Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Jurassic Order.

"Tyranno Core! Stride Forth!"
ā€•The Red Jurassic Ranger summoning the Tyranno Core Knightzord[src]

The Tyranno Core Knightzord is the Knightzord partner of the Red Jurassic Ranger in Power Rangers Jurassic Order.


The Tyranno Core Knightzord is a giant Knightzord built on the basis of a Tyrannosaurus rex. In its default form, the Tyranno Core Knightzord is armed with the twin Rexian Cannons on its shoulders, twin artillery turrets on its back (one facing forward and the other aiming towards the rear), a drill on each shoulder, the Rexian Tail and the Rexian Head. When accompanied by its enlarged Tyranno Spirit Core, Tyranno Core's special move is Rexian Ignition where Tyranno Core fire flames from its mouth. With the appropriate Dino Spirit Core and the appropriate partner Knightzord, the Tyranno Core Knightzord can transform into the Rex Knight Battlezord and into any of the Triassaur Knight Megazord's forms when needed.

Originally needing the Minimize Spirit Core to fit through small openings, Tyranno Core developed the ability to shrink at will. Tyranno Core has impressive strength due to its mechanical nature, and can serve as a mount for the Omega Jurassic Ranger.

Appearances: JO Episodes TBD


to be added

Rex Knight Battlezord[]

"Rex Knight Battlezord, Ready for battle!"
ā€•Announcement after completing transformation[src]

The Rex Knight Battlezord is the Tyranno Core Knightzord's humanoid form which it changes into when Tylanar takes command with his spare Dino Spirit Core. In addition to its incredible speed and agility, the Rex Knight Battlezord can use its Arms Jointer system to rearrange the Tyranno Core's drills, turrets, the Rexian Tail, or the Rexian Head: the Rex Knight Battlezord can transfer the Rexian Tail from its back to its left forearm for the Tailash Strike whip attack. Its finisher is the Final Rexian Bite, where the Rex Knight Battlezord combines the Rexian Head with the drills and right turret, forming a weapon shaped like a Tyrannosaur's head and spine. The construct then attaches to the Rex Knight Battlezord's right forearm while the tail attaches onto the right shoulder. The Rex Knight Battlezord then punches the foe as the Rexian Head viciously chomps the opponent.

Appearances: JO Episodes TBD

Behind the Scenes[]


to be added

Dino Spirit Core[]

KSR-Red RyuSoul

Tyranno Spirit Core

KSR-Red RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Tyranno Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

"Steed of the Nexus! Tyranno Core!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

The Tyranno Spirit Core is the personal Spirit Core of the Tyranno Core Knightzord, used by the Red Jurassic Ranger.


  • to be added


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Jurassic Order Icon-ryusoulger
Tylanar - Owen Turner - Harper Brant - Zephiya - Eldarren - Hydrick - Galancer
Jurassic Knighter - Jurassic Bite Saber - Mosa Knight Blaster - Primura Blade - Omega Knight Claw - Paladin Knight Saber - Dino Spirit Cores - Mosa Saw Blade - Mosa Max Striker - Core Hatcher - Hydro Core Hatcher
Zords & Megazords
Tyranno Core Knightzord - Tricera Slash Knightzord - Ankylo Smash Knightzord - Smilo Sonic Knightzord - Miraga Spike Knightzord - Mosa Core Knightzord
Dimetro Flame Knightzord - Spino Thunder Knightzord - Shine Raptor Knightzord - Shadow Raptor Knightzord - Cosmic Raptor Knightzord - Pachy Brawler Knightzord - Pachy Cub Knightzord - Ptera Core Knightzord - Ptera Rex Knightzord
Rex Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Sonic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Spike Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Slash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Smash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flame Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord - Trinosaurus Megazord - Hydro Knight Megazord Shadow Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Brawler Formation - Ptera Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flight Formation - Sauriapex Ultrazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Blue Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Black Formation
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