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Icon-seikengerThis article is about a/an episode in Kouken Sentai Seikenger.

Trial 2: Guardian Angel of Olympus (オリンポスの守護天使 Orinposu no Shugo Tenshi?) is the second episode of Kouken Sentai Seikenger. It's the conclusion of a two-part story which began in The Guardians Descend, and the first tribute episode of the series, dedicated to Tensou Sentai Goseiger and featuring the return of Alata (Gosei Red). It also features the first appearances of the Olympian Gods (save for Hecate), Guard Ookarasu, and Kouken Gattai SeikenOh.


The Seikengers have found their final member- but she refuses to join them. And who is the man who claims to be a Legend?


Still fighting Ihsnetad and Iapetus, the Seikengers are getting beaten when Hermes appears. Aiko calls out to her father, and he quickly teleports them home. Meanwhile, Reika is walking home when she bumps into a man and drops her bag. The man picks her things up and gives them back, noticing her Ishikami before walking off.

At the Ishioka Residence, Hyosuke and Sayaka asked Hecate why she gave the Seiken Red powers to a child, and Hecate told them to stop questioning her. Hermes asks the twins if they're alright, before telling Hecate she wasn't supposed to make that decision on her own. Hecate said that it was her Champion, so it was her choice, and the Seikengers had to live with it because it was her will. Kouta said that Reika didn't even want the power, and Hecate told him that he didn't know the things she did, before walking off. Before the Seikengers could talk to her, she disappeared at the doorframe.

The next day, Aiko approached Reika in class and asked to talk. During lunch, Reika admitted she was curious, but still refused to be a Seikenger. Aiko asked if she would reconsider if she explained everything, and Reika said it wasn't very probably. Aiko said she's try anyways, and explained how Gaia came into power and her first defeat. She then said that now she was returning, and in preparation, Olympus had the Olympian Imperial Guard, which protected Olympus and the World from Gaia. She explained what the Guard was made of, and that Seiken Red was meant to be its leader, before explaining the Champion System and who sponsored each Seikenger. Reika noted that it was why Aiko and Kouta randomly left class sometimes, and Aiko said that the school supported their Sentai and let them leave when needed as long as they still went to school as much as possible.

Reika asked how the Seiken Changers worked, and while Aiko was explaining, Hermes called for them both. Aiko handed Reika her Seiken Changer and said whether or not she wanted to join them she'd probably need it, and they couldn't ignore a call from the Gods. Reika said she knew enough Mythology to know that, so the two girls got up and left. Aiko brought Reika to her house, and Reika stopped and asked if the basement was for what she thought it was. Aiko said she was probably right and led her downstairs, where the older two Ishioka's, Hermes, and Natsumi were. Aiko introduced Reika to her mother and father, and Reika questioned that the three of them were Demigods. Hyosuke asked why she was there, and Aiko said their father asked for all of them. Sayaka asked where Kouta was, and Kouta suddenly came running down the stairs. Hermes said that now that they were all there, it was time to go, and Reika asked where. Sayaka told her they were going to Olympus, and Reika was about to question her when Hermes teleported them all, except Natsumi. On Olympus, Reika looked around in awe, and Sayaka told her she was taking everything unexpectedly well. Reika said there was probably something wrong with her, and Aiko said she was probably wrong and Olympus is cool.

In the throne room, the five Seikengers and Hermes found Hecate arguing with Zeus and Hera, and Aiko asked Hermes what was going on. Hermes said it was because of what happened the previous day, and Reika noted that he meant it was her fault. Aiko reminded her that she didn't ask Hecate to choose her or anything, and Hermes went to his throne while the Seikengers stood at the door. Hyosuke told Reika to be respectful unless she wanted to get smited, and Reika nodded flippantly to him. Zeus called the council into a meeting, and the four Seikengers went to stand at the feet of their patron's throne. Zeus asked Hecate why she picked Reika, and Hecate said that she had a feeling. Zeus said that a feeling wasn't enough, and Hecate said that she was the Goddess of Crossroads and knew what she was doing. Zeus asked her to explain, and Hecate said that the Fates were mysterious, but she believed in them, her choice, and her chosen. Zeus argued that she didn't even want to be there, and Hecate said she would.

