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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.
Red alert WARNING. This episode contains scenes of bloodshed and attempted murder. Viewer discretion is advised!.

The Master and The Molotov is the eighteenth episode of Power Rangers Universe. This episode features the debut of the Sprint Sector Key, Mikhail Toxstatin's true monster face, and the near-destruction of Moose, who is left incapacitated for the next five episodes as he undergoes repairs.


Moose is onto Mikhail’s real intentions, as it is revealed that he, having fully embraced the side of the Arkeyans, plans to eliminate Dimitri instead of reconciliation with him, and then kill His Magnificence to claim his throne. With that, Moose must protect Dimitri with every fiber he has and within it comes a great sacrifice.


Dimitri and Moose, having mounted a sector-wide search for Mikhail Toxstatin, arrive on another planet in the Scorpio Sector. Inside the outpost on that planet make their way inside by are greeted by Toxstatin himself, though they don’t know that at first. Toxstatin uses his tail to attack and grab Dimitri. That’s when Dimitri realizes he has just come face to face with his own cousin; he asks why the hell he looks the way he does and Toxstatin says it’s proof that he has gained power. Moose, finally coming face to face with Professor Levictus Cornwall’s murderer, initiates their morph. But as an incensed Moose charges toward Toxstatin, Dimitri stays back. Suddenly, Octiqua pops out of a wall and engages Moose while Toxstatin approaches Dimitri. They face off. Toxtstatin points out his little crybaby cousin has improved since the last the last time he saw him. Enraged, Dimitri demands Toxstatin explain why he betrayed their people and allowed their genocide. Toxstatin says he couldn’t tell him back then. He suddenly stings Octiqua in the chest and she collapses to the floor, losing consciousness. The alarm sounds and Toxstatin says there’s no time to explain now. Toxstatin tosses Dimitri some coordinates of a location where they can meet later to learn the whole truth. With that, Dimitri and Moose are forced to fall back instead of chase after Toxstatin. Elsewhere, Octiqua wakes up and wonders just what Toxstatin is up to.

On board the Destiny, Joi arrives on the bridge with the Sail Sector Key as Russell proceeds to examine it, while WIld Bill demands to know from Colonel Xiao what he knows about Dimitri and Moose's situation. Russell becomes overworked when he discovers an energy reading that is similar to Toxstatin's, and that it is coming from the Scorpio Sector. He calls Arthur, Megan, Florian and Ryan, who are still on vacation with General Sawyer after their successful obtainment of the Sail Sector Key, before ordering them all to cut the holiday short as some major developments have happened in regards to Dimitri and Moose. Joi is also ordered by Colonel Xiao to regroup with the other three from the Dorset mission. On the planet, Moose is trying to understand Dimitri's hesitation about Toxstatin, as Dimitri says is the only thing close to family he had. After some discussion, Moose agrees to go to the meeting point. Before Toxstatin leaves his underground hideout, Octiqua stops him, wanting to know just what Toxstatin is really about; Toxstatin says he wants to be the one to kill His Magnificence and take his throne for himself. Later, Dimitri and Moose are at the location, seconds before Toxstatin arrives and explains that he wanted to infiltrate the Arkeyan Empire and destroy it from the inside. Arkeyan senators, however, asked him to commit genocide before he could join them.

Toxstatin says he’s committed many sins, including killing Professor Cornwall. Angered, Moose morphs and charges at Toxstatin, as Toxstatin says Professor Cornwall was aligned with the Arkeyans, but turned around, so it was Toxstatin's mission to kill the traitor. Toxstatin adds that he will pay for his sins with his life eventually, but only after he’s destroyed His Magnificence, claimed his throne and destroyed the galaxy. Moose wants to have Toxstatin pay for his sins right this minute. Dimitri tries to hold Moose back, but Moose, in a twist from his usual self, shoves him off. Suddenly, a Wereworm falls through the ceiling. and Dimitri attempts to attack it, causing him to drop his cousin’s necklace. Toxstatin holds the Wereworm back before going over to Dimitri. He picks up the necklace and tells Dimitri they should go, as Dimitri looks back to Moose who is fighting the Wereworm. He hesitates, but ultimately decides to go with his cousin. Moose has brought a spare Sector Key, the Sprint Sector Key, which grants him super speed. The Dorset search party finally arrives on the Destiny's bridge. Moose says he needs reinforcements immediately as Dimitri's in trouble. After Arthur offers to go, Colonel Xiao also orders Wild Bill and Bronzee to join the reinforcements, leaving the rest to discuss with Russell what he knows about Dimitri and Moose's situation. Back in the Scorpio Sector, Toxstatin starts to whistle a tune and Dimitri remembers his childhood. Stinger happily sings a little bit to the song. Dimitri says he has purpose now - and has fully adapted to his new life at Star Battleforce so he can’t join his cousin. Toxstatin says he understands and is proud of him, and wonders what they are currently planning to do to stop the Arkeyan invasion; this is when Dimitri explains the Argo Ship plan to Toxstatin.

