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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.
Red alert WARNING. This episode contains scenes of alcoholic drinking, gambling and physical fights. Viewer discretion is advised!.

The Dream Team is the third episode of Power Rangers Universe. It features the full debut of Florian Hebitsuvic and Bronzee. Dimitri Skorpirov also makes a brief appearance in this episode.


The search is on for the remaining four Sector Keys; Arthur is sent to Planet Saint Denis to search for two newly-detected Keys, where he crosses paths with Bronzee and Florian, two lifestyle coaches who run a successful business on the planet, only to run afoul of the planet's reigning commandant, who has a history with Bronzee. Elsewhere, the others are tasked with investigating a string of robberies on Saint Denis conducted by the Arkeyans.


On Planet Saint Denis, two lifestyle gurus, Bronzee - a female Scaloid social media influencer from the Libra Sector, and Florian Hebitsuvic - a flamboyant and obnoxious Eastern-European lifestyle coach, run a highly-profitable lifestyle business across the planet known as "Dream Team", including a chain of health clubs. In the middle of running a yoga and laughter therapy session with guests at their apartment, when a guest shows them an advert from Star Battleforce urging individuals with certain Sector Keys to come forward, Florian, realising that he and Bronzee have Sector Keys in their posession, ends the session early in a panic. He is in a panic, thinking that Star Battleforce is going to kill him for stealing a Sector Key, but Bronzee impulsively points out they may be looking for volunteers for work, as they appear to be the top employer in the galaxy at the moment. Florian, fearing for his life, decides to put his apartment on lockdown just in case they hunt him down. Up on the Destiny, Colonel Xiao and Joi are discussing the progress of S.B.F's ranger recruitment scheme, and potential speculation that Joi herself could have connections to a Sector Key; Joi appears to be unsure, as she has never been in an extreme situation since coming online.

On the Destiny's bridge, meanwhile, Russell is giving a presentation to the cadets, teaching them a quick lesson the Arkeyan hierarchy, only to lose his temper when the others - besides Ryan - are not paying attention. Arthur, still wanting to be at least useful at something, is eager to seek out the remaining Sector Keys; On one of the computers on the bridge, Megan shows him and Wild Bill that there was an energy reading coming from Saint Denis, in the form of two Keys, and suggests that if Arthur wants to earn the colonel's respect, that could be what he needs to do. With that, Arthur boards his Uni-Voyager and heads to planet Saint Denis, and starts by exploring its commercial district. As this happens, as a coincidence - as Moose puts it, Colonel Xiao informs the cadets of a string of crimes and robberies occurring in Saint Denis, most likely involving Arkeyans, and a "seemingly corrupt lifestyle company", before he asks where Arthur is, only for Megan to say that he sent him there, but to Ryan's displeasure. Colonel XIao then orders the other cadets to head to Saint Denis to investigate for further crimes, and if possible, look for Arthur. As Arthur explores Saint Denis, Russell comes in over the radio, and figures out that he may be looking for the Libra and Ophiuchi Sector Keys. He gives Arthur directions to their location, and instructs him to act as if he was to arrest them, stating that it is a semi-corrupt company that keeps them in possession. With these coordinates, Arthur makes his way to the Dream Team's main youth centre in the planet's commercial area. When Russell identifies the people in possession of the keys as Florian and Bronzee, and they are criminals, this angers Arthur enough.

When Arthur reaches the Dream Team's building, although, Russell tells Arthur over the radio to be calm, an enraged Arthur searches the building, and finally bursts into the room Florian and Bronzee are in. Florian is startled, and even so surprised that Arthur knows his name; he runs off into his bedroom, and hides behind his bed, nervously coming out slowly - as Arthur comes to ask them some questions. He then realises Arthur is from Star Battleforce, and he is here to kill him, but Bronzee welcomes Arthur in, and assumes that they are seeking new recruits. Arthur denies this, and attempts to arrest them both on suspicion of stealing Sector Keys, leading to a heated brawl in which several accidents involving the Saint Denis duo - including accidentally covering the floor with water from a sink, which causes the whole leisure room to become slippery - leading to several more surreal accidents courtesy of Bronzee and Florian - including the former getting crushed by an arcade machine. Arthur figures out a way to get the water out by blasting a small hole in the ground - which causes the main gambling area to get rained on. Bronzee, after scolding Florian for being a dumb coward, turns her attention to Arthur and cares to explain about how they ended up with two Sector Keys; she claims they both unexpectedly won them on a bet at Lompaq Casino, which is where they both "spend" their income. Arthur then asks Florian what he knows of it, and he says the same, claiming that he thought Sector Keys were nothing more than a toy; in a bid to gain Arthur's trust, he offers to take him to Lompaq Casino for some fun. Arthur reluctantly, but cautiously agrees, yet still unsure of the Dream Team's motives.

