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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Universe.

"Power of Lupus!"
―roll call

"Wild" Bill Lupinaar is Ranger Series Blue of the Star Battleforce Rangers. He is one of the last of his Caninian clan and was found on the planet Lupaxia with a Sector Key around his neck. He is the sixth individual to join the Star Battleforce Ranger Program.

Character History[]




"Ya can't shake no hands when your fist be clenched. Ya hear me, breda?"
―An example of Bill's speech.[src]

Wild Bill's traits can be described his time on Lupaxia, and his feud with the O'Neills. Much like many of his kind, Bill is a typical Rastafarian who speaks in Iyaric (terms like "I and I", "Breda" and "Rasta"). He is generally short-tempered, impulsive, and is surprisingly fierclely loyal. Due to the trauma of losing his business, his family, and most of his kind to the O'Neils, he holds a vendetta against them, and is prone to going on rampages when he sees one, and any Moonbilly in general. Megan even notes that the vast majority of his rampages are due to many Star Battleforce officers, not to mention civilan humans and aliens, persistently mocking his Jamacian accent. Out of those in Arthur's entourage, Wild Bill is said to be a true psychopath, as he easily attacks Arkeyans with no remorse, but nevertheless shows unwavering loyalty to his comrades, particuarly Arthur, and eventually generally views Star Battleforce as his new family. At first, he was afraid of a lot of modern technology that he was unfamiliar with, including the Uni-Voyagers.

Powers and Abilities[]

Caninian Physiology
As a Caninian, he has some wolf-like abilities, including:
Feral Fighting Style
Bill relies on his savage nature in fights, jumping on his opponents and using swiping motions. This is also why the Sniff Sector Key has no effect on him as he already utilizes a similar fighting style.
Enhanced Hearing
Bill has excellent hearing, being able to hear Dreamweaver harassing humans from a significant distance.

Star Battleforce Ranger Series Blue[]


Ranger Series Blue

"Lupus! Uni So Cool!"
―transformation announcement via Uni-Controller





Ranger Series Blue with Horsie Armor

The Horsie Armor is Ranger Series Blue's power-up granted by the Horsie Sphere which arms him with the sentient body armor "Horsie".



Behind the Scenes[]


Wild Bill is voiced by Estevez Gillespie - putting on a thick Jamaican accent, who previously portrayed Tensou from Megaforce, Wrench and Curio from Dino Charge, General Tynamon in Ninja Steel, and Cubois in Discovery.



See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Universe Icon-kyuranger
Arthur Morgan - Dimitri Skorpirov - Wild Bill - Bronzee - Moose - Florian Hebitsuvic - Megan Sawyer - Joi - Ryan Torres - Colonel Xiao Longbao - Russell Cubowski - Agent 263
Evil Rangers: Metal Florian
Uni-Controller (Arkeyan Controller) - Drago Command Staff - Phoenix Saber & Shield
Multi-Use Devices
Sector Keys
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Universal Weaponization System
Uni-Saber - Uni- Spear - Uni-Claw - Uni-Bowgun - Uni-Axe - Uni-Scythe - Uni-Skewer - Uni- Sweeper - Uni-Razor
Other Devices
Ranger Lottery
Horsie - Supreme Commander Mor-La - Professor Levicitus Cornwall (good)
Leo Voyager 1 - Scorpio Voyager 2 - Lupus Voyager 3 - Libra Voyager 4 - Taurus Voyager 5 - Ophiuchi Voyager 6 - Chameleon Voyager 7 - Aquilla Voyager 8 - Dorado Voyager 9 - Drago Voyager 10 - Ursa Voyager 11 (U. Minor Voyager 11.1 - U. Major Voyager 11.2) - Phoenix Steel Zord - Phoenix Steel Dish - Phoenix Steel Launcher - Orion Voyager 13 - Orion Command Ship - Oracle Zord
Voyager Squad Megazord - Drago Pride Megazord - Phoenix Steel Megazord - Orion Megazord
Voyager Pride Megazord - Star Battleforce Ultrazord - Star Battleforce - Arsenal Ready - Leo Oracle Zord - Voyager Squad Oracle Zord
Arkeyan Empire
Leader: His Magnificence
Senators: Z'azlom (Z'Aezoth, Pom-Pom, Gazla)
Major: Volstagg - Cereberos - Mikhail Toxstatin - Octiqua
Minor: Bazoo Kaboom - Free K. Tiki - Warden Gatling - Tankin' Joe - Fris Breach - Billy Basebrawl - Southon Cross
Lone Commandants: Perpiculous Plump - Dreamin' Weave - Dagi Long-Necks - Roboto Epee - TBA - Fuzzy Spectra - Gigan UFO-Lots - Sunken Gear - Kage Avalon - Stone Juvenile - Extra Neck-Teach - Giwi McNewzie - Endoskel Pinch
O'Neil Brothers: Otis O'Neil - Norman O'Neil - Javier O'Neil - Dale O'Neil - Ernie O'Neil - Earl O'Neil - Wilton O'Neil - Dalton O'Neil - Elwood O'Neil
Enforcement-Class: Lord Stinker
Scientists: Professor Leviticus Cornwall (evil) - Scapel
Footsoldiers: Roswells - Moonbillies