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Whale-X Zord
Number: 10
Pilot: Super Beast Morphers Red
Season: Super Beast Morphers
First Appearance:
Last Appearance:
The Number of Episode Appearances:
Length: 64.0 m
Width: 45.0 m
Height: 44.5 m
Weight: 5,700 tons
Speed: 300 knots
Power: 49,000,000

The Whale-X Zord is the red Beast Grid Zord of Super Beast Morphers Red whenever he's in Whale DNA Mode, modeled after a sperm whale. It can transform into the Megazord form named the Whale-X King Megazord & it also can combine with nine Beast Grid Zords & the main four auxiliary Beast Grid Zords into the Beast-RX Ultrazord, forming the upper body & head of the combination.  


Armed with a pair of Torpedo Cannons, the Whale-X Zord is able to travel either underwater or through the sky while its massive size enables it to smash through enemies or deliver a tail slap powerful enough to break apart the Prime-X Megazord. It also possesses innate sacred abilities, being able to purify a wide expanse of coastline that had been contaminated by Admiral Karban's poison.


Whale-X King Megazord[]

Whale-X King Megazord
Pilot: Super Beast Morphers Red
Length: 23.5 m
Width: 48.0 m
Height: 64.0 m
Weight: 5,700 tons
Speed: 550 km/h
Power: 49,000,000

The Whale-X King Megazord is the robot form of the Whale-X Zord. The Whale-X King Megazord is armed with the Hydro-X Spear, which manifests from the waterspout of the Whale-X Zord's blowhole & can be shrunk to human size to be wielded by Super Beast Morphers Red. The top of the spear forms the crown of the Beast-RX Megazord.

Its finisher is where the Hydro-X Spear transforms into its gun mode & fires six multiple shots shaped like its spear blade.

Additional Formations[]

Beast-RX Ultrazord[]

DSZ-Wild Tousai Dodeka King
Beast-RX Ultrazord
Zords: Eagle Zord
Shark Zord
Lion Zord
Elephant Zord
Tiger Zord
Gorilla Zord
Croc Zord
Wolf Zord
Rhino Zord
Whale-X Zord
Giraffe Zord
Mole Zord
Bear Zord
Bat Zord
Length: 38.5 m
Width: 77.0 m
Height: 94.0 m
Weight: 12,700 tons
Speed: 630 km/h
Power: 106,000,000

The Beast-RX Ultrazord is the combined form of the Ten Beast Grid Zords & the main four auxiliary Beast Grid Zords. The Beast-RX Ultrazord is armed with the Giraffe Cannon on its right arm & the Mole Drill on its left arm.

Its special attack is where it charges energy from the 14 Beast Grid Zords & fires energy from its chest.

Its finisher is where it manifests all 100 Beast Grid Zords to charge at the enemy.

In the finale, its finisher is where it manifests the Super Beast Morphers Rangers' & Beast Grid Zords' energy into an energized version of the planet Earth & shoots it at the enemy exploding them afterward.


  • The Whale-X Zord is the only Beast Grid Zord to have the suffix "-X" in their name.
  • The term "RX" in the Beast-RX Ultrazord may be a reference to the Latin word "rex", which means "king". This can also be a reference to Zyuohger, as the prefix "Zyuoh" means "Beast King".
  • The Whale-X Zord is similar to the Paleozords from RPM.
    • They're the final set of Zords in the season.
    • Both have the last numbers.
    • Piloted by the Red Rangers of the season.
  • The Beast-RX Ultrazord is the only Megazord in Super Beast Morphers not to use the Cannon &/or Beast Grid Sword.
  • The 100 Beast Grid Zords used in the finisher could be a reference to how there were several other Wildzords in Wild Force that were never found.
    • It should be noted that among the Beast Grid Zords were several repaints of Beast Grid Zords, which included an indigo repaint of the Whale-X Zord, a pink repaint of the Rhino Zord, a purple repaint of the Gorilla Zord, a pale-yellow repaint of the Tiger Zord, a white repaint of the Lion Zord, a yellow repaint of the Bear Zord, & a greenish-yellow repaint of the Eagle Zord, among others. This is a direct reference to how several of the above-mentioned Wildzords were repaints as well.
  • The Whale-X Zord is the first Whale themed Zord in Power Rangers that is driven by a Red Ranger.
  • Despite the Whale-X Zord is modeled after a Sperm Whale (a toothed whale), its "teeth" appearances are more like a baleen whale (another type of whale that is seen in Super Beast Morphers Red's suit whenever he's in Whale DNA Mode & the Whale-X Morpher).

See Also[]

  • Cube WhaleSuper Sentai counterpart in Zyuohger