As this happens, the others arrive in Saint Denis, where a slew of robberies have ensued in the weeks following the resurgence of the Arekyans, as they learn more from Megan's father, General Sawyer, who has them help him with investigating a crime scene - while Moose gets some free milk off an investigating S.B.F. officer, before Ryan points out that they should be looking for Arthur since he might run into trouble. As Bronzee and Florian hand flyers to come to their aerobics classes, Arthur - who eventually manages to relate to the Dream Team, helps them out amid the wind blowing Florian's flyers across the place, up until Ryan, Bill, Megan and Moose show up, and are about to arrest Florian and Bronzee before Arthur introduces the duo, stating that they are not as corrupt as he thought. Ryan suspects the duo of stealing Sector Keys, and points out to them that Arthur is only a rookie and is too inexperienced, but Moose corrects him, by claiming it is WIld Bill who is the newest member of the crew, having only been active for three days. After Megan says that if the Saint Denis duo have Sector Keys in their possession on purpose, they should at least trust them; in response, Florian gives the four cadets some flyers, which have information about the services his and Bronzee's company offer, while Wild Bill reveals he brought with him a case containing two Uni-Controllers. Florian, who is relieved that Star Battleforce plans to recruit him and Bronzee rather than kill them both, says that they and Arthur shall get going, because they have something to show Arthur at the casino that he may like; as Bronzee drags Arthur away, Ryan at least tells Arthur to at least teach them how a Uni-Controller works. As this happens, Volstagg is observing several bank heists across Saint Denis, as Roswells bring back a stolen bank vault to him. He then has a word with Percipulous Plump, the commandant ruling Saint Denis, demanding from him about how a trap can be set for Star Battleforce, since two Sector Keys have been detected. Plump suggests he lures them into a trap at the Lompaq Casino, to which Volstagg appears to agree with.

Ryan and the others respond to Roswell activity at one such casino complex, and morph in order to fight them off, before Volstagg confronts them. After a long fight, an Arkeyan aerial convoy is dispatched on Saint Denis, and the rangers summon their Uni-Voyagers to fend the aerial forces off. The Dream Team takes Arthur to Lompaq Casino, where Plump is taking part in a brawl at a roulette table. After joining in with some games with the planets inhabitants, Bronzee notices Plump as an old rival of hers, who beat her on horse race bet and lost her thousands. The four engage in a heated brawl as the guests cheer on, and Plump ends up kidnapping all three; he has Arthur, Florian, and Bronzee tied up and hanging over a boiling pit at the underground warehouse, but Florian has an idea: he swings the rope around in a circle long enough before the rope is sliced by a thin piece of metal, and the trio gets blown across the warehouse by two large indoor fans, only to land on a fast-moving conveyor belt, and be picked up by a robotic claw, which drops them on top of a large, which rolls itself down a large slope as they hold on. The crate crashes, and the three hilariously find it hard to get the rope off themselves, as Florian asks Arthur what he thought of his escape plan - to which Arthur calls "insane, but worth it". After Bronzee manages to cut the rope with her fingertips, Plump attacks, and Arthur morphs and takes him and his batch of Roswells on, leaving the Uni-Controller case behind. Florian and Bronzee come across it, and find two Uni-Controllers inside - as Florian recognises this as what Sector Keys are for. Bronzee and Florian then morph into Ranger Series Gold and Ranger Series Silver respectively, as they help Arthur take on the Roswells, even though Florian cannot stop boasting. As this happens, the others are struggling to deal with the aerial Arkeyan assault.

