Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Jurassic Order.

The Spino Thunder Knightzord is the combined form of the Dimetro Flame and Mosa Core Knightzords in Power Rangers Jurassic Order.


The Spino Thunder Knightzord is a giant Knightzord formed from the Dimetro Flame and Mosa Core Knightzords, and built on the basis of a Spinosaurus. Spino Thunder is armed with the Mosian Head, the Mosian Trident tail blade, the Dimetrian Slicer flame-style sail on its back, the Dimetrian Saber flame-style blade attached to the Dimetrian Slicer, and its massive jaws. Spino Thunder also has the ability to launch lightning from its mouth or the Dimetrian Slicer.

Possessing both the intelligence of Dimetro Flame and Mosa Core, Spino Thunder can communicate with humans and speak in complete sentences.

Appearances: JO Episodes TBD

Additional Formations[]

Trinosaurus Megazord[]

"Trinosaurus Megazord, Ready for battle!"
ā€•Announcement after completing transformation[src]

The Trinosaurus Megazord is the combination of the Tyranno Core, Dimetro Flame, and Mosa Core Knightzords. It consists of Tyranno Core's central megazord formation, the Rexian Head is attached to the left arm with both drills and one of its turrets, its Dino Spirit Core is placed as its head, Dimetro Flame's main body splits to form the dual Dimetrian Burners mounted on the shoulders, the Dimetrian Saber splits open and forms body armor with the flame on Dimetro Flame's right shoulder attached to the top to form the helmet and visor of the Trinosaurus Megazord, and Mosa Core's tail (minus the Mosian Trident) splits to form the Trinosian Sabaton pads for the feet, its missile launchers are placed on the Triassaur Knight Megazord's knee connectors, and the Mosian Head is attached to the right arm with Tyranno Core's second turret.

In this form, the Trinosaurus Megazord can utilize fire, water and lightning abilities. Its attacks are the Trinosian Thunderstrike, delivering powerful lightning-charged spin kicks with the Trinosian Sabatons, fire a stream of water from the Mosian Head, create a large energy manifestation of the Rexian Head for a biting punch, and the Trinosian Inferno blast from the Dimetrian Burners, unleashing a swirling hurricane of flames. Its finisher is the Final Trinosian Double Bite, where the Trinosaurus Megazord charges the Mosian Head with lightning and the Rexian Head with fire, delivering chomping energy punches to destroy the TBA. A variation exists where the TBA is sprayed with scalding water from the Mosian Head before being chomped by a greatly enlarged Rexian Head.

Appearances: JO Episodes TBD

Behind the Scenes[]


The Spino Thunder Knightzord is voiced by Fred Tatasciore and Alan Ritchson, who voiced the Dimetro Flame Knightzord and Mosa Core Knightzord respectively.


to be added

Dino Spirit Core[]


Thunder Spirit Core

KSR-BiriBiriSoul (Knight Mode)

Thunder Spirit Core (Spirit Mode)

"Steed of the Roaring Thunder! Spino Thunder!"
ā€•Insertion announcement in the Paladin Knight Saber[src]

The Thunder Spirit Core is the personal Spirit Core of the Spino Thunder Knightzord. It enables access to the Thunder Jurassic Armor, granting the user lightning-based abilities.


  • to be added


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Jurassic Order Icon-ryusoulger
Tylanar - Owen Turner - Harper Brant - Zephiya - Eldarren - Hydrick - Galancer
Jurassic Knighter - Jurassic Bite Saber - Mosa Knight Blaster - Primura Blade - Omega Knight Claw - Paladin Knight Saber - Dino Spirit Cores - Mosa Saw Blade - Mosa Max Striker - Core Hatcher - Hydro Core Hatcher
Zords & Megazords
Tyranno Core Knightzord - Tricera Slash Knightzord - Ankylo Smash Knightzord - Smilo Sonic Knightzord - Miraga Spike Knightzord - Mosa Core Knightzord
Dimetro Flame Knightzord - Spino Thunder Knightzord - Shine Raptor Knightzord - Shadow Raptor Knightzord - Cosmic Raptor Knightzord - Pachy Brawler Knightzord - Pachy Cub Knightzord - Ptera Core Knightzord - Ptera Rex Knightzord
Rex Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Sonic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Spike Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Slash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Smash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flame Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord - Trinosaurus Megazord - Hydro Knight Megazord Shadow Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Brawler Formation - Ptera Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flight Formation - Sauriapex Ultrazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Blue Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Black Formation
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