Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Ichigan Buster Special Buster Mode

Combined weapons

The Super-Optic Laser is the combined form of the Camera Laser & Binocular Saber that fires a powerful attack.

Once combined, it fires a Deletion-inducing shot that is more powerful than two normal Camera Laser Deletion shots.

Camera Laser[]

Ichigan Buster

Second Generation Ranger Operators' long-range sidearm

The Camera Laser is a single-lens reflex camera that can transform into a gun for long range battle. It serves as the core Second Generation Ranger Operators' primary firearm.

By twisting the "zoom" part on the barrel of the Laser, it will allow a Deletion that consists of a supercharged shot. It is stored in weapon mode at the Energy Management Center & when transported via Transpod to the Ranger Operators, it floats either beside the belt or across the chest for use.

Binocular Saber[]

Sougan Blade

Second Generation Ranger Operators' close-combat sidearm

The Binocular Saber is a pair of binoculars that can transform into a giant combat knife for close range battle. It serves as the core Second Generation Ranger Operators' primary sword weapon. It is stored in weapon mode at the Energy Management Center & when transported via Transpod to the Ranger Operators, it floats beside the right boot cuff for use.


See Also[]
