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Spirit of the Tiger is the sixth episode of Power Rangers Space Pirates. This episode is a tribute to Power Rangers Jungle Fury, thus features the return of Casey Rhodes.


When the Rangers face a monster with a magnetic power to wrench their weapons away from them, Jack and Clare turn to a quiet local Zoo Keeper to learn a special form of martial arts that helps them channel their personal animal spirits.


The Rangers are exploring animals at the zoo when they see a zooworker cleaning up the tiger pen, which they found interesting but risky. Following this, they went to see other animals such as flamingos, elephants, monkeys, to which Jack joked that they look a lot like Ewan, zebras and finally rhinos. Zion told his friends that a rhino's horn is made not of bones but of tiny alggutinated hairs, something Julia didn't believe at all. They then encountered pumas and then parrots before finally seeing hippos. The team then sat down to drink juice as Zion continued to show off his science, telling them that tigers are the only animals that like water, something Julia confirmed this time. Clare, for her part, finds herself staring at the zooworker who puts on a jacket with a distinctive logo while Zion and Julia share their knowledge about sharks. Julia then gave her juice to her younger sister, something which displeased her older brother and noticed at the same time what her younger sister was looking behind her, which happened to be Casey putting on a particular jacket..

In the ship, Prince Vekar is introduced by Argus and Damaras to Pacha Chamak, who promises to destroy the Rangers, whose name is ridiculous according to the prince. Damaras points out that he's never been defeated in combat before, what impressed Levira.

At school, Jack comes to Clare to ask where Ewan is. She tells him that she doesn't know where his brother is but she suggests that they go to Ernie's BrainFreeze, which he accepts. On the way, they meet up with the stranger, which Clare recognized thanks to his jacket having a claw logo on the back and who says he uses combat without the usage of weapons when they go to see him to make sure he is the one who took care of the tigers. Suddenly, the two receive a call and have to leave.

The Rangers arrive at the scene and morph to find Pacha Chamak, but he steals their weapons. As a result, he overpowers the Rangers and Clare and Jack are outmatched by his fighting style with the others assume the forms of the Wild Force Red Lion, Yellow Eagle and Blue Shark Rangers to drive him off.

When he heads back to the ship, Vekar berates him for not destroying the Rangers. Levira promises she came up with something to increase his combat skills.

At the park, Ewan is on himself for losing their weapons, reminding them that pirates never let go of their weapons. Julia finds him much too harsh on himself so, with Zion, she trying to change his mind and calm him down. Jack and Clare know that he is right and that they were too weak during this fight so they remember the stranger from the zoo and they ask him if he can teach them combat with no weapons. Although reluctant at first, he agrees after the two brought him the requested bucket even though there was still the tiger in this cage. In the process, both understand the value of hand-to-hand combat. After some time training the next day, the stranger reveals himself to be Casey, the Jungle Fury Red Ranger, something they found incredible and fantastic.

Meanwhile, the others have been researching the Legendary Database in hopes of deviating his fighting techniques. Having found nothing, Ewan then offers them his basic plan: never let go of their weapons during their next fight. Just before this, Julia noticed the Jungle Fury Rangers logo she had seen on the back of Casey's jacket on the Legendary Rangers Database, leading them to read about them and the Order of the Claw.

Pacha Chamak reappears and begins leaving destruction in his wake. He manages to temporarily beat Ewan, Julia, and Zion, thanks to his new powers obtained by Levira despite the fact that the Rangers have not let go of their weapons once. Jack and Clare arrive and use the no-weapons techniques they learned to battle Pacha Chamak although with a little difficulty at the beginning. Space Pirate Green and Pink tell the others to use the Jungle Fury Keys to counter the monster, weakening him before using the Pirate Blast attack to finish him off.

When Pacha Chamak enlarges, the Rangers form the Legendary Megazord, but it doesn't work. They then connect with the spirits inside them, which leads them to unlock the Jungle Fury Stone, to finally destroy Pacha Chamak with the help of the Animal Spirits.

Back at the zoo, the Rangers ask to see Casey, but a worker says that there was never a "Casey" that worked there. Jack and Clare apologize to the others for there not being a Casey, but they believe them. They then see Casey in spirit.


Legendary Ranger Modes[]

Elements/Homages to Jungle Fury[]

  • The Air/Water/Land Legendary Ranger Mode by Ewan, Zion, Julia is representative of the air/water/land concepts utilized in the first half of the series, both in the three training masters (and their subsequent Spirit Ranger counterparts) of the Jungle Fury Rangers (Bat, Shark, Elephant) and in the three Overlords who are major villains of the first half (Hawk, Jellyfish, Grizzly Bear).
  • The splitting of the Space Pirates Rangers into two groups for most of the episode has significance connected to Jungle Fury:
    • Having Ewan, Zion, Julia on their own emphasizes the concept of the main trio which is the core of the main Jungle Fury team; while the joining of Jack and Clare by the end show the addition of the two team-members (Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger and Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger) in the second half to support the team.
    • The splitting of the teams into two show the style of two parallel teams having stories that intersect, thus the stories of the Jungle Fury Rangers alongside their rival, the Jungle Warriors Jarrod and Camille.
  • The episode's title, Spirit of the Tiger, is similar to Jungle Fury's naming style where every episode title was a four-worded title.


  • When Clare and Jack take in hand the Ranger Key Wolf Ranger and Rhino Ranger, you can see that the arms of the keys are raised while in the next scene the arms of the keys are lowered.


  • This is the last appearances of
    • Space Pirate Red's Red Wild Force Ranger form.
    • Space Pirate Blue's Blue Wild Force Ranger form.
    • Space Pirate Yellow's Yellow Wild Force Ranger form.
    • Space Pirate Green's Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger form.
  • This episode marks the first crossover in any form between Jungle Fury and another Power Rangers series, given that it neither participated in nor had a team-up episode.
    • This is the first time the Legends between the Gokaiger and Space Pirates episode are exactly the corresponding Ranger in the episode of the tribute (Casey is Jan Kandou's equivalent).
  • A flashback of Casey defeating the Rinshi Mantor in Welcome to the Jungle: Part 2 is shown when he reveals to Jack and Clare that he is the Jungle Fury Red Ranger.
  • A new shot of the Space Pirates Rangers morphing into Legendary Ranger Mode Jungle Fury is filmed, as the three Gokaigers were still Sun Vulcan when they transformed into the Gekirangers in the original episode.
  • The pose Clare does this episode is the same pose as the one done by Shoji of the Heavenly Gravity Star/TenmaRanger (Orisonth/Blue Squadron Ranger's counterpart) of Gosei Sentai Dairanger.
  • This episode marks the final unmorphed appearance of Casey.

See Also[]
