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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.

Welcome to the New World is the thirty-seventh episode of Power Rangers Universe, and begins a four-episode arc revolving around the full reveal of His Magnificence and the introduction of the Universal Sector Key. It also features the destruction of the U.S.S. Orion, which is reincarnated six episodes later.


The U.S.S. Orion is caught in the midst of a cosmic storm en route to Southern Cross, and crash-lands on the barren coastal planet of O'Thala. Having survived the shipwreck, Arthur is left stranded, and with very little resources and no way of contact, begins searching for his fellow rangers, as new general Malvor uses this opportunity to set up a trap. Back on the Destiny, as Metal Florian continues to run amok, Star Battleforce fears the worst as the five rangers who were lost onboard the Orion are feared dead.


Aboard the U.S.S. Orion and asleep, Arthur wakes up suddenly to find Dimitri urging him to get up. A harsh cosmic hurricane, thought to have been concocted by His Magnificence to prevent trespassers from accessing his domain, has hit the ship, and everyone onboard are all in danger. Still groggy, Arthur follows Dimitri, 263 Ryan, and Moose through the ship, but a violent jolt knocks over some heavy crates down between him and 263, separating them. Arthur goes to find a way around, but by the time he reaches the deck of the severely damaged ship, he sees that 263 and the others are already at sea in a escape pod. Arthur helplessly yells out to them before he and several other crew members leap off the doomed Orion and into the dark, raging vacuum of space, as the vessel collapses directly onto the shores of a remote coastal planet. On the shore of a sandy beach on the tropical planet, Arthur wakes up, emerges from the debris of the Orion after several struggles, distraught and alone with no food or water, and his Sector Key is missing. He has no idea where he is and begins walking along the beach. Soon, he face becomes sunburned from the heat and he collapses several times, but keeps going. As this happens, the escape pod containing the others has crashed into a jungle on the same planet, and Ryan emerges from it, followed by Moose, who laments the prospects of this being a relaxing holiday. When 263 emerges, Ryan is mad at him, and questions him as to if 263 is purposely trying to humiliate them, but 263 brushes this off, stating that Ronson should be the one two be shouted at. Ryan, in addition, demands to know where they even are, as they two recognise that they too lack food or water, and could be dwindling in supplies - besides their own Sector Keys. 263 suddenly notices that they forgot Arthur, and figures that he must have got stranded, but 263 states that they should search for food so they can live, but Dimitri is more focused on finding Arthur, as he could die out there alone if he's on the island stranded.

Back on the Destiny, Russell is on the bridge alone, and as he continues to keep up to speed with Florian's location, he is suddenly bombarded with news that the Orion has disappeared from the global radar, moments before Colonel Xiao senses it, and is particularly shaken, fearing that the Orion could have been attacked by an Arkeyan Fleet, and the rangers onboard could have been killed. He tells Russell to call General Sawyer to mount a search; and later on, Sawyer surveys the area where the vessel disappeared, and he too sees the same cosmic hurricane running rampant. On Xibalba, His Magnificence is seriously considering revealing himself before the rangers at the right opportunity. He is soon notified by Gazla about the Orion's destruction, and multiple rangers stranded on O'Thala, so he sends Malvor to lure them into a trap. As the day rages on, this news reaches the other rangers, as General Sawyer reports, much to everyone's dismay, that all those on board the Orion are presumably dead, and they were unable to locate the five rangers on board the ship, and they too are presumed dead. Everyone is visibly shocked, and this news hits Megan the hardest, as she considered Arthur and Ryan her best friends. In despair, she attempts to go leave in order to locate them all herself, but Wild Bill and Joi hold her back, and Bill even demands Megan to pull herself together. Colonel Xiao too refuses to believe that those on the Orion were killed, and intends to mount a search, but he is too held back by senior military officials. The situation in general leaves the rangers in a fractious and weakened stage, as Bronzee still thinks about how the group can save Florian.

