Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-dairanger This article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Chi Stars.

"Come forth, Tiger Chizord!"
ā€•White Chi Ranger[src]

The Tiger Chizord is the personal Chizord of the White Chi Ranger, created in episode TBD by the combined powers of TBA and the five core Chi Star Rangers. It can serve as a mount for the Chi Dragon Battlezord when the latter is in warrior mode and can attack with a blast of sound called the Sound Roar.


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Chi Tiger Battlezord[]

"Rise Up! Chi Tiger Battlezord!"
ā€•White Chi Ranger[src]

Like the Dragon Chizord, the Tiger Chizord can assume a humanoid form called the Chi Tiger Battlezord, called "Battlezord Mode" for short, with the command of "Rise Up!" In Battlezord Mode, the Tiger Chizord is armed with the Tiger Tail Saber formed from its tail and the 7 Chi Treasure Jewels in its cockpit which correlate to both the seven days of the week and the Chinese elements; these jewels can be found in a circular rack directly behind the White Chi Ranger in the cockpit. These jewels, when used, make the Tiger Chizord use powers themed after them, in accordance with the East Asian day naming tradition:

Moon [꜈, Getsu] (Monday)
Fire [ē«, Hi] (Tuesday): Makes the Chi Tiger Battlezord shoot fireballs from its chest.
Water [ę°“, Mizu] (Wednesday)
Wood [ęœØ, Ki] (Thursday)
Metal [金, Kin] (Friday)
Earth [土, Tsuchi] (Saturday)
Sun [ę—„, Hi] (Sunday)

The formation's ultimate attack was the Treasure Jewel Slash where the White Chi Ranger would take one of the Treasure Jewels from behind him and insert it into a round slot. The kanji for ā€œfireā€ would then appear in the tiger mouth and White would order it to fire a massive stream of fireballs that would slam into TBA with amazing force.

Additional Formations[]

Chi Dragon Battlezord Riding Tiger Chizord[]

The Chi Dragon Battlezord can mount the Tiger Chizord, using it as a steed to charge opponents and strike them with the Dragon Chi Power Rod.

Chi Guardian Tigerzord[]

"Chizords Combine! Chi Guardian Tigerzord!"
ā€•Combination announcement[src]

The Chi Guardian Tigerzord is the combination of the Tiger Chizord and the Chi Star Chariot. First introduced in Episode TBD, the Tiger Chizord is armed with a bladed buckler on its right arm formed from the Phoenix Chizord.

Its attacks include the Chi Tiger Punch (a powerful punch to the monster's face capable of sending them flying) and the Phoenix Tiger Crash finisher. In the latter, the Phoenix Chizord is released from the Chi Guardian Tigerzord's arm and then charged with a blast of energy from the tiger head on the Chi Guardian Tigerzord's chest, allowing the Phoenix Chizord to smash through opponents like a missile.


  • Despite being the White Chi Ranger's personal zord, the Tiger Chizord's cockpit features four additional terminals for four other Chi Star Rangers - this is unusual as an entirely separate cockpit is used for the Chi Guardian Tigerzord, which is made of all five zords.


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Chi Stars Icon-dairanger
Drake Sparks - Levon - Tenba - Kirin - Ember RenƩ - TBA
Chi Aura Morpher - Tiger Chi Morpher - Chi Beast Jewels - Chi Star Lazer - Chi Feng Wheels - Chi Rods - Chi Star Cannon - TBA - Chi Star Cycles
Zords and Megazords
Dragon Chizord - Lion Chizord - Pegasus Chizord - Qilin Chizord - Phoenix Chizord - Tiger Chizord - Tortoise Chizord
Chi Dragon Battlezord - Chi Guardian Megazord - Chi Tiger Battlezord - Chi Guardian Tigerzord - Chi Tortoise Battlezord - Chi Star Chariot - Chi Palace Ultrazord
Dragon Chi Warrior
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