Just then, the Wereworm pops up from the ground, and Dimitri goes to morph, but Toxstatin says it’s okay, they don’t need to fight. In the blink of an eye, Toxstatin uses his tail to slap Dimitri to the ground, leaving Dimitri in disbelief. Toxstatin then cackles his head off at Dimitri having let his guard down so much that he spilled their huge secret; Toxstatin takes his mask off to reveal an even more nasty face. Dimitri's view of his cousin is completely shattered. Arthur, Colonel Xiao, Bronzee and Bill meet Champ, as Russell and Joi give them Dimitri's location. They hurry and go, but Octiqua stops them, and Moose's suspicions that this was a trap are confirmed. The scene then flashes back to Toxstatin telling Octiqua his endgame; He really does want to destroy His Magnificence and lead the empire to victory, because he wants to take over as ruler of galaxy himself. Dimitri is trying to make sense of all of this, but Toxstatin says he doesn’t care how many innocent lives are lost, including his own cousin, as long as he attains his goal of conquering the galaxy. Moose is beyond enraged after Octiqua's revelation, and everyone morphs. Colonel Xiao tells Moose and Arthur to go to Dimitri who is being completely ravaged by Toxstatin and the Wereworm; Moose charges at Toxstatin who orders the Wereworm to embiggen. At this critical point in the chaos, Arthur gets through to Joi, Florian, Megan and Ryan, who hurry down to Earth in their Voyagers so they can form the Voyager Squad Megazord.

Dimitri and Moose are battling Toxstatin who demands the Sector Keys so he can use the Prometheus himself, in the hopes of using it as his ultimate weapon. Moose is surprised Toxstatin knows about the Prometheus. Toxstatin says it was his little brother who told him, so Dimitri charges toward his cousin, but Toxstatin hardens his leg and brutally overpowers Moose and Dimitri, forcing them to de-morph. Bronzee and Bill use some clever tricks before they and Colonel Xiao send an All-Star Sector Blast at Octiqua and the two Moonbillies. Octiqua says even she doesn’t want to keep dying over and over again, as she is saved this time by the two Moonbillies and she leaves. Elsewhere, the others in the Voyager Squad Megazord use a Universal Aqua Thrust at the Wereworm to finish it off. Toxstatin gets a kick out of seeing his brother suffering, and asks him how it feels like to be bested by his cousin; Dimitri gets up and tells Moose that he was right - He really is too naïve, much to Moose's misunderstanding. Dimitri admits that he still believed his cousin would never betray him because his brother is all he’s got. Dimitri says he can’t stand this pain anymore and by his honor as a Scorpio Sector native, asks Toxstatin to just kill him now, and Toxstatin is more than happy to oblige.

Scorpio prepares a powerful kick attack to kill his cousin, but Moose, after contemplating all the happy memories he has had with the crew so far, and knowing the impending consequences, gets up, runs over and knocks Dimitri out of the way, as Toxstatin kicks a hole through Moose, who absorbs his huge attack. The other rangers arrive just as Moose explodes in a huge ball of fire. DImitri yells out and runs over to Moose, as do the others, Moose's body parts are scattered all over as Dimitri asks him why would he do such a thing. A badly damaged Moose can barely speak, as Toxstatin says out of respect for “that robot,” he will withdraw for the day. Back on the Destiny, Russell analyses Moose, and reports to the others on the bridge that Moose is alive, but has sustained severe internal damage, and his vocal modules have been completely shattered; this means that he will have to spend significant amounts of time to fully repair him, and as Joi and Ryan point out, his memory might be lost from the attack and he would be a completely different person. Dimitri, angered by Moose's near-destruction, turns to leave and search for Toxstatin himself; Megan asks him where he's going, only to get punched by him as she tries to get in his way. Colonel Xiao says he has a different mission for him: to go to the Taurus Sector and source parts required for Moose's repairs. Dimitri yells back, but Colonel Xiao tells him to calm down, stating that Moose was doing it because he wanted him to live more than he did. As Dimitri leaves the Destiny to hunt down Toxstatin, Wild Bill hands Dimitri Moose’s Sector Key and says it’ll be fine, as he's sure Moose will be able to come back. So until then, leave everything else up to them. Arthur, who wants to avenge Moose, seconds the motion and says they should hurry and find the Keel Sector Key, so they will be able to surprise Moose with it.


Sector Keys[]

  • Ranger Series Red - Leo (Leo Voyager 1)
  • Ranger Series Orange - N/A
  • Ranger Series Blue - Lupus (All-Star Sector Blast)
  • Ranger Series Gold - Libra (All-Star Sector Blast)
  • Ranger Series Black - Sprint
  • Ranger Series Silver - Ophuichi (Ophuichi Voyager 6)
  • Ranger Series Green - Chameleon (Chameleon Voyager 7)
  • Ranger Series Pink - Aquilla (Aquilla Voyager 8)
  • Ranger Series Yellow - Dorado (Dorado Voyager 9)
  • Ranger Series Drago - Drago (All-Star Sector Blast)


See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars • 2: Arkeyans Unleashed • 3: The Dream Team • 4: Blood and Poison • 5: The Little Android That Could • 6: Nine's Company • 7: Species at Rest • 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style • 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars • 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? • 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places • 13: Belly of the Beast • 14: Eleven's a Crowd • 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time • 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art • 18: The Master and The Molotov • 19: Nowhere to Glow • 20: Money Lending and Other Sins • 21: Crystal Maze • 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago • 23: Russian Revolution • 24: Prometheus • 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity • 26: Lure • 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange • 28: Make the Universe Great Again • 29: Tannhäuser Gate • 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures • 32: The Delights of Van Horn • 33: The Serpent's Venom • 34: Ancient History • 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal • 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art • 37: Welcome to the New World • 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed • 39: Hell Hath No Fury • 40: A New Power • 41: What Happens in the Dark... • 42: ...Comes Out in the Light • 43: The Orion Project • 44: Fresh Milk • 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout • 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene • 48: Predator • 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald • 51: Doradoball • 52: Phil Bell Rides Again • 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector • 55: One Last Thing • 56: To Xibalba • 57: His Magnificence's Identity • 58: The World We Left Behind • 59: Magnificence Unleashed • 60: The End Game
