue Keys, they summon five large Chemical Extinguishers from the Legendary Megazord's hatches and cannons; similar to the chemical extinguishers of the Aqua Rescue 2 used to put out fires, either on its own or in the Hydro Mode. The hoses allow the Legendary Megazord to perform the Lightspeed Splash attack, dousing any sort of fire with five streams of highly-pressurized water. Then, this is given way for the Hydro Slash Attack attack, where the Legendary Megazord is surrounded by fire, much like the Lightspeed Megazord, then slashes the opponent with an x-slash, similar to the Omega Megazord's Omega Missile.
The Lightspeed Rangers's Zaferia Stone was granted to the Space Pirates Rangers by Ryan Mitchell (Titanium Ranger). Silas also tried to take the Zaferia Stone for himself but was foiled by the Space Pirates Rangers. Sister Power
Time Force Rangers[]

Q-Rex Drill
The Q-Rex Drill: The Time Force Rangers' Zaferia Stone is part of a trio of powers granted to Orion (Space Pirate Silver).
The Zaferia Stone of the Time Force Rangers is granted to him by Eric Myers (Quantum Ranger), where it is incorporated in one of Q-Rex Drill's transformation where it is summoned from the 31st century and functions much like the Timerangers' TimeJets. Q-Rex Drill can also function as a drill tank, similar to the Raimei Destroyer. Silver Lining, Part 2 As directed by Jen Scotts (Time Force Pink), it also allows the Space Pirates Rangers to travel through time. Back to the Past
Wild Force Rangers[]
The Red Lion Wildzord: Red Wild Force Ranger's totem Wildzords, the Red Lion Wildzord normally resides on the Sky Island Animarium since the defeat of the Orgs before the Space Skyship Zord crew and the Armada arrived. He proceeds to knock them off, but his later acceptance of the Space Pirates Rangers as Power Ranger team enabled him to be summoned to fight alongside them.
He can combine with the Legendary Megazord to form the Legendary Wild Force Megazord, a centaur-type formation similar to the Pegasus Megazord. The Legendary Wild Force Megazord's finishing attack is the Mega Roar, releasing a powerful energy beam from the Red Lion Wildzord's mouth while executing two powerful slashes from its swords. Substituting for the Lion FoldingZord, it can also form the Legendary Samurai Megazord, the result of the Samurai Rangers' Zaferia Stone. The Space Pirates Rangers gain access to the Red Lion Wildzord after they defeat General Peluso and a platoon of X Borgs, as the Wild Force Rangers, making them worthy in the Red Lion Wildzord's eyes to wield its power. A Lion's Alliance
The Red Lion Wildzord was later struck down by the Armada during the penultimate episode.
Ninja Rangers[]
The Ninja Zord is the combination of the Power Spheres 07 & 08. Unlike its original form, the Ninja Zord is green instead of navy blue, with elements of the Samurai Star Chopper. While the sun/moon is still on his body, it doesn't make up a majority of his body and it isn't on his chest. The Ninja Zord rides on a large shuriken that he uses as a weapon and can throwing the shuriken at an opponent. It combines with the Legendary Megazord to form the Legendary Ninja Megazord, resembling Storm Megazord. It is covered with shuriken. It has an attack during which the Legendary Ninja Megazord sends off a flurry of shuriken that strike the target. Its Ninja Zord Attack Star Blazer finishing attack has the Ninja Zord separate from the Legendary Ninja Megazord before creating an army of clones on himself to attack the target with multiple shurikens.
The Zaferia Stones of Ninja Rangers is granted to the Space Pirate Rangers by the Wind Rangers of Shane Clarke, Tori Hanson, and Dustin Brooks (Red, Blue, and Yellow Wind Ranger respectively), after their team-up battle. Pirate Storm Before that, however, the Ninja Zord appeared to help an over-powered Q-Rex Megazord pin down Vexacus so Space Pirate Silver can destroy him.
The Ninja Zord was later shot off of his pinwheel/shuriken during the penultimate episode.