After a long battle, during which the Saint Denis duo gets the hang of their weapons, the three rangers deliver an All-Star Sector Blast to take care of Plump. Just then, Bill contacts Arthur on the radio that they are having trouble holding the Arkeyans off, to which the former responds by saying he's on his way. Arthur then summons his Uni-Voyager, and takes out the remaining Arkeyan aerial forces with ease, before the five of them form the Voyager Squad Megazord, as Plump's A-Drone is about to blast itself off. At Xibalba, Moonbillies are alarmed at Plumps condition, so His Magnificence adds his signature to Plump's contract before depositing it, causing Plump to enlarge. As the others struggle against Plump, Florian and Bronzee have trouble reading the Uni-Controller's instruction manual, especially when summoning the voyagers. After some struggle, they manage to summon their respective voyagers to assist the other five, while Florian is clearly enjoying himself in his. Florian then delightedly asks Arthur if there's room for them, before they remove Ryan and Megan's voyagers as the arms - against their objections, while Moose comments that he has a bad feeling about it, as his and Bronzee's voyagers combine with the megazord in their place, while Ryan suggests to Megan they return to base to present their findings to Colonel Xiao. Over the radio, Russell in addition to saying he's delighted two more rangers have been found, comments that he's surprised they even knew about the mix-and-match strategy with the voyagers. Florian is certainly having fun in the cockpit, and uses his zord as the arm to throw Plump onto the A-Drone, before the team finishes both the A-Drone and Plump for good of with a Universal Euro-Strike attack - aptly titled due to Florian's Eastern European heritage.

Back on the Destiny, Moose is showing Bronzee and Florian around the promenade, including having some drinks; Florian now plans to expand his and Bronzee's lifestyle brand onto the Destiny. They then head to the bridge, where they officially welcome the Saint Denis duo onto the team, while Ryan and Megan decide that the duo shall be only involved in the program as volunteers rather than as cadets for now. Colonel Xiao and Joi commend Arthur's efforts, praising it as a significant step forward in increasing the group's numbers, and they now need two more Sector Keys to complete the proposed line-up. As this happens, Bell appears to be looking from afar, and vows that he'll show them. He takes a runabout to an unknown desert planet, where Moonbillies have taken up territory; Volstagg is there as well, and Bell approaches him, offering to make a deal selling arms to the Arkeyans, claiming that Star Battleforce had betrayed him. As they negotiate, a mysterious, hooded figure, in possession of an orange Sector Key, looks on and plays an ominous tune on a harmonica.


Sector Keys[]


  • Voyager Squad Megazord Combinations:
    • ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • The fight at Lompaq Casino is a parody of the bar fight scene from the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars ā€¢ 2: Arkeyans Unleashed ā€¢ 3: The Dream Team ā€¢ 4: Blood and Poison ā€¢ 5: The Little Android That Could ā€¢ 6: Nine's Company ā€¢ 7: Species at Rest ā€¢ 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style ā€¢ 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars ā€¢ 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? ā€¢ 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places ā€¢ 13: Belly of the Beast ā€¢ 14: Eleven's a Crowd ā€¢ 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time ā€¢ 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art ā€¢ 18: The Master and The Molotov ā€¢ 19: Nowhere to Glow ā€¢ 20: Money Lending and Other Sins ā€¢ 21: Crystal Maze ā€¢ 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago ā€¢ 23: Russian Revolution ā€¢ 24: Prometheus ā€¢ 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity ā€¢ 26: Lure ā€¢ 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange ā€¢ 28: Make the Universe Great Again ā€¢ 29: TannhƤuser Gate ā€¢ 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures ā€¢ 32: The Delights of Van Horn ā€¢ 33: The Serpent's Venom ā€¢ 34: Ancient History ā€¢ 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal ā€¢ 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art ā€¢ 37: Welcome to the New World ā€¢ 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed ā€¢ 39: Hell Hath No Fury ā€¢ 40: A New Power ā€¢ 41: What Happens in the Dark... ā€¢ 42: ...Comes Out in the Light ā€¢ 43: The Orion Project ā€¢ 44: Fresh Milk ā€¢ 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout ā€¢ 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene ā€¢ 48: Predator ā€¢ 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald ā€¢ 51: Doradoball ā€¢ 52: Phil Bell Rides Again ā€¢ 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector ā€¢ 55: One Last Thing ā€¢ 56: To Xibalba ā€¢ 57: His Magnificence's Identity ā€¢ 58: The World We Left Behind ā€¢ 59: Magnificence Unleashed ā€¢ 60: The End Game

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