Reika asked her what she meant, and Hecate told her to go back down to Earth, and it would all make sense. Reika said that nothing made sense, and Hecate told her that everything happens for a reason. Knowing deep down she was right, Reika asked how to get down, and Hecate told her to summon Guard Ookarasu. Ares asked if Hecate was going to force the Seikenger duties on Reika by forcing her to use her powers, and Hecate told him that if she wasn't meant to be a Seikenger, Guard Ookarasu wouldn't come, and she hadn't showed up since her son fell anyways. Hecate instructed Reika on how to summon Guard Ookarasu, and Guard Ookarasu came, to the surprise of everyone. Hecate told Reika to go down to Earth again, and Reika agreed.

After Guard Ookarasu took Reika down to Earth, Reika examined the Guard and said that she was amazing, and Guard Ookarasu nudged her slightly. Suddenly, the Blemmyae and Ihsnetad appeared again, and Reika, feeling a connection to Guard Ookarasu, summoned Seiken Blade and said maybe she'd try. Reika fought off the Blemmyae, and Ihsnetad asked where the other Seikengers were, knocking her over. Reika said the other Seikengers were on Olympus, and Ihsnetad complained that he couldn't reach Olympus, before deciding to just kill her and wait for the others. Suddenly, Gosei Red's sword flew at Ihsnetad, and Reika looked back to see the man from earlier. Recognizing him as Gosei Red, Reika asked him what he was doing there, and Alata told her that all Sentai Teams were sponsored by the Greek Gods, and Goseigers' sponsor Angelia had sent him on her father Hermes's request. Reika said that was so cool, and Alata told her he knew this was new to her, but Sentai was new to everyone at first and they had to fight to protect the Earth no matter what.

Reika decided she knew that, and Guard Ookarasu flew into the sky. Reika said that she didn't know how, but she knew Hecate was right, and Alata told her that that was pretty much how Hecate worked. Reika and Alata transformed into Seiken Red and Gosei Red, and charged at Ihsnetad and the remaining Blemmyae. Mid battle, Alata explained how most Sentai Villains functioned and that Ihsnetad would be stronger than the grunts, but not nearly as strong as the generals, and there was no way Iapetus cared enough to save him. After beating up Ihsnetad, Alata noted that he looked strangely similar to Hidou of the Swift Runner, a Warstar Ylabungora Alien he had met and dealt with years ago when Goseiger was a new Sentai. Alata decided it was meant to be, and the two Red's finished him off, causing Ihsnetad's body to disappear into the Earth.

Reika thanked Alata for his help and insight, and she said she might understand everything a bit better. Alata asked if she wanted to be Seiken Red, and Reika said that she felt she was supposed to. Alata asked if she wanted to, and Reika said she did. Alata said that was good, before canceling his transformation and walking off. Suddenly, Reika sensed the presence of Gaia, and Ihsnetad reappeared and grew into giant size. Reika said for someone who knew so much about Sentai, she probably should have expected that, and summoned Guard Ookarasu again. As she flew into the sky, the other four Guards appeared beside her, and Aiko happily said that Reika had flipped. Reika said she'd fight with them, and another Ishikami appeared in her hand with Alata's Gosei Red form inside. Reika wondered if her theory about it was correct, and put Ishikami Goseiger in her Seiken Blade. Sayaka asked how she knew to do that, and Reika said it was just a feeling, before activating the Ishikami. The five Olympian Guards suddenly transformed and combined into SeikenOh, with the five cockpits being put together, to the surprise of the other four. Reika happily said she was right, and using the sword from Guard Tsuru, the five Seikengers easily destroyed Ihsnetad's enlarged state.