Dino Rangers[]
Q-Rex Megazord/Legendary Q-Rex Megazord: The Dino Rangers' Zaferia Stone is part of a trio of powers granted to Orion (Space Pirate Silver) by Trent Fernandez-Mercer (White Dino Ranger). Silver Lining, Part 2
It is normally used for the the Q-Rex Drill's alternate modes, Q-Rex Megazord, via the Dino Thunder White Ranger Key, but Ethan James (Blue Dino Ranger) teaches them that when the entire Dino Thunder Ranger Key Set is used, it enables the formation of the Legendary Q-Rex Megazord, where the Space Jet Zord and Space Racer Zord is swapped for the Q-Rex Megazord's arms. [[United q One|]]
The Q-Rex Megazord was later shot out of the sky while using the Space Rangers' Zaferia Stone in the penultimate episode.
SPD Rangers[]
The Delta Runner Zord: The Delta Runner Zord, aka the Delta Runner 1, is S.P.D. Red Ranger's personal zord and the first combination zords from S.P.D.. It has a different design in this season than it had in S.P.D..
It combines with the Legendary Megazord to form the Legendary S.P.D. Megazord, which resembles Delta Squad Megazord. In this state, the Legendary S.P.D. Megazord can use the parts of the Delta Runner Zord in its arms as firearms in its attacks and even have the Delta Runner Zord separate from it to attack independently. The Legendary S.P.D. Megazord's finishing attacks is the S.P.D. Final Strike, firing all built-in weapons at the opponent.
The Space Pirates Rangers gain access to it after Anubis Kruger (Shadow Ranger) taught Ewan the true meaning of honor. Earth Fights Back
It ended up getting damaged and beaten during the penultimate episode.
Mystic Rangers[]
The Mystic Dragon: Formed from the Mystic Titan forms of the Blue, Yellow, Pink, & Green Mystic Rangers. Unlike its original form, the Mystic Dragon is red instead of a mix of five colors, as well as not formed from tthe four Mystic Rangers. It combines with the Legendary Megazord to form the Legendary Mystic Megazord. In this state, the Legendary Mystic Megazord can fly and even have the Mystic Dragon separate from it to attack independently. The Legendary Mystic Megazord's finishing attack is the Ancient Power Mystic Spell Seal, during which the Mystic Dragon is launched from the Legendary Megazord and creates a series of magical seals around the opponent that crushes it.
The Space Pirates Rangers gain access to it after Zion used courage to fight against Skatana, a key emotion that the Mystic Rangers use to summon their powers, during his discussion with Nick Russell (Red Mystic Ranger). Blue Saber Saga
The Mystic Dragon was later shot down in flames during the penultimate episode.
Overdrive Rangers[]
The DriveMax Megazord: The Overdrive Rangers' Megazord, the combination of the main five DriveMax Zords, summoned by the Operation Overdrive Keys. Using its Drive Saber, it slashes the target twice then tosses the Drive Saber to the Legendary Megazord so it can pull off the DriveMax Pirate Slash. The approval for the Overdrive Rangers' Zaferia Stone was in The Heart of Hades, where Mack Hartford (Red Overdrive Ranger) granted it, who also appeared to find the Heart of Hades.
Jungle Fury Rangers[]

Jungle Fury Animal Spirits
Animal Spirits: When the Space Pirates Rangers use the Jungle Fury Keys, they summon the Animal Spirits (the Tiger Animal Spirit, the Jaguar Animal Spirit, the Cheetah Animal Spirit, the Wolf Animal Spirit, and the Rhino Steel Zord). The Jungle Beasts emerge from the limb hatches and the Legendary Megazord to allowthe Legendary Megazord to perform a finishing attack called the Jungle Fury Final Strike Full Fury.
The Space Pirates Rangers gain access to the Animal Spirits after Jack and Clare were taught how to fight without using weapons by Casey Rhodes (Jungle Fury Red Ranger). Spirit of the Tiger
Ranger Operators[]
The Turbo Falcon Zord: A hybrid between a falcon and a Formula-1 race car summoned by the Ranger Operators Keys. The Turbo Falcon Zord's number is 13, with the 3 looking like three drag pipes.
The Ranger Operators' Zaferia Stone was given by Dillon (Ranger Operator Series Black), who leads them to the Turbo Falcon Zord when they arrived in Corinth. Later, the Turbo Falcon Zord combined with the Legendary Megazord to form the Legendary RPM Megazord. Able to move at fast speeds, the Legendary RPM Megazord can use the Turbo Falcon Zordās wheels to hover mode to execute the Legendary RPM Grand Prix, an overhead vertical slash attack. In the Driver's Seat
The Turbo Falcon Zord was later beaten and sent back into Corinth during the penultimate episode.
