Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-zyuohger This article is about a/an megazord and its components in Power Rangers Animal Cube.

"Rubix Zords, combine!"
ā€•Trinity Cube Ranger's combination code[src]

"9! 7! 8! Trinity Rubix Me~gazo~rd!"
ā€•Combination announcement for the Trinity Rubix Megazord[src]

"Trinity Rubix Megazord, ready!"
ā€•Trinity Cube Ranger announcing the complete combination[src]

The Trinity Rubix Megazord is the personal Megazord of the Trinity Cube Ranger.


The Trinity Rubix Megazord, alternatively known as Trinity Rubix Megazord 8*7*9, is the default formation of the megazord, formed by combining the Rhino, Crocodile, and Wolf Rubix Zords. To initiate the transformation, the Trinity Cube Ranger activates Combine Mode on his Flash Rubix Morpher and rotates the Morpher's cube to its combination face. Once the combine function is initiated, the three parts of the Rhino Rubix Zord separate. The legs of the Trinity Rubix Megazord, formed from the Rhino Rubix Zord's cab, stand up so that the upper body, formed by the trailer, can connect with the legs. After that, the Crocodile Rubix Zord attaches itself to the Trinity Rubix Megazord's right arm and the horn of the Rhino Rubix Zord attaches itself to the Trinity Rubix Megazord's left arm. Last but not least, the Wolf Rubix Zord stacks itself on the top of the Trinity Rubix Megazord's upper body, in the middle of the trailer, then folds itself to form the head.

Its strength rivals that of the Wild Rubix Beast Megazord and is able to launch the Crocodile and Wolf Rubix Zords from its body to slam into an opponent with enough force to counter the Wild Rubix Beast Megazord's Wild Beast Rubix Strike. It can also summon cubes from its shoulders.

The Trinity Rubix Megazord's finisher is the Trinity Rubix Blast where cubes land on the Trinity Rubix Megazord Zyuoh's shoulders to charge it up before it fires three energy blasts shaped like its component Rubix Zords from the Crocodile Rubix Zord's mouth.

Appearances: Animal Cube Episodes 16-19, 21-22, 24, 29, 35


  • to be added

Rubix Zords[]

Rhino Rubix Zord[]

DSZ-Cube Rhinos 78

Rhino Rubix Zord carrying the Crocodile and Wolf Rubix Zords

"Rhino Rubix Zo~rd!"
ā€•Summoning announcement[src]

The Rhino Rubix Zord, numbered 9, is the Trinity Cube Ranger's primary Rubix Zord, accessed through the Jungalian Power of a deceased Rhino Jungalian. Unlike the others, the Rhino Rubix Zord is a modified Rubix Zord. As such, it lacks a cube form and instead is modelled after a two trailer carrier truck, similar to the Croc Carrier from RPM. It carries the Crocodile and Wolf Rubix Zords into battle while its massive size enables it to easily smash through either obstacles or opponents. It forms the torso, legs, and left arm of the Trinity Rubix Megazord, the torso, legs, and head of the Triple Rubix Beast Megazord, and the chest of the Rubix Ultrazord.

Appearances: Animal Cube Episodes 16-25, 27-30, 32-33, 35-36, 38-40

Crocodile Rubix Zord[]

"Crocodile Rubix Zo~rd!"
ā€•Summoning announcement[src]

The Crocodile Rubix Zord, numbered 7, is the second of the Trinity Cube Ranger's Rubix Zords, accessed through the Jungalian Power of a deceased Crocodile Jungalian. It attacks with a powerful bite and an energy beam fired from its mouth. It can also gobble up TBAs which then explode in its stomach. It forms the right arm of both the Trinity Rubix Megazord and the Triple Rubix Beast Megazord and a portion of the upper left leg of the Rubix Ultrazord.

As shown in episode 26, the Crocodile Rubix Zord is able to swim in sea water, hinting it might be themed after Saltwater crocodiles, the largest living reptiles in the world.

Appearances: Animal Cube Episodes 16-30, 32-33, 35-36, 38-40

Wolf Rubix Zord[]

"Wolf Rubix Zo~rd!"
ā€•Summoning announcement[src]

The Wolf Rubix Zord, numbered 8, is the third of the Trinity Cube Ranger's Rubix Zords, accessed through the Jungalian Power of a deceased Wolf Jungalian. It uses its speed and agility to perform hit and run attacks on opponents while blasting at them with mouth fired energy bolts. It can also fire a sonic beam in its cube mode. It forms the head of the Trinity Rubix Megazord, the left arm of the Triple Rubix Beast Megazord and a portion of the upper left leg of the Rubix Ultrazord.

