Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an location in Power Rangers: Atomic Force.

Universe Gamma, or the "RPM universe," is one of the nearest to Universe Prime, but also one of the most drastically different in events.

It was merged with the Prime Reality sometime between the twenty-first and twenty-second centuries.

Known Ranger Teams[]

Deviations from Universe Prime[]

  • Power Rangers did not exist until Alphabet Soup tapped into the Morphing Grid, here called the Biofield, although there appeared to be some experimentation that resulted in the Overdrive Red helmet at least.
  • A self-aware computer virus named Venjix conquered 99.9% of the world some time in the mid 21st century, shortly before the arrival of RPM.
  • A cross-dimensional trip brought the Samurai Rangers to this universe and RPM Red into Universe Prime.
  • There are at least two Jungle Karma Pizzas, one of which is manned by (powerless?) Gamma counterparts of the Jungle Fury Rangers.



November 8—Garfield Brooks born


Andrew Davis born in the Northern United States


Seymour Russell born in a small town near Five Hills, North Carolina

Gwen Montgomery born in Austin, Texas

A five-year-old Tyndall Fisher discovers his time-traveling abilities, bringing a T-Rex hatchling out of the ancient past.  It attacks and kills his mother


Jack Steel born


Dr. Adrian Fisher attempts to neutralize Tyndall's powers, but unknowingly fails


Gelato begins his assault on Earth


Andrew escapes Gelato's Ship and flees to Five Hills


Dr. Fisher recruits Gwen, Seymour and Andrew to become Atomic Force

Unknown—Kodi's Akra neutralized

Somewhere in the 21st Century[]

May 7—Garfield arrives in Corinth City and encounters Alicia

June 4—Garfield and Zanna unite, morphing for the first time to defeat and neutralize Alicia.

The Prime RealityAlphaBetaGammaDeltaThetaIotaPhiSigmaOmegaSentaiAkibaverseH2OverseWhoniverse4510-231613-12840000-00000-0021AkraverseRevisitedAlternatePrototypeBEASTverseYunaiteddo