Back on Mount Olympus, Kronos said that the Seikengers were stronger than before, and may be a challenge, and Iapetus complained about the loss of his creation. Koios said that one loss didn't matter in the long run, and the other two Titans agreed.

On Olympus, Zeus told Hecate that he'd give Reika a chance, and Ares asked if Hyosuke was still the leader. Hecate said that traditionally, he wasn't supposed to be, and Hyosuke walked out, clearly annoyed, with Reika following. Reika asked him what they were talking about, and Hyosuke said the Seikengers had a lot more history than the Gods had let on. Reika asked who Hecate's son that she mentioned earlier was, and Hyosuke told her that it wasn't something she should be concerned with. Reika told him that she didn't care about the traditions and he should still be the leader since she didn't really have a clue how to lead, and was about to walk away, and Hyosuke told her that Hecate's son was the first Seiken Red. Hyosuke said that them, the five current Seikengers, were only the replacements for the fallen first five, and the first Seiken Red was all of their example, so she had a lot to live up to. Reika looked down, and Hyosuke agreed that he was still the leader, before walking off.


Guest Cast[]

  • Alata (アラタ Arata?): Yudai Chiba (千葉 雄大 Chiba Yudai?)
  • Angelia (アンジェリア Anjeria?): Aya Ueto (上戸 彩 Ueto Aya?)

Suit Actors[]


  • to be added


Elements/Homages to Goseiger[]

  • The title for this episode alludes to Goseiger: the name of the episode references the Goseigers being Gosei Angels.
  • Ihsnetad's name is the Japanese word for Fallen Angel (堕天使 Daten-shi?) backwards. Ihsnetad is also a recolored and reversed version of Hidou of the Swift Runner, one of the enemy monsters destroyed by the Goseigers.


  • to be added
Icon-seikenger List of Kouken Sentai Seikengers Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Trial 1: The Guardians DescendTrial 2: Guardian Angel of OlympusTrial 3: Last One StandingTrial 4: Revenge is a ManiaTrial 5: As the LeaderTrial 6: When Logic FailsTrial 7: Good Cop, Bad CopTrial 8: Lesson from the HeartTrial 9: To Trust or Not To TrustTrial 10: Everything He Left Behind
Episodes 11-20
Trial 11: Science with the SayakasTrial 12: Twins of DelosTrial 13: Opposites AttractTrial 14: Racing On ForeverTrial 15: Full Force Teamwork!Trial 16: Gods and CompanionsTrial 17: Find the Stone GodTrial 18: Boundless Adventure StoneTrial 19: Golden SecretsTrial 20: Golden Lucky Friends
Episodes 21-30
Trial 21: Shining Stars of OlympusTrial 22: Knights and GuardsTrial 23: Guardians of Earth, Going Wild!Trial 24: Once Upon a TriangleTrial 25: When Plans WorkTrial 26: Mad QueenTrial 27: People In-BetweenTrial 28: Shadow GuardsTrial 29: The Spirit to Save OthersTrial 30: Swap! Swap! Swap!
Episodes 31-40
Trial 31: Desperate MeasuresTrial 32: Fifty Storms Before the CalmTrial 33: Cause and EffectTrial 34: What Do I Have Without YouTrial 35: The Showy Pirates Are ChampionsTrial 36: What Was I Made ForTrial 37: If We WinTrial 38: Let’s Explode The Ballpark!Trial 39: The Past Is ShiningTrial 40: The Ones Who Came Before Us
Episodes 41-48
Trial 41: Aura of HopeTrial 42: Spirit of EarthTrial 43: Awakening Trial 44: Beginning of the EndTrial 45: The Last DayTrial 46: A Better Future by Will of the GodsTrial 47: Way Down We GoFinal Trial: We Are the Champions of Olympus
Movies & Specials
Movies: Kouken Sentai Seikenger: Trial of the MovieKouken Sentai Seikenger vs. Shinkenger: The Samurai 15 Years Later!Kouken Sentai Seikenger vs. King-Ohger
Specials: to be added