Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category: Power Rangers Animal Task]]

The Wolf Animal Zord is Wolf Ranger's Zord. It can scratch enemies with claws and grabs them with its jaw and tossed them anywhere on the ground. It forms majority of the Megazord itself called LoneWolf Megazord. In fact, it can battle stronger enemies as well.

LoneWolf Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Animal Task]]

LoneWolf Megazord is Wolf Animal Zord's Megazord form. During the transformation, Wolf Zord becomes the humanoid of the itself, with front legs turns in arms, and rear legs becomes actual legs and finally turns into the warrior mode. Wolf Zord's tail can also transformed into a sword or a boomerang. LoneWolf Megazord retains the following attacks are Lunar Blade, Wolf Punch, Wolf Cutter and LoneWolf Strike. However, with Shadow's duty, LoneWolf Megazord can defeat strong enemies and monsters, such as Tikimon, Ballossus, Viker, Viperz and Clownjester.
