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Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an fanfictional series entry in the Super Sentai series.
Red alert WARNING. This fanfictional series contains scenes of dark tones and drama. Viewer discretion is advised!.

Tamashī Sentai Yūreiger (translated as Spirit Squadron Ghost Rangers) is the 10th series in Gokai-Volt's Super Sentai franchise; the series is also considered the 10th anniversary series since Togo Sentai Crossenger and the last Gokai-Volt series in the Heisei Era.

This is the third Gokai-Volt Super Sentai Series, not to be adapted into Power Rangers and is the first series to be recommended for older audiences, due to the mature theme. The series has influence and inspiration from Kamen Rider GhostIcon-crosswiki.

Due to the series being the 10th Anniversary Series in Gokai-Volt's Super Sentai franchise - the series has guest appearances by Rangers from the past nine series - from Togo Sentai Crossenger to Yajū Sentai Kemonoger.


It is rumoured that ghosts, roam around a abandoned park, deep within the Tokyo suburbs, drain the life force of anyone who ventures into it. Five classmates overhear the myth from other students and decide to investigate to see if the rumour is true, however, one of them refuses to go along with the rest.

When four friends reach the park, they overhear the Phantom Organisation, planning to destroy the Super Sentai teams. However, while the four try to escape, they are captured by the Phantom Lord and turned into ghosts, before their friend's eyes.

When the four return to the human world, they find out that their souls have been sealed into four mysterious eye-like orbs called the Soul Orbs. They reunite with their friend, only to discover that he, also has a Soul Orb of his own.

A mythical being shows himself to the group, giving them the task of collecting fifteen Soul Orbs, within ninety-nine days, otherwise the four who got turned into ghosts, will cease to exist.

However, while the five begin their quest, the Phantom Organisation revive the Zangyack, making them more powerful than ever before. The five friends then call upon the assistance of the previous nine Super Sentai teams of the past, to eradicate the Zangyack, once and for all.



Designation Name Soul Orb
YūreiRed Daiki Fujimoto Musashi
YūreiNavy Ryuji Minami Newton
YūreiPink Haruka Oki Himiko
YūreiGrey Takeshi Hamasaki Beethoven
YūreiGreen Moriko Akiya Robin Hood
YūreiGold Isamu Shakespeare


(to be added)

Legendary Rangers[]

Designation Name
ShinkansenRed Arthur Williams
ShinkansenBlue Hikari Saitō
ShinkansenGreen Benjamin Taylor
ShinkansenBlack Mitsuki Watanabe
ShinkansenYellow Jack Wilson
AppliRed Yuuto Haneda
AppliGold Tatsuya Ishida
AppliBlue Maria Yamada
RescueRed Hotaru Tsukiyama
RescueGold Reo Godai
TōkaiRed Daichi Kuriyama
TōkaiYellow Asashi Mihara
DriveRed Sasuke Ariga
DriveOrange Mach Katsumoto
DrivePurple Miku Takimoto
TreasureSilver Daigo
TreasureRed Riku Sakurai
TreasurePink Mika Fujimori
YajūWhite Yuuka Miyamoto
YajūBlack Dan Watari
YajūRed Kaoru Tsurumi
RokaiCrimson Ruriko Earthija
RokaiNavy Katsuto Earthija
RokaiGold Izumi Earthija
RokaiPurple Ginga Earthija
RokaiOrange Riki Earthija
Cross Red Mai Marvelous
Cross Blue Joan Gibken
Cross Yellow Lyle Millfy
Cross Green Dionne Dogoier
Cross Black Ari de Famille
Cross Gold Akira Souja Ikari
AkaRed AkaRed

Red Rangers[]

Designation Name
Gokai Red Captain Marvelous
Akarenger Tsuyoshi Kaijo
Spade Ace Goro Sakurai
Battle Japan Masao Den
DenziRed Ippei Akagi
Vul Eagle (II) Takayuki Hiba
GoggleRed Ken'ichi Akama
DynaRed Hokuto Dan
Red1 Shirou Gou
ChangeDragon Hiryu Tsurugi
Red Flash Jin
Red Mask Takeru
Red Falcon Yusuke Amamiya
Red Turbo Riki Honoo
FiveRed Gaku Hoshikawa
Red Hawk Ryu Tendo
TyrannoRanger Yamato Tribe Prince Geki
RyuuRanger Ryo of the Heavenly Fire Star
NinjaRed Sasuke
OhRed Goro Hoshino
Red Racer Kyosuke Jinnai
MegaRed Kenta Date
GingaRed Ryouma
GoRed Matoi Tatsumi
TimeRed Tatsuya Asami
GaoRed Kakeru Shishi
HurricaneRed Yousuke Shiina
AbaRed Ryouga Hakua
Deka Red Banban “Ban” Akaza
MagiRed Kai Ozu
Bouken Red Satoru Akashi
GekiRed Jan Kandou
Go-On Red Sosuke Esumi
Shinken Red Takeru Shiba
(Princess) Shinken Red Kaoru Shiba
Gosei Red Alata
Red Buster Hiromu Sakurada
KyoryuRed Daigo Kiryu
ToQ 1gou Right Suzuki
AkaNinger Takaharu Igasaki
Zyuoh Eagle Yamato Kazakiri
Shishi Red Lucky
Lupin Red Kairi Yano
Patren 1gou Keiichiro Asaka
Ryusoul Red Koh


