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Strength of The Tiger is the Seventh episode of Power Rangers Morphin Marauders. It is a Tribue to Power Rangers Jungle Fury


With the next clue from Navi saying that they need to find the Tiger Martial Artist, the Morphin Marauders face off against Pacha Chamak. When he takes away their weapons, Gavin and Lia find their hand-to-hand skills are lacking and start training under Casey Rhodes, the former Jungle Fury Red Ranger.


With the next clue from Navi saying that they need to find the Tiger Martial Artist, the Morphin Marauders search to no avail before their search is interrupted by Pacha Chamak. Furious of the interference, the Morphin Marauders fight Pacha Chamak, yet Lia and Gavin are outmatched by Pacha Chamak's Cosmic Kenpō fighting style with the others assume the forms of the Wild Force Red, Wild Force Yellow, and Wild Force Blue to drive him off.

Later, talking over their level of skill in fight, Lia and Gavin come across Casey Rhodes, with the former wanting to train along with the children that Casey's teaching while Gavin chickens out.

That night, after Navi explains to the crew that they jump to the wrong conclusion by going after a tabby and later realize that they trained themselves, Gavin resolves to get as strong as Orion and Lilith.

The next day, Gavin joins Casey's class to Lia's surprise while the rest of the Marauder Galleon crew battles Pacha Chamak using the power of the Mighty Morphin team. However, Pacha Chamak uses a new technique thanks to Metal Alice's modifications.

When contacted by Navi about their crewmen in trouble, Lia and Gavin learn from Casey that their training is over as he reveals himself as the Tiger Martial Artist they are looking for.

Arriving at the battle, Marauder Green and Marauder Pink tell the others to use the Jungle Fury Keys to counter Pacha Chamak, weakening him before using the Marauder Blast Final Wave to finish him off.

When Pacha Chamak enlarges, The Marauder Megazord is formed to fight him using the Jungle Fury Keys to summon Spirit based images of the Animal Spirits to destroy the villain.

Elsewhere, as Gavin is now able to stand up for himself, Casey tells RJ that he will entrust the future of the planet to the Morphin Marauders.


  • to be added

Form Changes and Collectables Used[]

  • Marauder Changes in Strength of The Tiger:
    • Marauder Red - Wild Force Red, Mighty Morphin Red, Jungle Fury Red
    • Marauder Blue - Wild Force Blue, Mighty Morphin Blue, Jungle Fury Blue
    • Marauder Yellow - Wild Force Yellow, Mighty Morphin Yellow, Jungle Fury Yellow
    • Marauder Green - Jungle Fury Wolf
    • Marauder Pink - Jungle Fury Rhino


to be added

See Also[]
