Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Katana Changer (カタナチェンジャーKatana Chenjā) is Shinobi Black’s special sword like henshin device. It is modeled after a Katana. The Katana Changer was built by the technological genius of Sakura and Shuriken.


In order for Shu to transform into Shinobi Black, he must insert all five of his Ninja Medals into the Blade of the Katana, energize the Blade and announce “Ninpou, Ninjuu Transformation (忍法、ニンジュ変身Ninpō, Ninju Henshin)!”

Morphing Scene

Just like the other Shinobimen, Shu's metal ninja element envelops over his body in order to form the suit. Afterwards the spirits of five ninjuu combine together in order to form his helmet.

Other Uses

Just like the Ninpou Cellular, Shu can use the Katana Changer outside of its ranger mode where he can produce powerful energy slashes in order to defend himself from enemies.
