Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Vernon Richards
Gender: Male
Season: Cybersaurs
Color(s): Green
Homeworld: Earth
First Appearance:
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode
Green Cybersaur Ranger
File:Galactic City Green.png
"Veloci Power! Green Cybersaur Ranger!"

Vernon Richards is the Green Cybersaur Ranger of the Cybersaur Rangers.


A sophomore in high school in the beginning of the series. A cool-headed swordsman with swift attacks. He is also a techwiz who can fix anything with technology. Vernon is the son of the chief officer of the Olive Creek Police.

As a form of defiance to his father, Vernon defeated the Cyber VelociZord in a bamboo thicket to become the Green Cybersaur Ranger & soon developed a more feral fighting style, adopting a backhand grip which later became his personal sword style. Though distant at first, Vernon eventually joins the team when Tyler resolves things between him & his father.

His mother, on the other hand, tries to complicate things by taking Vernon away from the team, but finally changes her mind after hearing a few words from Archaeos (in human form).


Vernon is often a cold, cool, & calm high-school student. He usually wishes that he was the swordsman of the team. Vernon also practices with his father to improve his swordsmanship.

Green Cybersaur Ranger[]


  • Dino Cannon: The combined form of the Blastasaur Morpher & Dino Saber.
    • Blastasaur Morpher: Morphing device that doubles as the gun weapon.
    • Dino Saber: Main sword weapon that can combine with the Blastasaur Morpher.
  • Veloci Claw: The Green Cybersaur Ranger's claw weapon with its design similar to the Cyber VelociZord.
  • Feather Blade
  • Cell Buckle: Cybersaur Cell-storing belt & comunicator.
  • Cybersaur Cell #4 - VelociCell: Main battery-like device that is the source of Vernon's powers.


Battle Arms[]

Kyoryu Green Armed

The Green Cybersaur Ranger in Battle Arms Mode


A Paramecite was disguised as the Green Cybersaur Ranger by Copyglitch as part of a plot to break the Cybersaur Rangers up, by panning the Blue Cybersaur Ranger's old man jokes.


  • Vernon is the first ranger to have a Velociraptor motif.
    • He is also the first Green Ranger in a dinosaur-themed season that is part of the main five.
  • He is the only core Cybersaur Ranger who does not run with his Blastasaur Morpher in the intro. Instead, he wields his Dino Saber, which fits with his position of the team's swordsman.
  • He is the second ranger whose parents are divorced, the first being Kimberly Ann Hart (Pink Ranger).