Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Dear fellow Users of Power Rangers Fanon,

I came here so say there's. I thought since it's Christmas time, you could help own an abandoned series. If you want to adopt a page but not sure where to start, find a page in the, then go to the adoption request page. If you need help, contact me or another Admin and we'll be glad to help.
Thank you for your support for this Wiki and for helping this Wiki with everything (Except for the vandalizes and those with sockpuppets) you do.


Update: 8/21/2020

Hello guys. How's it going? It's been over 2 years since I've posted this. And since then there are over 300 Power Rangers and/or Super Sentai series that have been abandoned, no page series should be let abandoned and we should help find these series a new home.
As of today, I'll update this blog to feature recently abandoned pages (or at least try to), the first list includes:

If you like to adopt a series, please fill out an adoption request today.