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The Xpress Rails are the train zords of the Silver Phantom Ranger/Siren Patrol Gold in Power Rangers Victory Siren.
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Xpress Rails[]
Xpress Morpher[]
- "Phantomize!"
- āSilver Phantom Ranger's transformation announcement[src]
- "Sirenize!"
- āSiren Patrol Gold's transformation announcement[src]
- "Xpressize! X Phantom Morph! (light jazz- firing sfx- dramatic music) Phantom Silver!"
- āXpress Morpher transformation announcement for Silver Phantom Ranger[src]
- "Xpressize! X Siren Morph! (police sirens- firing sfx- train hoofing sounds followed by suspenseful music) Siren Gold!"
- āXpress Morpher transformation announcement for Siren Patrol Gold[src]
- "Start the Engine! Clear the Way! Flash the Lights! All Aboard! All Aboard!! All Aboard!!!"
- āpre-summoning announcement[src]
The Xpress Morpher is the transformation device/standard issue firearm of the Silver Phantom Ranger/Siren Patrol Gold. It is the combined form of the miniature Silver Xpress Rail and Gold Xpress Rail. Unlike the VS Burst Morphers, Eli cannot activate other VS Machines with the Xpress Morpher, and requires the VS Burst Morphers of either the Victory Phantom or Siren Patrol Rangers, though this has proven unnecessary in future summonings.
In addition to being his changer, Eli can repair damaged VS Machines by analyzing the damage with holograms from the Silver Phantom Ranger's belt buckle, then using the Silver Xpress Rail as some form of soldering iron, firing a small green energy beam with the Thunder and Fire Xpress Rails providing the heat and energy for the operation.
It can also be used to initiate finishers. For the Silver Phantom Ranger, it initiates the Phantium Blast, a silver flaming bullet. Unlike the VS Burst Morphers, the Xpress Morpher does not require any gimmick or movement; all it needs is to be readied then fired.
Silver Xpress Rail[]
- "(firing sfx) Arriving! S-S-S-Silver!"
- āSummoning announcement via the Xpress Morpher[src]
The Silver Xpress Rail is a silver shinkansen-themed train that was created and is owned by Eli. When used in tandem with the Gold Xpress Rail, it allows him to transform into the Silver Phantom Ranger.
As a vehicle, it can ram opponents with its bladed bumper. In combined train mode its finisher is the X Gatling Strike, where it fires a green laser from Gold Xpress Rail's Gatling gun compartment. Forms the right arm of Xpress Rail Megazord Slash and Victory Siren X Ultrazord, and the left leg of Xpress Rail Megazord Blast.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Gold Xpress Rail[]
- "(firing sfx) Arriving! Barreling Steamer!"
- āSummoning announcement via the Xpress Morpher[src]
The Gold Xpress Rail is a golden steam locomotive-themed train that was created and is owned by Eli. When used in tandem with the Silver Xpress Rail, it allows him to transform into Siren Patrol Gold.
As a vehicle, it can fire a yellow coated & red energy beam from its back cannon. Forms the left arm of Xpress Rail Megazord Blast and Victory Siren X Ultrazord, and the right leg of Xpress Rail Megazord Slash.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Fire Xpress Rail[]
- "Fi-Fi-Fi-Fire!"
- āSummoning announcement via the VS Burst Morpher[src]
The Fire Xpress Rail is a silver shinkansen-themed train that was created and owned by Eli. In its Attack Mode, it deploys two barrels that can fire twin streams of red fire energy. Forms the left arm of Xpress Rail Megazord Slash, the right leg of Xpress Rail Megazord Blast, and the left foot of the Victory Siren X Ultrazord. Its code is 2-1-8.
It can also be used to initiate a Phantom Boost, where the Phantom Ranger fires a small but powerful luminescent and flaming orange ball.
The Fire Xpress Rail also piloted by Siren Patrol Green.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Thunder Xpress Rail[]
- "Defensive Thunder!"
- āSummoning announcement via the VS Burst Morpher[src]
The Thunder Xpress Rail is a gold diesel locomotive-themed train that was created and owned by Eli. In its Attack Modeflips down a reinforced bumper and by lifting it, it can charge a blue ball of lightning. Flipping down the bumper shoots it. Forms the right arm of Xpress Rail Megazord Blast, the left leg of Xpress Rail Megazord Slash, and the right foot of the Victory Siren X Ultrazord.
It can also be used to initiate a Siren Boost, where the Phantom Ranger fires a small but powerful white ball of energy accompanied by a reactive cyan aura of lightning.
The Thunder Xpress Rail also piloted by Siren Patrol Pink.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Xpress Rail Megazord[]
Xpress Rail Megazord Slash[]
- "Phantom X Combinize! (combination sequence) Xpress Rail Megazord! Slash!"
