Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Turbo Torque Megazord is the combination of Red Fire, Blue Water, Yellow Lightning, Green Wind, and Black Earth Turbo Zords. The Fire Turbo Zord forms the head and main torso, the Water Turbo Zord forms the arms, the Lightning Turbo Zord forms the right leg, the Wind Turbo Zord forms the left leg, and the Earth Turbo Zord forms the back, hips and thighs.


Red Fire Turbo Zord[]

Red Fire Turbo Zord is Red Ranger's Zord. This Zord is based on the Ford Flex SUV. It also forms the head and main torso of Turbo Torque Megazord and Turbo Octane Megazord.

Black Earth Turbo Zord[]

Black Earth Turbo Zord is Black Ranger's Zord. This Zord is based on the fusion between Pickup Truck and Toyota Tacoma. It forms back, hips and thighs of both Turbo Torque Megazord and Turbo Octane Megazord.

Blue Water Turbo Zord[]

Blue Water Turbo Zord is Blue Ranger's zord. This Zord is based on the Chevrolet Camaro Compact Car. It also forms the arms of Turbo Torque Megazord. It could split itself in half while concentrating to avoid enemies and obstacles like debris and falling rocks. (an after-effect of the Megazord transformation)

Green Wind Turbo Zord[]

Green Wind Turbo Zord is Green Ranger's Zord. This Zord is based on the Volkswagen New Beetle Buggy. It forms left lower leg of both Turbo Torque Megazord and Turbo Octane Megazord.

Yellow Lightning Turbo Zord[]

Yellow Lightning Turbo Zord is Yellow Ranger's zord. This vehicle is based on the Renault Clio Station Wagon. It forms right lower leg of both Turbo Torque Megazord and Turbo Octane Megazord.