Back on O'Thala, Malvor has arrived on the remote planet, and has begun scouting it. Arthur, regaining some of his energy and being able to fend for himself, makes himself some food, before he begins to search for any traces of the Orion. Locating the bridge, he is left in despair when he finds out that Ronson had died in the shipwreck. On the other corner of the island, 263 and the others have managed to make food of their own, with the resources that they currently have. As they eat, and attempt to find ways to survive while attempting to find life on the island, Ryan begins to regret remaining on board the Orion, and feels that the group should have returned to the Destiny after the conclusion of the special project. This causes 263 to make clear that Arthur is to blame for all of this, since he was the one who called for Ronson's vault heist, and assuming that things were going to go well following the detour. This does not sit well with Ryan, and 263 punches him, provoking Moose to stop 263, telling him to pick on someone his own size, before asking him why Arthur's in the wrong. 263 takes this moment to chide Arthur's impulsive and quick-witted approach to everything, and begins to go back on his word, which causes a further scuffle between Ryan and 263, as well as Moose, before Dimitri, who is easily disturbed by the infighting, diffuses the situation by wrapping his stinger tail around 263's neck momentarily, At this moment, 263 comes to his senses, but still thinks Arthur's at fault for where they are now. Before they can move ahead, Malvor ambushes them, as the rangers have fallen for his trap, prompting the four rangers to morph, as Malvor summons a horde of Roswells. After a long battle, 263 and Malvor fall into a raging river, but Malvor, having had upgrades, takes flight to escape, and 263 manages to survive falling by using the anti-air function on the Crimson Phoenix Armor, landing in what appears to be a small village on the island.

After 263 demorphs, he uses the Phoenix Saber to project a red beam of light towards the sky, so the other three rangers can follow it. Arthur also sees this from afar, and decides to follow it, but is still gravely weak from his experiences on the planet. As he does so, he attempts to contact those on board the Destiny, but his Uni-Controller is unable to transmit a signal. Elsewhere, Ryan, Moose and Dimitri follow the light, which leads them to the exact same place 263 is, and the others are surprised to find there is life on the island after all, and recuperate by setting up a campfire. Soon after, Arthur is able to reach the others, and is reunited with Ryan, 263, Moose and Dimitri, who are both relieved to see him, as Dimitri gives him some water. 263 tells Arthur that this would probably have never happened if he had requested to go to Southern Cross, but he's beyond glad to see him alive. As the group wonder what to do, they are ambushed by a local militia led by Levi Simon who runs the sugar plantation for Alberto Fussar. After putting the men in chains, Simon escorts them up the beach and explains about the "labor troubles" he and Fussar are having with the locals and promises to free the gang once he knows more about them, before telling his goons to take the group back to their base and imprison them. After Simon rides off, Ryan tells Arthur that they must not let the militia find out about them, stating that they may be working for Malvor. Speaking of which, Malvor is holding a meeting with Simon, in which he is explaining his plan to manipulate the stranded rangers. As he talks terms, Malvor and the local militia is ambushed by Orion Pax, who is looking for Arthur, as he sensed the presence of the "most powerful Sector Key in existence, the one to unite an entire universe". This quickly escalates into a skirmish, in which Orion Pax single-handedly takes care of several of Simon's goons.

Back on the Destiny, Russell is fearing the worst about the others, and does not know at all what happened to their bodies on the wreckage. Megan has become extremely despondent over the prospects of Arthur and Ryan being presumed dead, which provokes Bill to continue to encourage her. Back on O'Thala, Arthur and the others are looking for more of Simon's men. Eventually, some local guerrilla rebels are found and added to the gang's chain. Suddenly, the militia's leader is ambushed by Malvor and the opposing millitia, and the Rangers morph to fend off Malvor. Amid a hectic skirmish Arthur is able to take out one the guards while the others free themselves. As more soldiers arrive, the leader of the ambush, Hercule Fontaine, urges the gang to come with him fast. Arthur and the others run with Hercule through the trees to an old building, where they take up arms and fight off the soldiers. Amid the chaos, Malvor summons Moonbillies to distract them, and the five rangers morph. After a roll call, the rangers take on the millitia and the Moonbillies, while 263 focuses on Malvor. As the chaos unfolds and the situation intensifies, Hercule leads the gang through the jungle. He and Leon Fuentes, another rebel, explain about Colonel Fussar and how he rules over O'Thala and enslaves the inhabitants through the sugar farming. Hercule also points out the sugar factory Aguasdulces, and Cinco Torres, a hideout used by him and the rebels. After Malvor is routedpromises to help the gang leave the island if they help him with something first; freeing a group of slaves captured by Fussar's men while trying to escape. After arriving at La Capilla, the rebels' camp, 263 promises that they will try to help, while Moose and Ryan do not look forward to their new lives on the remote planet. Grateful, Hercule and Leon leave and the exhausted gang members try to get some sleep, all as Arthur works to get the planet picked up on the Universal Index, as he discovers that O'Thala is not on there - raising hopes of a possible rescue. Elsewhere, Pom-Pom feeds Florian heavy doses of metal spice, as Malvor arrives, belated that the rangers are at a disadvantage. With this news, His Magnificence gives the green-light to mark this as the beginning of an assault on the Destiny, to further destabilise Star Battleforce.


