Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

After losing all the wealth, Mr. A. Collins (Wes's father) commits suicide and Wes becomes a beggar. One night, a ship carrying the Time Force Rangers (Jen, Lucas, Trip, Katie and Alex), appeared in the sky and lands on Earth, where it locates Nadine [Ransik's granddaughter/ Lucas & Nadira's daughter] in which it is taking to the underworld, all have been frozen in capsules and Wes sneaks into the ship. And when they get there, Wes frees the Rangers and gives them the chrono-morphers of time, however, Alex dies and Wes returns to morph in the Time Red Ranger and fights against Nadine's soldiers. Lucas is sad to see that his half-human daughter, became a murderer like his mother. Nadine fights against her own father, believing that it was he who killed Nadira, but in fact, she was hit by a death ray from one of Ransik's robots.

As they fight, Wes realizes that the Rangers are all young, except him, and that Jen is PREGNANT! Wes wonders how and why all of this is happening, and Jen tells him everything. In the fight, between Lucas and Nadine, the Time Blue Ranger dies, and Nadine takes the child, while Jen was just hit at that very moment, when they were all fighting. Wes takes Jen to the hospital, and there comes a man who gives him a chronomorph. This device can make everything go back to how it was, but if Wes uses it he may never remember Jen again. Will Wes activate the chrono artifact?

Wes Collins after 50 (or plus) old

Well, I hope you liked it... Some of you (especially fans of the season 9) are allowed to develop the Power Rangers Time Force's 20 year anniversary season.