Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Squid Ink Inc. are the main villains of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, initially seen as a teamup turns into a ploy by Bajillia Naire to take over the universe away from Lord Zedd.


Assumed to be a megacorporation in the far reaches of space, Squid Ink, Inc. is headed by the callous Bajillia Naire, who has scoured the universe for raw materials to create weapons of war, further intending to use said weapons plus an army of monsters and space-faring drones to create conflict and capitalize on her clients' need for her services. To further her plot, Bajillia releases from incarceration two of the universe's most vile villains, blissfully ignorant of just how cruel they really are. Despite her social-media-crazed daughter Squilia's constant plays for attention, Bajillia sets her sights on Earth to extract its materials and create forced labor from the populace. Little does she realize that her clients have their own plans to conquer the universe.


Behind the Scenes[]


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  • The abbreviation Inc., from Incorporated, is colloquially read as "ink", thus also playing on the ink that octopi and squids like the Naire family might secrete in self-defense.


  • Even though being stated as such, Scuttleworms are not a part of the Squid Ink Inc and instead are their own individual party being a species of non-sentinet worm-like creatures inhabiting planet Erridus.


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See Also[]
