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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.

The Serpent's Venom is the thirty-third episode of Power Rangers Universe. It features the defection of Florian Hebitsuvic to the Arkeyans due to him being corrupted into Metal Florian by Pom-Pom. It also features the debut of the Hairspray and Metal Sector Keys.


Following the mission to Van Horn, Florian has been infected with Metal Spice in an ambush by Senator Pom-Pom, and becomes plagued with horrible thoughts in the process. As the rangers figure out how to cure Florian, Pom-Pom formulates her defining scheme, which involves Florian being turned against Star Battleforce in an effort to tear the team apart.


Sometime after the mission to Van Horn, Florian is distracted as the rangers battle embiggened Moonbilly and an A-Drone. 263 tells whoever is in charge of the left leg to stop slacking. Florian snaps out of his stupor and starts moving erratically. 263, who has had enough of Florian's incompetence, decides to bench Naga and orders the Star Battleforce Ultrazord to separate into their three base formations - Arthur forms the Voyager Squad Megazord with Ryan, Russell, Megan and Dimitri, while Colonel Xiao forms the Drago Pride Megazord with Moose and Wild Bill, 263 forms the Phoenix Steel Megazord, and Bronzee and Joi pilot their zords individually. As a result, Florian has no choice but to just watch as the others take care of business. Senator Pom-Pom, having infected Florian with Metal Spice earlier.

Back on the Destiny, Florian attempts to apologize for earlier, and that he admits that his attitude has changed a lot since his exposure to metal spice, and desperately wants a cure, since he know's what's coming; Bronzee tells him to just take his time and heā€™ll be fine. Russell updates the rangers on his progress in using the Chrono Sector Key, to create a time portal to the time when His Magnificence rose to power. Wild Bill is looking forward to go back in time to defeat His Magnificence in the past, as Arthur likes the idea. 263, however, says itā€™s not that simple because of the butterfly effect. All theyā€™re going to do is to check if His Magnificence was really defeated back then. Colonel Xiao says since itā€™ll be a while before the preparations are complete, they should have some fun time, while Russell and Joi remain with Bronzee and Colonel Xiao to discuss strategies - despite Florian offering to help Bronzee. To this end, 263 decides to take the rest for a visit to the Galactic Affairs Bureau headquarters, where they are treated to some food, while also learning more information as to how parts of earth rebuilt so quickly after the Arkeyans took over most world governments. Arthur and Megan attempt to get Florian to keep his head above water, as Arthur thinks that Florian is more incompetent than any of the group - having been involved in many mishaps on and off the battlefield, and he's never seen him as incompetent as this.

Suddenly, Pom-Pom and two Moonbillies arrive at the park, and Pom-Pom sends a wave at nearby civilians to infect with Metal Spice. They all suddenly go crazy due to exposure to Metal Spice. While the others go evacuate the civilians, Arthur, 263, Ryan, Megan and Florian stay behind. They morph and take on Pom-Pom and the Moonbillies, but they donā€™t seem to be any match for the Arkeyan arrivals. Pom-Pom corners Florian and reminds him of his impending defection, but Florian brushes it off, saying that working for her is one thing he will never do, even though he's stupid. The others come to help Florian and they drive Pom-Pom away; She repeats her warning to Florian before disappearing. Later, Megan and Ryan look for Florian, knowing he is deep in thought by Pom-Pom's demand to "rush to her side". Arthur and 263 fill the others in on what happened, as 263 insists that the intel he has confirms strong evidence that Pom-Pom is explicitly coercing Florian to join her as her right-hand man, which means that he would be forcibly defected to the Arkeyans. He knows that most beings that reside in the Ophiuchi Sector are targeted with Metal Spice, and given that Florian had taken up residence in the sector, namely Planet Saint Denis, he had made himself unintentionally vulnerable. However, if Pom-Pom succeeded in coercing Florian into his corruption into a Metal Beast, they will lose him completely. Elsewhere, Florian has been explaining the same reasons for his relocation to the Ophiuchi Sector to Ryan and Megan. He states that the reason he won't stand up to Pom-Pom and defy her is that he, by his own admission, is far too weak and incompetent in comparison to his own colleagues, not to mention Bronzee.

Florian then insists he may stand up to Pom-Pom, but he has no confidence to do it, but warns them that they may have to abandon him if Pom-Pom gains control of him, but Ryan tells him that they'll make sure it doesn't happen. As Ryan and Megan reason with him, the other rangers, unaware of Florian's whereabouts, decide to split up to find Florian and to control civilians rampaging due to Metal Spice exposure. On the Destiny, Bronzee comes in to the bridge after collecting some tools he needs. But Colonel Xiao doesnā€™t tell him anything about whatā€™s happening to Florian, let alone a cure for his condition. Across the area, Russell uses the Hairspray Sector Key to give metal spice victims new haircuts, Joi uses Music Sector Key to make distract victims with music, and Moose uses Sleep Sector Key to make people fall asleep - and stores one person in a nearby fridge. Back in the forest, Florian has found Pom-Pom and demands her that she cure him, as he knows that she's trying to turn him against his friends. Arthur, Megan, Ryan, 263 and Dimitri find Florian, who is agressively subdued with more Metal Spice - and Pom-Pom gains control of his mind. Arthur tells Florian not to succumb to the effects of Metal Spice and warns he will lose himself; Naga, unable to control his body, tells them all to run, but Megan demands Pom-Pom give Florian back to them, but Pom-Pom gives them an ultimatum: leave now, and Florian will simply be "treated" on Xibalba, or if they don't, Florian will be turned against them. The rangers refuse to leave without Florian, as 263 warns Florian that they will have to fight him if gives in to the disease.