  • N/A as Arthur Morgan (Star Battleforce Red)
  • N/A as Megan Sawyer (Star Battleforce Green) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Ryan Torres (Star Battleforce Yellow)
  • N/A as Moose (Star Battleforce Black) (voice)
  • N/A as Wild Bill (Star Battleforce Blue) (voice) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Bronzee (Star Battleforce Gold) (voice)
  • N/A as Metal Florian (H.M.M.L. Silver) (voice) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Joi (Star Battleforce Pink) (voice) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Dimitri Skorpirov (Star Battleforce Orange)
  • N/A as Colonel Xiao Longbao (Star Battleforce Drago) (voice) (unmorphed only)
  • N/A as Russell Cubowski (Star Battleforce Aqua)
  • N/A as Agent 263 (Ranger Series Phoenix)
  • N/A as His Magnificence (voice)
  • N/A as Gazla (voice)
  • Sarah Hart as Pom-Pom (voice)
  • Campbell Cooley as Malvor (voice)
  • N/A as General Sawyer
  • N/A as Orion Pax

Sector Keys[]


  • Wild Bill, Florian, Megan, Joi, Colonel Xiao, and Russell do not appear morphed in this episode.
  • There is no Megazord battle in this episode.

See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars ā€¢ 2: Arkeyans Unleashed ā€¢ 3: The Dream Team ā€¢ 4: Blood and Poison ā€¢ 5: The Little Android That Could ā€¢ 6: Nine's Company ā€¢ 7: Species at Rest ā€¢ 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style ā€¢ 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars ā€¢ 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? ā€¢ 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places ā€¢ 13: Belly of the Beast ā€¢ 14: Eleven's a Crowd ā€¢ 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time ā€¢ 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art ā€¢ 18: The Master and The Molotov ā€¢ 19: Nowhere to Glow ā€¢ 20: Money Lending and Other Sins ā€¢ 21: Crystal Maze ā€¢ 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago ā€¢ 23: Russian Revolution ā€¢ 24: Prometheus ā€¢ 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity ā€¢ 26: Lure ā€¢ 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange ā€¢ 28: Make the Universe Great Again ā€¢ 29: TannhƤuser Gate ā€¢ 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures ā€¢ 32: The Delights of Van Horn ā€¢ 33: The Serpent's Venom ā€¢ 34: Ancient History ā€¢ 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal ā€¢ 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art ā€¢ 37: Welcome to the New World ā€¢ 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed ā€¢ 39: Hell Hath No Fury ā€¢ 40: A New Power ā€¢ 41: What Happens in the Dark... ā€¢ 42: ...Comes Out in the Light ā€¢ 43: The Orion Project ā€¢ 44: Fresh Milk ā€¢ 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout ā€¢ 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene ā€¢ 48: Predator ā€¢ 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald ā€¢ 51: Doradoball ā€¢ 52: Phil Bell Rides Again ā€¢ 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector ā€¢ 55: One Last Thing ā€¢ 56: To Xibalba ā€¢ 57: His Magnificence's Identity ā€¢ 58: The World We Left Behind ā€¢ 59: Magnificence Unleashed ā€¢ 60: The End Game

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