Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Tidal Wave, Part 2 is the twenty-fourth episode of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge. The episode introduces the Atlantic Carrier and the Atlantic Megazord.


(Part 2) With a impending monstrous tidal wave setting its course on Summer Cove, the rangers are still trapped in a illusion world still contending with Mezmo, who up the stakes by resurrecting old monsters. To stop the tidal wave, Gemini realizes it is time to unleash a new arsenal as the safety of Summer Cove is at great risk.


Added later


Oceanic Rangers[]

Color Role
Shark David Simmons
Whale Tyler Peterson
Sea Turtle Nathan Ross
Manta Ray Rachel Simpson
Dolphin Allison "Ali" Moore

Tsunami Ranger[]

Color Role
Serpent Jake Hampton


  • Gemini
  • Alpha 8
  • Zoey
  • Max


  • Necron
    • Elyria
    • Vortix
    • Grantor
    • Symbolites
    • Arthrodrones


  • Mezmo - A illusionist-like monster based on beach items created by Necron. He was sent to distract the rangers and sends the rangers into a illusion world where he task his monster illusions to attack the rangers. defeated by the Ultimate Oceanic Megazord and Atlantic Megazord
    • Monster illusions (illusions of destroyed monsters created by Mezmo; when Mezmo became grown, he reuses them)
      • Bullhorn defeated by the Oceanic Megazord
      • Mirrawack defeated by the Tsunami Megazord
      • Thorntron defeated by the Oceanic Megazord
      • Drago defeated by the Tsunami Megazord
      • Goalster defeated by Oceanic Megazord
      • Quarton defeated by the Tsunami Megazord


  • First appearance of the Atlantic Carrier
  • First appearance of the Atlantic Megazord