The Phantom Organisation[]

  • Phantom Lord Destroso
    • General Ghouloro
    • Lieutenant Mystiam
      • Ghoul Soldiers

Space Empire Zangyack[]

Other Villians[]


Transformation Devices[]

  • TamashīChanger
  • DamashīChanger


  • TamashīSaber
  • TamashīGun
  • DamashīSlasher
  • DamashīArrow

Multi-Use Devices[]

  • Soul Orbs
  • Legendary Soul Orbs


  • Soul Orb Holder


Episodes (Yūreiger)

01. Spirits Awakened
02. The Hermit's Appearance
03. The Quest Begins
04. A Helpful Ghost
05. The Forest of Thieves
06. A Samurai's Path
07. The Phantom's Plan
08. Ghostly Activities
09. Going Underground
10. A Musical Symphony!
11. Technology Defenders
12. The Shaman Queen
13. Blazing Rescue
14. Gravitational Mess!
15. The Mysterious Solider
16. Sneaky Shadows
17. To Be, Or Not To Be
18. Speedy Highway
19. The Phantom Lord
20. Isamu's Past
21. The Playwright
22. Jewellery Thieves
23. Treasure Hunters
24. Roar of the Wild
25. Forest Adventures
26. Mysterious Elements
27. The Swashbuckler Legend
28. The Night of the Zombies
29. Mysterious Keys
30. The Return of the Legends
31. Ranger Trails
32. The Lesson of the Predecessors
33. Fake Ranger Keys?
34. A Certain Villian Appears
35. The Red Meeting
36. A Ranger's Advice
37. Phantoms Attack
38. Combating the Past (Part 1)
39. Combating the Past (Part 2)
40. Stolen Powers
41. Basco's Scheme
42. Zombie Zangyack Rampage
43. Protect the Super Sentai Powers!
44. Lord Destroso's Ambush (Part 1)
45. Lord Destroso's Ambush (Part 2)
46. The Zombie Prince
47. The Super Sentai Legacy
48. The Ultimate Soul Orb
49. The Power of Super Sentai (Part 1)
50. The Power of Super Sentai (Part 2)
Finale. Eternal Spirits


No Title
01. (to be announced)


No Title
01. Generation Red


  • This series is considered the tenth anniversary series in the Gokai-Volt timeline and is the final Gokai-Volt series in the Heisei Era before the abdication of Emperor Akihito in April 2019. The next Gokai-Volt series is set to begin in May 2019 due to planning taking longer than usual and will be the first series in the Reiwa era.
  • The series is inspired by Kamen Rider GhostIcon-crosswiki and the Soul Orbs are inspired by the EyeconsIcon-crosswiki.
    • The Ranger colours are based on the primary base colour of their Soul Orb.
    • The Legendary Soul Orbs are similar to the Crossenger Legendary Ranger Keys and the Legend Rider Eyecons.
  • This is the second Gokai-Volt series to have past Rangers returning, following Crossenger.
    • Only the Core Team of Shinkansenger (Arthur, Hikari, Ben, Mitsuki and Jack) make a appearance in the series due to the size of the team (the rest of the Shinkansengers are mentioned).
  • The Soul Orbs hold the powers of historical people such as Thomas Edison, Ludwig van Beethoven and Robin Hood (episodes that are based on them have titles referencing on what they are known for such as "The Forest of Thieves" for Robin Hood and "A Musical Symphony" for Beethoven).

See Also[]

Togo Sentai CrossengerKōzoku Sentai RokaigerJōhō-gijutsu Sentai ApplirangerRyokō Sentai TreasurengerChikatetsu Sentai ShinkansengerKyūjo Sentai RescuengerNorimono Sentai DrivengerGenso Sentai TōkaigerYajū Sentai KemonogerTamashī Sentai YūreigerChōshinsei GamermanMadoushi Sentai Mahōger

Main Series
The Power RangersThe Power Rangers: Lucky AcesPower Rangers World FrontierPower Rangers Electric FightersPower Rangers Solar BrigadePower Rangers Victory VPower Rangers DynaforcePower Rangers B.I.O.Power Rangers Mythical ChargePower Rangers Nova FlashPower Rangers Aura SurgePower Rangers Divided FatesPower Rangers Nitro RacersPower Rangers Sonic BattalionPower Rangers Aero StormPower Rangers Thunder MastersPower Rangers Miracle GuardPower Rangers High TidePower Rangers Dyno BytePower Rangers Rail ThunderPower Rangers Shuriken SteelPower Rangers Lost KingdomPower Rangers OdysseyPower Rangers VersusPower Rangers Knight FuryPower Rangers CrystalizersPower Rangers Zord WarriorsPower Rangers Sunrise HeroesPower Rangers Insectors
Power Rangers Grid Champions
Giga Toku Adaptations
Power Rangers Hyperspace
Original Versions
Power Rangers Secret SquadronPower Rangers Trump CardsPower Rangers Interstellar ForcePower Rangers Jura Knights