Samurai Rangers[]

Legendary Samurai Megazord
Symbol Power: The Samurai Rangers' main elemental kanji-based source of power, which they had used for a lot of purposes, including fighting Nighlok. The access to Symbol Power is summoned by the Samurai Keys and channeled through the Red Lion Wildzord, allowing the Red Lion Wildzord to combine with the Legendary Megazord to form the Legendary Samurai Megazord, similar to Samurai and Wild Force Megazords wielding its blades in the Double Saber form, similar to the katana's Naginata Mode used by Swordfish Fencer Megazord. The Legendary Samurai Megazord has access to the five primary Samurai Rangers' Symbol Power, enabling it to control the elements. The Legendary Samurai Megazord's finishing attack is the Samurai Strike, summoning a giant Fire Smasher to execute a downward slash with flames of 1000Ā°C (1,830 Ā°F) emitting from it. The merging of the Red Lion Wildzord in the chest of the mech is similar both to Wild Force Megazord, which was how it was originally used, as well as the appearance of the lion-like Shishi Origami in the Samurai Megazord.
The Symbol Power is accessed after they were helped by Jayden Shiba (Red Samurai Ranger) and they gain his approval. Samurai Surprise
Mega Rangers[]
Mechazords: When the Space Pirates Rangers use the Megaforce Keys, they summon the Mega Rangers' main zords (Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, and Gosei Shark Mechazord), Sky Brothers Zords, Land Brothers Zords, and Seaick Brothers to charge at the opponent in a finishing attack called the Super Mega Great Charge. Silver Lining, Part 1
Mega Rangers' Zaferia Stone was granted to the Space Pirates Rangers by the entire team after their team-up. Super Mega Battle
Space Pirates Rangers[]
The Ultimate Legendary Ultrazord is the combination of the Legendary Megazord, the Q-Rex Megazord, and the Turbo Falcon Zord when the Zaferia Stone of the Space Pirates Rangers, the Ultimate Engine Cell, in its cell form, is used and inserted into the Turbo Falcon Zord. The Ultimate Legendary Ultrazord can use the Drill Strike slash attack with it's right arm and the Flying Fist attacks from the left-sided fingers. The Ultimate Legendary Ultrazord's finishing move is the Ultimate Legendary Zord Blitz Attack, where the oversized left fist is fired off of the Ultimate Legendary Ultrazord and strikes the opponent with enough force to go through it.
- With the Mystic Dragon, the Delta Runner Zord, the Red Lion Wildzord, and the Ninja Zord adding their power into the Ultimate Legendary Zord Blitz Attack, the Ultimate Legendary Ultrazord can perform a stronger version of it.
The idea of the Zaferia Stone of the Space Pirates Rangers themselves was first pondered by the Turbo Falcon Zord, when he asked them where their own Zaferia Stone was since they were using Zaferia Stones of other Rangers teams, he being the RPM Stone. They didn't have a clue as they never thought of it before, though Julia suggested that it could simply be their main Megazord. All Hail Prince Vekar
Gosei's Gosei Galleon as descibed by Ewan, manifests as the Space Skyship Key. By inserting the key into the Mobilates, the main five Space Pirates Rangers are granted use of their Battle Armor, enhancements manifest as weapons and armor for the core Space Pirates Rangers akin to their zords while combined as the Legendary Megazord. When Space Pirate Red turns the switch on the key, he is further granted the Gosei Skyship Armor, an extension of Skyship Battle Armor, and grants Space Pirate Red the usage of all the weapons used by his teammates. The Gosei Skyship Armor finishing attack is the Pirate Strike; by charging up the boosters on his torso armor, Space Pirate Red fires all of his ranged weapons at the enemy before slashing with Space Pirate Blue's claw once at close range.
Following the Space Skyship Zord's destruction by the Ghost Pirates, Zion retrieves the Skyship's power core. During the final battle against the Ghost Pirates, the power core transforms into the Space Skyship Key as a result of Gosei wanting to continue aiding the Space Pirate Rangers. Power Rangers Space Pirates: Gosei's Treasure
List of Zaferia Stones[]
- Note: This category will soon be modified by Nathan10828. Please do not modify this part of the page (as the page in general) or otherwise, I would be obliged to notify the administrators.
- The Ultimate Legendary Megazord's finisher is identical to Q-Rex Megazord Mode's Q-Rex Thunder Fist, down to the way the fist is drawn back.
- Greater Power - Super Sentai counterpart in Gokaiger. See comparison page.