Pom-Pom takes that as an official go-ahead sign, seeing as the rangers refuse to leave, and the Metal Spice completely takes over Florian's body, destroying his human body, and turning him into a Metal Beast. The others are left shocked and appalled by Florian's transformation. "Metal Florian", as he now refers to himself, declares that the "dumb, brainless Florian they know" is dead, and now he is a "big metal dynamo". He pulls out his sector key, which regenerates as the Metal Sector Key, and morphs to an evil version of his ranger self, dubbed by Pom-Pom as His Magnificence's Most Loyal Ranger Series Metal. Metal Florian blames the rangers for infecting him with Metal Spice; ā€œHow dare you get in the way of me and my one true love!ā€ he says as he shoots at his former friends, as the rangers morph and the battle begins. But the battle turns into Florian absolutely ravaging the five rangers using some incredible and immense power. Arthur realises that it is the Metal Spice making Florian stronger than them, seconds before he and the others are forced to demorph as Florian unleashes a powerful attack on them. Pom-Pom and Florian kiss - much to everyone's shock and disgust - and then leave together, laughing maniacly. The two Moonbillies take over the fight, but the Rangers easily take care of them before escaping.

Back on the Destiny, Russell and Bronzee make some final preparations for the special project, moments before the others show up, and Colonel Xiao, noticing Florian is missing, asks them of his status. Megan, visibly shocked, breaks the news to Colonel Xiao, as Bronzee finds out, and falls to her knees. Bronzee majorly freaks out, worried that Florian was killed. Arthur tells her that it was far more worse, as Florian was brainwashed and corrupted - so there's still hope he can be saved. 263 notes that this could mean some changes to the special project with the Chrono Sector Key, meaning that the team will need to be halved, between those doing the special project, and those who want to help recover Florian. Enlivened, Bronzee vows to save her partner, and Arthur decides to help her. Megan, Wild Bill, and Russell also step up to help Bronzee. As for the rest, 263 announces that those taking part on the special project will be conducting the operation on board the Prometheus, and it's almost there. With that, Colonel Xiao, Dimitri, Moose, Ryan and Joi will be joining 263 on the time travel operation, and the rest will remain on the Destiny to save Florian - as Russell wishes the special project team god-speed. As the special project is finally underway for one half of the team, and another mission for the others, Arthur, Megan, Bronzee, Wild Bill and Russell watches on as the Prometheus flies away.


Sector Keys[]


See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars ā€¢ 2: Arkeyans Unleashed ā€¢ 3: The Dream Team ā€¢ 4: Blood and Poison ā€¢ 5: The Little Android That Could ā€¢ 6: Nine's Company ā€¢ 7: Species at Rest ā€¢ 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style ā€¢ 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars ā€¢ 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? ā€¢ 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places ā€¢ 13: Belly of the Beast ā€¢ 14: Eleven's a Crowd ā€¢ 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time ā€¢ 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art ā€¢ 18: The Master and The Molotov ā€¢ 19: Nowhere to Glow ā€¢ 20: Money Lending and Other Sins ā€¢ 21: Crystal Maze ā€¢ 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago ā€¢ 23: Russian Revolution ā€¢ 24: Prometheus ā€¢ 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity ā€¢ 26: Lure ā€¢ 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange ā€¢ 28: Make the Universe Great Again ā€¢ 29: TannhƤuser Gate ā€¢ 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures ā€¢ 32: The Delights of Van Horn ā€¢ 33: The Serpent's Venom ā€¢ 34: Ancient History ā€¢ 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal ā€¢ 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art ā€¢ 37: Welcome to the New World ā€¢ 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed ā€¢ 39: Hell Hath No Fury ā€¢ 40: A New Power ā€¢ 41: What Happens in the Dark... ā€¢ 42: ...Comes Out in the Light ā€¢ 43: The Orion Project ā€¢ 44: Fresh Milk ā€¢ 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout ā€¢ 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene ā€¢ 48: Predator ā€¢ 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald ā€¢ 51: Doradoball ā€¢ 52: Phil Bell Rides Again ā€¢ 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector ā€¢ 55: One Last Thing ā€¢ 56: To Xibalba ā€¢ 57: His Magnificence's Identity ā€¢ 58: The World We Left Behind ā€¢ 59: Magnificence Unleashed ā€¢ 60: The End Game

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