Appearances: Animal Cube Episodes 16-25, 27-30, 32-33, 35-36, 38-40

Other Formations[]

Trinity Rubix Megazord Bat Boomerang[]

The Trinity Rubix Megazord is able to equip the Bat Boomerang, the weapon form of the Bat Rubix Zord, to perform the Bat Boomerang Break finisher where the Trinity Rubix Megazord throws the Bot Boomerang at the opponent to slash them multiple times while in flight.

Appearances: Animal Cube Episodes 19, 22, 24, 29, 35

Triple Rubix Beast Megazord[]

"Rubix Zords, combine!"
ā€•Animal Cube Rangers' combination code[src]

"3! 4! 9! 5! 2! 7! 8! 6! 1! Triple Rubix Beast Me~gazo~rd!"
ā€•Combination announcement for the Triple Rubix Beast Megazord[src]

"Triple Rubix Beast Megazord, ready!"
ā€•Animal Cube Rangers announcing the complete combination[src]

The Triple Rubix Beast Megazord is the combined form of the first nine Rubix Zords and the main four auxiliary Rubix Zords. The Triple Rubix Beast Megazord is armed with the Rubix Mega Sword on its right arm and the Rubix Mega Cannon on its left arm.

Its finishers are the Triple Rubix Strike, where it charges the Rubix Mega Sword with the power of all 13 component Rubix Zords which it manifests as a powerful blade of energy that pierces through the opponent, and the Triple Rubix Blast, where it charges the Rubix Mega Cannon with the power of all 13 component Rubix Zords and fires a powerful blast of energy at the opponent.

Appearances: Animal Cube Episodes 20-23, 25, 27-29


  • While the Rhino Rubix Zord does not have a cube form, a hypothetical cube form of the Rhino Rubix Zord can be seen in the background during completion of the Triple Rubix Beast Megazord.


  • Icon-zyuohger Power Rangers Animal Cube
    • Episode 16: The Ranger of Fear
    • Episode 17: Cut Your Strings
    • Episode 18: The Triple Champion
    • Episode 19: Imprisoned Rangers
    • Episode 20: Explosive Touch
    • Episode 21: The Deep Space Hunter
    • Episode 22: Memory Given Life
    • Episode 23: Matrimony Defense
    • Episode 24: The Space Pirates Return
    • Episode 25: The Champion of Champions
    • Episode 26: The Legendary Rubix Zord
    • Episode 27: King of the Deep
    • Episode 28: Unforgiven
    • Episode 29: The Hunter Strikes Back
    • Episode 30: End of the Hunt
    • Episode 32: Faded Wings, Pt. 2
    • Episode 33: Memories of the Shallow
    • Episode 35: Qurin's Last Stand
    • Episode 36: The Full Truth
    • Episode 38: The Unleashed Destroyer, Pt. 2
    • Episode 39: The Final Game
    • Episode 40: Defend the Earth

See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Animal Cube Icon-zyuohger
Original: Bryde
Past Animal Cube Rangers: Rowen - Shark Jungalian - Lion Jungalian - Elephant Jungalian - Tiger Jungalian
Modern Animal Cube Rangers: Connor Avery - Rea - Ian - Neo - Maya - Dennis Tripp - Rowen
Rubix Beast Morpher - Rubix Buster - Aves Whip Saber - Flash Rubix Morpher - Trinity Rod Blaster - Rubix Whale Blaster - Rubix King Morpher
TBA - TBA - Power Rangers Quasar Pirates - Power Rangers Shuriken Fury - Power Rangers Quantum Leap
Zords and Megazords
Rubix Zords
Eagle Rubix Zord - Shark Rubix Zord - Lion Rubix Zord - Elephant Rubix Zord - Tiger Rubix Zord - Gorilla Rubix Zord - Crocodile Rubix Zord - Wolf Rubix Zord - Rhino Rubix Zord - Whale Rubix Zord
Rubix Weapons
Giraffe Rubix Zord - Mole Rubix Zord - Bear Rubix Zord - Bat Rubix Zord - Octopus Rubix Zord
Beast Rubix Megazord - Wild Rubix Megazord - Trinity Rubix Megazord - Cetus Rubix Megazord
Wild Rubix Beast Megazord - Triple Rubix Beast Megazord - Rubix Ultrazord
Icon-Deathgalien Huntaliens
Ahari - Amoegrunts
Team Leaders: Gronir - Qurin - Zolel
Players: Spearain - Tikross - Vikerser - Crocofang - Trumpion - Drosepa - Academead - Mountion - Huntion - Matadoran - Cardecker - Trinity - Pinagon - Jailon - Nitroglyin - Cruisener - Pangolea - Desivealer - Rojum Brothers - Cheffer - Shutteron
TBA: to be added
Ovrean - TBA - TBA - Rorre - Suriva - Transcendion - Shadeon - TBA
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