Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"Power of the Animals! Yellow Legendary Ranger!"
―Yellow Ranger's roll call[src]

"But how? You were slashed to pieces and destroyed!"
―Taylor's reaction to seeing Zordon[src]

The Wild Force Mechazord is the Yellow Ranger of the Power Rangers Legendary. It is a Mechazord, themed after the Wild Force Rangers, and controlled by the soul of Taylor Earhardt. She can no longer morph into a ranger suit, and must rely on the White Ranger to summon her with the Yellow Legendary Ranger Gear. She wields the power of the Wild Claw. She also gains a Primal Mode with the power of the Special Gear.

Legendary Wild Lion[]

The Legendary Wild Lion is the Taylor's Zord form. As the Legendary Wild Lion, Taylor can utilize her claws in a series of back flip slashes, move with swift speed to dodge enemy attacks, and stores the Wild Claw on her back to act as the upper mane.

See Also[]
