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Icon-kingohgerThis article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Arthropods Warriors

Tarantula Arthrozord is the main zord of Arachknight in Power Rangers Arthropods Warriors.


Tarantula Arthrozord is the Tarantula-based mecha of Arachknight It has large, well-developed legs that can allow the Shugod to leap into the air and perform acrobatic skills, and unleash powerful slashes with the claw on the end of each leg. It can fire strong webs from its abdomen for a combined combo attack that involves snaring the target to perform powerful claw strikes.


to be added

Tarantula Arthrozord Battle Mode[]

Tarantula Arthrozord Battle Mode is the main Megazord of Arachknight in Power Rangers Arthropods Warriors. Unique from both Arthro Megazord and Arthro Megazord TYPE-ZERO, Tarantula Megazord possesses a fighting style that allows the robo to tap into a fourth-dimensional manner. It wields the Tarantula Beam spinneret firearm, allowing it to fire webbing in combat and for maneuvering throughout the area, the dual Tarantula Arm for countering the opposing Bugvil's attacks, and and a 3D-based goggle that allows the robo to analyze the Bugvil's movements.

The robo is completely agile during combat, and can crawl on any surface. Its finisher consists of Tarantula Megazord firing a web snare from the Tarantula Beam to trap the target Bugvil, and then charged the selected Guardian in weapon mode before executing an energy strike that destroys the trapped Bugvil.

Additional Formations[]

Tarantula Chainsaw Megazord[]

Chainsaw Tarantula Megazord: Tarantula Megazord equipped with the Centipede Guardianzord.

Tarantula ChainsawBlade Megazord[]

ChainsawBlade Tarantula Megazord: Tarantula Megazord equipped with the Centipede Guardianzord and Cicada Guardianzord. Its finisher consists of a triple slash that destroys the Bugvil: the first slash executed by the right Tarantula Arm, the second from the Pede Chainsaw, and the last by the left Tarantula Arm with the Cicada Blade attached to it.

See Also[]


Icon-kingohger Power Rangers Arthropods Warriors
Zack Stewart - Christopher Charles - Charlotte Medina - Madison Mosley - Ethan Davidson - Armand Grosjean
Evil Rangers: Zayden Stewart
Other Rangers: Arthur Kramer
Alfred Medina - Hyblaea Atkinson
Dino Charge Rangers: Chase Randall - Koda - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - James Navarro - Prince Phillip III - Kendall Morgan - Heckyl
Transformation Devices
ArthroCalibur - Gold Arthro Calibur - Arachknife - Arthro CrownSpear
Dino Arthrosaber
Arthro Arms - Arachgun
Warriors Phone - Arthro Buckle - Arach Keys
Stag Strider
Zords and Megazords
Normal: Stag Arthrozord - Dragonfly Arthrozord - Mantis Arthrozord - Butterfly Arthrozord - Wasp Arthrozord - Tarantula Arthrozord
TYPE-ZERO: Stag Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO - Dragonfly Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO - Mantis Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO - Butterfly Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO - Wasp Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO
Sub Arthrozord:
Normal: Ladybug Arthrozord - Spider Arthrozord - Ant Arthrozord
ZERO: Ladybug Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO - Spider Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO - Ant Arthrozord TYPE-ZERO
Other Arthrozords: Cicasemi - Caucasus Arthrozord
Three Great Legendary Arthrozords: Scarab Arthrozord - Scorpian Arthrozord - Hopper Arthrozord
Guardianzords: Pillbug Guardianzord - Snail Guardianzord - Cicada Guardianzord - Centipede Guardianzord - Hercules Guardianzord
Other: Tarantula Abysszord - T-Rex Zord
Giant Robos:
Main Giant Robos: Art hroMegazord - Tarantula Arthrozord Battle Mode - Caucasus Arthrozord Battle Mode
Evil Giant Robos: Arthro Megazord TYPE-ZERO
Leader: King Arthroheim (VIII)
General: President Stinkvil - Zayden Stewart - Carrionvil - Strike General Copris
Normal: Armadilvil - Firevil - Dungvil - Snailvil - Antlionvil - Antvil - Mayflyvil - Rhyssinvil - Gerrivil - Flyvil
Giant: Giant Armadilvil - Giant Firevil - Giant Dungvil - Giant Snailvil - Giant Antlionvil
Grunts: Puvil
Galactic Empire
Leader: Galactic King Tardigrada
The Five Jester: Stinkvil Halys - Cerambycidae Batus - Hirudinea Leech - Bagmoths Psychidae - Paradoxum Chloridium
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