Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category: Jurassic Force]]

The Spino Zord is a Indigo Spinosaurus. His partner is Jurassic Indigo then he was (forced by the monster control) and then Jurassic Indigo gain control returns. It & Jurassic Indigo are the first team to fight off the Masstion Empire when it lost his partner after Gouma's Brachium Zord have Freezes the palace along with Jurassic Indigo & Gouma place the zord to rest hidden if he ever soon returns. Years later after a monster take control his partner & create an evil Dino Batterie an awaken it & went on the rampage and turn Cretaceous Megazord, when the Jurassic Indigo came back and freed from the monsters control & turned the evil Dino Batterie back to normal & it gave Candace's voice back.
