Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-seikengerThis article is about a/an ranger/villain in Kouken Sentai Seikenger.
Under Construction
This article is currently undergoing construction, and the author promises to make an update soon or is doing so now.

For his human counterpart, see Xander of Sparta.

"You must be alarmed. But I assure you, it's me. I'm back."
―Mania Xander's first lines while fooling his counterpart's pupil Hyosuke.

"In truth, we are Manias of your predecessors. We are the opposite of everything they were. We are stronger. We are smarter. We serve Gaia. And we will be your downfalls."
―Mania Xander's proclamation to the Seikengers following Reika revealing the Mania Seikengers were not their real predecessors.

"When I look at you, I see a child. A scared, lonely, child. Reika, your friends may have left me without my comrades, but now you have been left without yours. And I for one, cannot wait to destroy you."
―Mania Xander's proclamation to Reika prior to his final battle.

"You may have defeated me, but I am one of many, and you are still alone. Even as my counterpart rises, Olympus will still fall. But until then... my creator... avenge me."
―Mania Xander's final words to Reika and Lyssa after being defeated.

Mania Xander (マニア・ザンダー Mania Zandā?) was the evil clone of Xander of Sparta, and is the leader of the Mania Rangers with the ability to turn into the Mania version of Seiken Red (セイケンレッド Seiken Reddo?), making him Reika Igarashi's rival and counterpart. He was created by Lyssa to serve as one of Gaia's generals, and was created sometime in early 2023, making him the newest of the Mania Rangers. Due to Xander being the strongest of the original Seikengers, Mania Xander was also the strongest of his team, surviving until the 35th episode, when he was destroyed by Reika. Like Xander, Mania Xander appears to be around 18 years-old, though in reality he had been "alive" for less than a year when he was introduced.


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As with all Manias, Mania Xander is the worst parts of the original Xander amplified and put together. He is extremely verbally abusive towards everyone, and often makes insulting comments about everyone he meets, including his own teammates, though he has Xander's respect and caution and is careful around Gaia. He does not get along with Mania Julius, although Mania Julius still sees him as the leader and expected him to protect them as a leader should. Mania Xander tends to look down on everyone except Gaia, calling the younger Seikengers inferior children and taunting Hyosuke over the original Xander. While he treats the younger Seikengers as children, he does not hold back against anyone, and has shown to be willing to harm anyone regardless of age as long as its for Gaia. He does share some good traits with Xander, but all are twisted to make him more evil. He is calm to the point where it scares everyone, level-headed to the point where he makes others lose their temper, and extremely disciplined and always working to get better at fighting. He is a dangerous enemy and an amazing ally, apart from the fact that he sees even his teammates as tools and doesn't care about them personally in the slightest. He is also very good at deceiving others, and is able to act exactly like the original Xander.

Mania Seiken Red[]


Mania Seiken Red

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: Seikenger Episodes TBA

Behind the Scenes[]


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Icon-seikenger Kouken Sentai Seikenger
Current Seikengers: Reika Igarashi - Hyosuke Ishioka - Sayaka Ishioka - Aiko Ishioka - Kouta Ishioka - Tsukiko Kaneko - Haruto Kaneko - Hajime Tanaka - Hilda
Former Seikenger: Xander of Sparta - Julius Aurelius - Isabella de Empúries - Amélie Dubois - Fletcher Westbrook
Evil Rangers: Mania Xander - Mania Julius - Mania Isabella - Mania Amélie - Mania Fletcher
Transformation Devices
Seiken Changer - Queen's Crown
Multi-Use Devices
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Seiken Staff - Seiken Sword - Seiken Spear - Seiken Scepter - Seiken Sickle - Moon Bow - Sun Bow - Guard's Shield - Queen's Lightning
Seiken Blade
Other Devices
Seikeken Buckle
Mortals: Natsumi Ishioka - Miko Ishioka - Fumiko Kaneko
Spirits: Fuuka Igarashi
Immortals: Hecate - Hermes - Ares - Athena - Hera - Demeter - Artemis - Apollo - Zeus - Chaos - Aether - Nyx - Pontus - Ouranos - Hades - Poseidon
Legend Rangers
Kenta Date - Alata - Makoto Jin - Juru Atsuta - Tametomo Imizu - Miku Imamura - Kairi Yano - Touma Yoimachi - Umika Hayami - Noël Takao - Keiichiro Asaka - Sakuya Hikawa - Tsukasa Myoujin - Ran Uzaki - Jun'ichi Aikawa - Ryouma - Hyouga - Sayaka Nagisa - Hiromu Sakurada - Riko Honoo - Kyosuke Jinnai - Sosuke Esumi - Magine - Tsubasa Inuzuka - Doggie Kruger - Satoru Akashi - Lucky - Stinger - Spada - Tsurugi Ohtori - Jun Yabuki - Yamato Tribe Prince Geki - Sharma Tribe Knight Goushi - Etoffe Tribe Knight Dan - Dime Tribe Knight Boi - Lithia Tribe Princess Mei - Koh - Melto - Asuna - Towa - Bamba - Ryouga Hakua - Yukito Sanjyou - Ranru Itsuki - Asuka - Mikoto Nakadai - Daigo Kiryu - Ian Yorkland - Nobuharu Udo - Souji Rippukan - Amy Yuuzuki - Ryu Tendo - Gai Yuki - Kaori Rokumeikan - Takayuki Hiba - Takeru Shiba - Ryuunosuke Ikenami - Mako Shiraishi - Chiaki Tani - Kotoha Hanaori - Genta Umemori - Kaoru Shiba - Gaku Hoshikawa - Karen Mizuki - Sasuke - Tsuruhime - Yousuke Shiina - Ikkou Kasumi - Takaharu Igasaki - Yakumo Katou - Matsuri Tatsumi - Jun Kiyama - Jin - Miyuki Ozu - Isamu Ozu - Yamato Kazakiri - Captain Marvlous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari - Akira Nijino - Ryuu Hoshikawa - Rei Tachibana - Ken'ichi Akama - Kanpei Kuroda - Miki Momozono - Kakeru Shiba - Gaku Washio - Kai Samezu - Sotaro Ushigame - Sae Taiga - Tsukimaro Ogami - Gira Husty - Yanma Gast - Hymeno Ran - Rita Kaniska - Kaguragi Dybowski - Jeramie Brasieri - Takeru - Akira - Momoko - Daigo of the Heavenly Phantom Star - Goro Hoshino - Tatsuya Asami - Tsuyoshi Kaijo
Mecha and Robos
Guard Ookarasu - Guard Hagewashi - Guard Fukurou - Guard Kujaku - Guard Tsuru - Guard Shika - Guard Ookami - Guard Washi - Titan Queen
Kouken Gattai SeikenOh - Kouken Gattai CycleKing - Kouken Gattai RoyalEagle
Kouken Gattai SeikenCycle - Teikoku Kouken Gattai DaiSeikenKing
Mount Othrys Family
Leader: Gaia - Tartarus
Generals: Kronos - Hyperion - Krios - Koios - Iapetus
Divine Creations: Ihsnetad - Usamad
Grunts: Blemmyae
Mecha: to be added
Others: to be added