Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Tango, renamed Talgo Tango is a 4-piece Megazord based off the Talgo II and Silverliner V.

Appearances: RM 4, 8-9, 12, 14-15, 18-19


  • Engine forms the legs
  • Cabin forms the left arm
  • Silverliner forms the right arm, which can be swapped out
  • Lounge forms the body and head/cockpit, with its unique design from the last car of the Talgo II


Tango originally was built of 4 cars, with the middle being the same. it was an experimental high speed train until Yankee was created. it was badly damaged in Turyn's death spiral. As a ghost, he later rehabbed it and found new power in the broken car, which reformed into a car resembling a Silverliner V car. This led its user, Mort, to be more aesthetically based on the Silverliner than the Talgo II of the rest of the Megazord.

In the finale, it is seen in its Megazord form above diners in The Primmrose.

Additional Formations[]

TalgoZord Meteor[]

In Back-Tracked, Mort and Drake teamed up to form an alternate combination of the TalgoZord to fight alongside Magdrive Megazord (X-Ray).

This form is exclusive to Episode 9.

TalgoZord Bullet[]

In Cinder-Ella, Mort and Aaron teamed up to form an alternate combination of the TalgoZord against Cinderella, a Beastail created from Ella.

This form is exclusive to Episode 12.

TalgoZord Turbo[]

With Tango, Mort formed an alternate combination with Quebec in an attempt to knock Yankee out of the sky.

This form is exclusive to Episode 14.

TalgoZord Kilo[]

Drake and Mort teamed up again with an alternate combination with Kilo in an attempt to knock Yankee out of the sky.

This form is exclusive to Episode 14.

TalgoZord Oscar[]

With Tango, Mort formed an alternate combination with Oscar in an attempt to capture Lima.

This form is exclusive to Episode 15.

TalgoZord Sierra[]

With Tango, Mort formed an alternate combination with Sierra to Complement Rail Rescue Megazord. This form is exclusive to Episode 19.


  • Three components are married together and based on the defunct Talgo II (Talgo, Chicago's Rock Island Line and various New England routes in the US-discontinued)
  • One car resembles a Silverliner V single (Hyundai Rotem, SEPTA/RTD), being capable of being swapped out with the other zords