Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Zord World.

Troublesome Tag is the eighth episode of Power Rangers Zord World. It features the first appearance of the Super Mega Sky Croc Zord's Sky Croc Zord Hover Mode and Sky Croc Zord Cycle Mode, and the Jungle Fury and Megaforce Zord Gears.


Tozi Tribe's new monster attacks and turns everyone into a zombie, making it seems like that the whole world is the Rangers' enemies. Zi-Oh and Sam Ray suddenly remember their past.


to be added


Guest Characters[]

  • Zombiecog
  • Cycog
  • Mega Zombiecog

Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]

Zord Gears[]

Power Cards[]

Elements/Homages to Power Rangers/Super Sentai[]

  • This episode contain several homages to Megaforce and Super Megaforce:
    • Damond trapped the tagged civilians with Windrive is similar to how Troy, Gia, and Emma trapped the humans that transformed into Loogies in Going Viral
    • Dalin used Green Samurai Ranger power to execute a baseball-themed attack, which was never used in Ninja Storm, is similar to Orion using the attack in The Legendary Battle: Extended Edition.


See Also[]
