Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Power Rangers Treasure Hunt]]

"Well now. The Rangers' Megazord likes to fly."
ā€•Typhoonic discovered Rangers' new powerful Megazord.[src]

Super ValveMax Megazord is the combination of Truck, Tank, SUV, Jeep, Van, Racer, Boat, Jet, Train and First-Class Drive Zords. The First-Class Zord forms the wings and jetpack on the Megazord's back and gives the flight power to fly up high.

Power nav icon Power Rangers Treasure Hunt
Jeremy Myers - Lance O'Donnell - Zachary Evans - Cerina Webb - Allison Williams - Hector Walker - Janelle Lewis - Mia Burrows - Miles Burrows - Alex Humphrey -
Sentinel Chivalry Knight
Treasure Morphers - Aerial Flight Morpher - Sentinel Battle Morpher - Relic Revolvers - Drive Defenders - Relic Sword - Relic Axe - Relic Blaster - Relic Hammer - Relic Tracker - Relic Cannon - Relic Fighting Fins - Relic Boomerang - Relic Lance - Relic Spear - Neo Drill Blaster - Relic ATV - Relic Bike - Relic Trike - Relic Car - Relic Truck - Hovercycle
Professor Goodeve - Roy - John - Joseph - Marissa
Animal Elite Rangers
Zords and Megazords
Truck Drive Zord - Tank Drive Zord - SUV Drive Zord - Jeep Drive Zord - Van Drive Zord - Racer Drive Zord - Boat Drive Zord - Jet Drive Zord - Train Drive Zord - First-Class Drive Zord - Fire Rescue Drive Zord - Control Rescue Drive Zord - Police Rescue Drive Zord - Helicopter Rescue Drive Zord - Ambulance Rescue Drive Zord
Relic Nitro Megazord - Sigma Megazord - Octane Megazord - FirstClass Megazord - Super ValveMax Megazord - Rescue Megazord
Elemental Emperor
Air Tribe: Stormar - Typhoonic - Dragonax - Whirlgrunts
Fire Tribe: Flamestar - Moltoxic - Flamewing - Flamers
Water Tribe: Devil Merman - Pteromaid - Tortrick - Aquaticks
Earth Tribe: Quakelord - Golem - Tigeron - Groundlings
Others: Yellord - Majestic Hunter - Ashiguard - Lord Breaker - Rack Repulsa
Turborg - Magmorg - Spoutsprayer - Treehulk - Atlantis - Grillzard - Fanblew - Tireak - Gas Dynamite - Leviathan - Sirenica - Kitan - Balloon - Rockbuster - Wreckage - Owlling - Ovenheat - Propellerella - Volcanoman - Sandor - Fishman - Treespike - Whirldizzy - Riptron - Octorella - Charcoal Rock - Mudslide - Eelectrify - Vacuumatrix - Glyderock - Bouldinator - Blizzardinator - Magmato
Robots: Hurricanator - Heatferno - Coralizer - Blowhard - Stonebreaker - Crabuster - Sphinx - Molten Hulk
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