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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an ranger in the Power Rangers franchise.

"Wild Force Power... Yellow Robo Ranger!" - Roll Call

Wild is the Yellow Robo Ranger, the Yellow Ranger of the Robo Force Power Rangers. She is the third member to join the team.

In episode 17, she briefly took up the name Hippy the Peaceful Lion when she and the other Rangers were transported to the set of "Poppy the Clown".

Character History

Arriving on Earth

Wild was one of the Robonoids who were mysteriously transported to Earth.

Meeting Luke

About one month later, she and many Earthlings suddenly found mushrooms growing on their heads. When the Robo Force Power Rangers appeared in the public to recruit new members, Wild was present among the crowd. Although she grew fond of Luke and wanted to befriend him, she hesitated to join their cause as she did not want to fight. However, she changed he mind when Mush-Mush caused the mushrooms on her head (and everyone else's) to release poisonous spores and harm the little animals she was admiring. Angered, Wild decided to join the rangers and received a Robo Ranger Morpher. Like Morphin before, she initially used it to shoot a Regular Plugmen. Luke then taught her how to use the gun to transform into the Yellow Robo Ranger. When Luke was punched away by the monster, she managed to break his fall and catch him safely. The two of them then together performed a finisher that destroyed Mush-Mush, which removed his mushrooms and harmful spores on Earth.

Later, when Morphin transformed into his zord form to engage the enlarged Mush-Mush, Wild followed suit and transformed into her own zord form. Although her agility gave her the upper hand, her bickering with Morphin allowed the giant monster to defeat them both. Luke intervened and made them combine into the Mighty-Wild Formation of the Robo Force Megazord. Although she was upset with this turn of events, the trio managed to work together and land a finisher on Mush-Mush, destroying him and freeing the imprisoned Mushroom World. After the battle, Wild was brought to Luke's house/family shop and introduced to Luke's grandmother as she was pleased to make her acquaintance.


Wild is a peaceful Robonoid who loves to admire and befriend organic creatures (primarily, cats and dogs during his initial befriendment attempts), including humans. On the other hand, she dislikes Robonoids and hates being one herself, as she considers machines to be hard, bulky and cold to the touch, which is why she mostly avoids to socialize and interact with them, particularly disgusted by her own race due to the Robonoid Empire's cruel nature towards them. Being a cook, she is very meticulous when it comes to preparing Luke's meals. Due to some of her more unusual quirks, Wild can be a bit of a handful, as she and Morphin constantly argued during their first meeting. Furthering this, she also snapped quickly at newer members Overdrive and Mystic before they officially joined the team.

Yellow Robo Ranger

Wild uses the Robo Ranger Morpher with the "Yellow Robo Ranger" Ranger Gear (9) to morph into the Yellow Robo Ranger. By switching her Ranger Gear to its "Flip Side", Wild grows larger thus allowing her to fight the Robo-Beasts. Whilst she's enlarged, Wild can then transform into her zord form of the Wild Lion Zord.

"Nine Bang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba Bang Bang! Yellow Robo Ranger!" - Morph announcement

  • Height: 196 cm
  • Weight: 340 kg
  • Speed: 150 km/h
  • Power: 1400 hp

Whilst all the Robo Force Rangers excel at gunfighting, Wild uses a chaotic and feral combat style, often flailing around and pouncing like a wild animal and savagely slicing her opponents with the Wild Claw. She is also very agile and flexible as well as being very quick and light-footed.


  • Robo Ranger Morpher
  • Ranger Gears
  • Wild Claw


  • Forever Red (Robo Force)
  • Power Rangers Robo Force Episodes 2-

Behind the Scenes

Wild is voiced by Ciara Hanna who is perhaps best known for playing the role of Gia Moran (Megaforce/Super Megaforce Yellow) in Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce. In the Zenkaiger stock footage, her suit actor is Masato Tsutamune (č”¦å®— ę­£äŗŗ Tsutamune Masato).

See Also