- āpre- & post-combination announcement[src]
Xpress Rail Megazord Slash is the Xpress Rails' close-range combat form and is piloted by the Silver Phantom Ranger. It primarily uses the Silver Xpress Rail as a blade, but it can also freely use its legs in jumps & kicks, and use sparks to either propel attacks or flash a pose. It is also quite fast, being able to dash across the battlefield.
Its finishing move is the Phantom X Slash, where Xpress Rail Megazord Slash channels energy from the Silver and Fire Xpress Rails before cross slashing the enemy with the Silver Xpress Rail, each slash followed by apparitions of the Gold Xpress Rail coupled with Fire then Silver coupled with Thunder, destroying the enemy.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Xpress Rail Megazord Blast[]
- "Siren X Combinize! (combination sequence) Xpress Rail Megazord! Blast!"
- āpre- & post-combination announcement[src]
Xpress Rail Megazord Blast is the Xpress Rails' long-range combat form and is piloted by Siren Patrol Gold. It primarily attacks by staying stationary and firing its gatling gun, but is capable of close combat.
Its finishing move is the Siren X Blast, where Xpress Rail Megazord Blast readies its gatling gun on its body before barraging the enemy with all available long range weaponry (gun and laser barrels on its helmet, the dials on the Silver and Fire Xpress Rails, gatling compartment) at the enemy, destroying it.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Additional Formations[]
Train Phantom Megazord[]
- "Complete! Train Phantom Megazord!"
- āpost-combination announcement[src]
The Train Phantom Megazord is the combination between the Red Victory Flyer, Versus Striker, Thunder Xpress Rail, and Fire Xpress Rail.
Its finisher is the Thundering Flame Strike, where it fires a blue energized energy beam from the Thunder Xpress Rail and a heated red energy beam from the Fire Xpress Rail.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Train Patrol Megazord[]
- "Train Patrol Megazord! Ready!"
- āpost-combination announcement[src]
The Train Patrol Megazord is the combination between the Red Siren Runner, Versus Striker, Thunder Xpress Rail, and Fire Xpress Rail.
Its finisher is the Siren Thunder Slash, where the Thunder Xpress Rail charges up with blue electricity and "slashes" the enemy three times until they're destroyed.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
Victory Siren X Ultrazord[]
- "Ultra Combinize! (combination sequence) Victory! Siren! X!"
- āpre- & post-combination announcement[src]
The Victory Siren X Ultrazord is the combination between the main three Siren Runners, Victory Flyers, Versus Striker, and Xpress Rails. It combines all 10 main Vehicles into a single combination through Versus Striker, as his power is to empower the other pieces of the Collection. The combination was his idea to begin with too.
Cockpit-wise, the Blue & Yellow Phantom Rangers are in the "V" section, Siren Patrol Green & Pink are in the "S" section, and the Red Phantom Ranger, Siren Patrol Red, & Silver Phantom Ranger/Siren Patrol Gold are in the "X" section. However, if somebody is uncooperative in the X cockpit and potentially the other cockpits as well, Vers can switch him/her out for somebody more favorable. In the instance of its debut, Siren Patrol Red was booted down to the S cockpit in favor of Siren Patrol Pink in the X cockpit. Each cockpit possesses colored lights on the back wall to signify which Ranger (excluding Eli) is in which part of the cockpit (when Harry was switched, the red light turned pink for Tori).
Despite its large, seemingly incumbent size, it is extremely agile and durable, being able to slide with the vehicles by its feet, jump & kick, and use its four arms & ankle vehicles to great effect in close quarters combat, alongside their individual special abilities such as the Thunder Xpress Rail's gun ability and Yellow Victory Flyer's energy buzzsaws. The secondary arm ports can also have the Auxiliary VS Machines attach to them, such as Crane, Drill, & Bike, and Scissor, Blade, & Cyclone and Fire & Mystic. It overpowered even the likes of Leondis, a Status Gold, the toughest challenge both teams had encountered at the time, due to the fact that he had four arms.
Its finisher is the Victory Siren X Strike: All of the VS Machines that make up the Victory Siren X Ultrazord separate, leaving behind their colored silhouettes on the body, and ready themselves for the final attack (excluding Versus Striker, and only the cabs of the Xpress Rails separate). The ultrazord then manually launches the 10 vehicles towards the opponent in colored dashes, destroying him/her. The VS Machines then return to their silhouettes.
Wielding the Victory Magnum, it can perform the VSX Magnum Burst, where the Victory Magnum is loaded with the Auxiliary VS Machines to charge up a powerful laser shot.
Appearances: Victory Siren Episodes
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Power Rangers Victory Siren
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See also[]
- X Trains - Counterpart in Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger