Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an universal sector in Power Rangers Universe.

The Taurus Sector is the Universal Sector where Moose and Professor Levictus Cornwall originate. As one of the 88 Constellations, it is part of the space dominated by the Arkeyan Empire, with its power embodied by its very own legendary Sector Key and Uni-Voyager wielded by the native Star Battleforce Power Ranger.

Moose was created by Professor Cornwall as a means to gradually gain sentience, with an intention of opposing the Arkeyans. Tragically, Champ would see his creator murdered at the hands of a man from the Scorpio Sector; Blood and Poison Initially believed to be Dimitri Skorpirov, Moose eventually learned that the assassin was Mikhail Toxtatin, Dimitri's cousin who had became the Arkeyans' reigning operative for the Sasori System.Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Sector Key[]

The Taurus Sector Key is the Sector Key which embodies the constellation Taurus. Given to the Taurus Sector Sector native Moose by Colonel Xiao Longbao, it allowed him to become Star Battleforce's Black Ranger, granting him control of Taurus Voyager 5.


See also[]
