Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Whoniverse is a nickname for the universe of the long-running sci-fi series Doctor Who.  It centers around the adventures of a time-traveling alien known as the Doctor, a Time Lord of the planet Gallifrey who usually travels with a few human (or near-human) Companions throughout the universe in his ship, the TARDIS.  This is the home universe of the Weeping Angels and Marco Raxon.


  • Zordon and the Face of Boe are both giant faces contained in tubes that communicate telepathically, resulting in dialogue unsynchronized to their mouths.
  • Dark Specter and the Master both bear similarities to Satan.
  • The Silver Guardians and Lightspeed Rescue are similar organizations to UNIT and Torchwood, as is SPD to the Shadow Proclamation.
  • The Machine Empire and Venjix in particular resemble the Cybermen.
  • Zedd, Gruumm and Rito Revolto are visually similar to the Sycorax.
  • Mesogog and the Silurian race share similar physical attributes, and a goal of restoring the Earth to a pre-human era.
  • Time Force and the Time Agency probably need no explanation.
  • Moltor and Maligore share volcanic attributes with the Pyrovile race.
  • Yeti exist in both universes, and are less than dangerous, arguably adorable, and often on the wrong side despite this.
  • In addition, both universes possess witches, demons, vampires, insect-human species, cat-human species, quasi-werewolves, space pirates and inexplicably human-looking aliens, although in the Whoniverse the supernatural is nearly always an alien in disguise.
  • Monsters are constantly attacking the Earth.
  • Important people tend to be identical strangers with others across time and space, particularly their ancestors.

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