Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-ryusoulger This article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Dinoric Knights.

"Tricera Dinoric Zord!"
ā€•The Blue Dinoric Ranger summoning the Tricera Dinoric Zord[src]

The Tricera Dinoric Zord, also called Cera, is the Blue Dinoric Ranger's partner in Power Rangers Dinoric Knights. It is modeled after a Triceratops.


The Tricera Dinoric Zord, nicknamed Cera, is a giant Dinoric Zord built on the basis of a Triceratops. In combat, it wields the Knight Sword blade on its snout. Like the other Dinoric Zords, Cera has some degree of sentience and emotion, becoming sulky when Owen makes a remark deeming it as a weapon as opposed to its partner.

Appearances: Dinoric Knights Episodes 1, 3-11, 13-15, 17-18, 22-23, 28, 30-31, 33-34, 38-39


  • To Be Added

Tricera Knight Megazord[]

"Tricera Knight Megazord, Ready!"
ā€•Announcement after completing transformation[src]

Tricera Knight Megazord is an alternate form consisting of the Tricera Dinoric Zord's Dino Key as the head of the Megazord while Cera's main body and the Knight Sword remains on the right arm with one of the T-Rex Dinoric Zord's drills on its side and the right turret on Cera is moved to the right shoulder, and Cera's lower half is placed on the chest, while the T-Rex Dinoric Zord and Ankylo Dinoric Zord remain in their original placement.

In this form, Knight Megazord receives a boost in its swordsman skills, having its left hand on its hip while focusing its attacks with the Knight Sword. Its finisher is the Tricera Strike, where the Tricera Knight Megazord channels blue electrical energy in both the Knight Sword and Cera's twin tail blades before extending the blades to pierce the Beastmate, destroying it instantly.

Appearances: Dinoric Knights Episodes 9, 23

Alternate Combinations[]

Quin Knight Megazord Blue[]

"Quin Knight Megazord Blue, Ready!"
ā€•Announcement after completing transformation[src]

Quin Knight Megazord Blue is an alternate combined form of the Quin Knight Megazord. It consists of Rex's default megazord formation, the front half of Cera, with the Knight Sword, and Rex's right turret on the right arm, the lower half on the right shoulder, the front half of Anky on the left shoulder, both of Saber's shield plates & tail, Gaia's tail with Rex's drills on each side and the Knight Shield, and the Blue Dino Key as the head.

Appearances: Dinoric Knights Episode 30

Dino Key[]

KSR-Blue RyuSoul

Blue Dino Key

KSR-Blue RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Blue Dino Key (Knight Mode)

"The Champion of Swordplay! Cera!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Max Paleo Blade[src]

The Blue Dino Key is the personal Dino Key of the Tricera Dinoric Zord, used by the Blue Dinoric Ranger.


  • To Be Added


  • Icon-ryusoulger Power Rangers Dinoric Knights
    • Episode 1: Long Live the Knights
    • Episode 3: Duo of Knights
    • Episode 4: Speed of the Tiger
    • Episode 5: Skill of the Miragaia
    • Episode 6: The Castle Falls
    • Episode 7: It's Showtime!
    • Episode 8: Five Blades of Justice
    • Episode 9: Brains of the Tricera
    • Episode 10: Strength of the Ankylo
    • Episode 11: Flaming Dimetro
    • Episode 13: Under the Sea
    • Episode 14: Mosa Knight's Rise
    • Episode 15: Thundering Spino
    • Episode 17: Tiger's Rematch
    • Episode 18: Double Raptor Arrival
    • Episode 22: The Fists of the Earth
    • Episode 23: Promises and Secrets
    • Episode 28: Beware the Galagon
    • Episode 30: Noble Power
    • Episode 31: Worst Nightmare
    • Episode 33: The Show Ends
    • Episode 34: The Queen Awakens
    • Episode 38: Final Stand
    • Episode 39: A Valiant End

See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Dinoric Knights Icon-ryusoulger
Theo Harper - Owen Pratt - Tessa Pierce - Leon Knight - Jacob Burton - Zack Randolph - Lance
Dinoric Morpher - Dinoric Blaster - Zephyr Blade - Dino Claw Morpher - Max Paleo Blade - Dino Keys - Paleo Blade - Mosa Slasher - Dinoric Buster
Alfred Stephenson - Daphne Stephenson - Elder of the Dinoric Tribe - Rachael Randolph
The Masters
Master Harper - Master Pratt - Master Pierce - Master Knight - Master Burton
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Dinoric Zord - Tricera Dinoric Zord - Ankylo Dinoric Zord - Saber-Tooth Dinoric Zord - Stego Dinoric Zord - Mosa Dinoric Zord
Dimetro Dinoric Zord - Light Raptor Dinoric Zord - Dark Raptor Dinoric Zord - Pachy Dinoric Zord - Pachy Minizord - Ptera Dinoric Zord
Rex Knight Megazord - Mosa Knight Megazord - Spino Dinoric Zord - Spino Rex Megazord - Cosmo Dinoric Zord - Cosmo Knight Megazord - PteraRex Dinoric Zord - Ptera Knight Megazord - Ptera Pachy Megazord - King Knight Megazord - Quin Knight Megazord Blue - Quin Knight Megazord Black
Druidon symbol Chess Tribe
Leaders: Reina
Generals: Castank - Wishop - Casub - Bishon - Knighter - Cannop (Master Burton) - Knightlings - Kingurai
Generals: Shroom
Beastmates: Basilisk Beastmate - Unicorn Beastmate - Medusa Beastmate - Kraken Beastmate - Cerberus Beastmate (second) - Cockatrice Beastmate - Mimic Beastmate - Troll Beastmate - Shen Beastmate - Kelpie Beastmate - Pan Beastmate - Ghoship Beastmate - Golem Beastmate - Grimoire Beastmate - Necro Beastmate
Footsoldiers: Pawn Troops
Allies: Zephyr - Galagon
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