Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-goseiger This article is about a/an megazord in Power Rangers Tribal Charge.

"Combine Tribal Knight Megazord!"
―Fusion announcement via the Tribal Cell Morpher[src]

The Tribal Knight Megazord is the combination of the Lion Tribal Zord and the Knight Tribal Zords. The Tribal Knight Megazord's attacks include the Sealeon Kick and the Lion Knight Missiles fired from the six ports on its arms. He can also launch the Knight Brother Headers as guided projectile weapons similar to the Tribal Charge Megazord's Header Blast. The Tribal Knight Megazord's final attack is the Lion Knight Crash, firing a barrage of Lion Knight Missiles that hit the opponent before the Tribal Knight Megazord launched himself as he charged through for the final blow.

Appearances: Episodes TBD


  • To be added


Lion Tribal Zord[]

Main article: Tribal Knight

Lion Tribal Zord

"Change Lion Header!"
―Transformation announcement via Tribal Cell Morpher[src]

Lion Header: The Lion Header is Tribal Knight's true form. After combining with an off-road dump truck body, he becomes the Lion Tribal Zord. As the Lion Tribal Zord, he uses his mass for slamming attacks and can fire Lion Knight Missiles from his wheels. His finishing attack is the Knightic Lion Blast, where he shoots a spiraling energy beam from his mouth while unleashing a torrent of missiles. He forms the main body of the Tribal Knight Megazord and chest and feet of the Knight Tribe Megazord, with Tribal Knight himself forming the head in both formations, as well as the chest piece of the Tribal Knight Megazord forming the handle section of the Tribe Lancer for the Knight Tribe Megazord.

Knight Tribal Zords[]

"Come Knight Tribal Zords!"
―Activation announcement via the Tribal Cell Morpher[src]

Knight Tribal Zords: The Knight Brothers are a duo of lion-based Tribal Zords composed of Sealeon, whose Header combines with a cruise ship body, and Skyleon, whose Header combines with a blimp body. They respectively form the Tribal Knight Megazord's right and left legs as well as the Knight Tribe Megazord's respective arms.


  • Sealeon Tribal Zord - A sea-lion-type zord. It can shoot a blue beam from it's mouth.


  • Skyleon Tribal Zord - A flying lion-type zord. It can shoot two red beams from it's wings.

Knight Tribe Megazord[]

"Dual Combine!"
―Fusion announcement[src]

The Knight Tribe Megazord is the combination of the Tribal Charge Megazord and the Tribal Knight Megazord and the Tribal Rangers will announce: "Knight Tribe Megazord, ready!".

The tip of its weapon, the Tribe Lancer, can be mounted with either the Stag Header, Manta Header, or Hawk Header to perform various techniques that amplify Aerial, Land, or Ocean abilities. It can use any Aerial, Land, or Ocean Power Tribal Card for many abilities(Ex: It used the Blue Tribal Ranger's "Camoumirage" card to change the disguise of the opponent).

With the Stag Header, the Tribe Lancer can be used as an extending Sasumata. With the Manta Header, it produces a tidal wave when swung. With the Hawk Header, it can fire an energy pulse.

The Knight Tribe Megazord's final attack is the Knight Tribe Crash using the Stag Header, it slams it down on the ground to cause an eruption that consumes the target.

Appearances: Episodes TBD


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Tribal Charge Icon-goseiger
Altair - Erin - Don - Layla - Clyde - Tribal Knight
Kai (Deceased)
Tiki Tribe Morpher - Tribal Cell Morpher - Tribal Cards - Tribe Blaster - Tribal Knight Defender - Vulcan Header - Tribal Cannon - Miracle Headers - Tribe Power Staff
TBA - TBA - TBA - Arcada
Zords and Megazords
Dragon Header - Phoenix Header - Snake Header - Tiger Header - Shark Header - Ocean Tribal Zords - Land Tribal Zords - Aerial Tribal Zords - Knight Tribal Zords - Hyper Header - Ostrich Tribal Zords - Miracle Tribal Zord
Tribal Charge Megazord - Hyper Arcadia Megazord - Tribal Knight Megazord - Miracle Tribe Megazord
Dark Triumvirate
TSG-Warstar Symbol Insecton Army: To be added
TSG-Yumajuu Symbol Polutron Army: To be added
TSG-Matrintis Symbol Mechtron Army: To be added
TBA: To be added
Bugoons - Batrisers