Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an megazord in the Power Rangers franchise.

[[Category:Power Rangers Ultimate]]

Ultimate Megazord, Burn up!!!- Megazord activation roll call

The Ultimate Megazord is the main megazord that shared between the main five rangers (Amari, Ryland, Tony, Will, and Nate). It is comprised of the Dragon, dolphin, fox, cheetah, and eagle zords.


The Ultimate megazord is based off the original megazord from Mighty Morphin due to AJ using the schematics and blueprints of the original Megazord because the blueprints were simpler and it would be quicker to make the zords.


The zords would come into conception when Amari suggested to his team that they should have a megazord because every ranger team has a megazord. The other team members didn't care at first until Amari showed what Megazords are and what they can do. AJ declined the idea because he knew he was the only one who can make it because he has the morphing grid data in his head. Amari begged him because he knew that it would help them in the fight against Vex. AJ found a compromise he will make the zords if the other rangers help. AJ first collected DNA samples from different animals and used the simplest blueprints for a megazord, the original megazord. Vex knew if the rangers got zords that he would be done for so he put a glitch in the system as the zords were being created and two things happened, the zords gained sentience and came alive and the zords were also incapable to grow huge sizes and combine together. It wouldn't be until the other rangers bypass to now being able to use their megazord.
