Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Zord World.

Tiring Trash-handling is the sixth episode of Power Rangers Zord World. It features the guest appearance of Commander Shaw. It also features the first appearance of Beast Morphers Zord Gear.


When the rangers are going hiking, the Zordians learn that the Earthlings are using a renewable energy source for their daily life.

Meanwhile, Tozi Tribe's new monster is trying to pollute the Earth with mountains of trashes.


to be added


Guest Characters[]

Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]

Zord Gears[]

Elements/Homages to Power Rangers/Super Sentai[]

  • This episode contains some homages to Power Rangers Beast Morphers.
    • The Earth having moved on from using energy from fossil fuel and using the renewable energy of the wind, is a homage to the final episode of Beast Morphers.
    • Commander Shaw makes a guest appearance here.
    • After using the Beast Morphers Gear, Mystina says "Unleash the Beast!" as a catchphrase before following it by a speed attack inspired by Grid Battleforce Red Ranger while Riva did an attack inspired by Grid Battleforce Blue Ranger.


  • Artling's Ranger Academy:
    • Rangers team: Grid Battleforce Rangers
      • While the rangers became active after Ninja Steel Rangers, their power was created within the Morphin Grid before the creation Dino Charge Rangers'. This is the reason of why their Gear number is 36.

See Also[]
