Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Mmpr green ranger sword of darkness by effektdmentality-d7isf3m

The Sword of Darkness.

The Sword of Darkness is a sword of incredible power once given to Tommy Oliver by Rita Repulsa. Infused with Dark Power, it was to be used as a catalyst for keeping him under Rita's control on a permanent basis. The Rangers pooled their power and shattered the sword, restoring Tommy to normal and freeing him from Rita's control. The sword is a large and heavy blade, capable of cutting easily through flesh and muscle, as well as solid stone. The sword magnifies the wielder's own powers, and strengthens the effects of any magic or spells upon them.

It was later seen being held by the mutant Green Ranger in The Mutant Problem.

In promotional material for season 2's The Wedding, Dark Alpha was to be given the Sword as a secondary weapon to use in a fight against the Rangers, but this was changed before filming began, and the Sword was replaced by the Strobe of Dark Power; this weapon was also scrapped.
