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Species at Rest is the seventh episode of Power Rangers Universe. It features more of Wild Bill's backstory, in particular more details regarding his feud with the O'Neil Brothers. It also features the debut of the Hypno Sector Key.
Now with the team complete, the Star Battleforce Rangers decide to start their campaign to liberate the universe with Earth. Moose and Wild Bill are assigned a mission to return to his homeworld in search of more Sector Keys, where Moose learns of Bill's past with the Caninians, including his feud with the O'Neil Brothers, which might put himself in jeopardy when he crosses their bounds.
On the Destiny's promenade, Arthur, Megan, Wild Bill and Ryan are having lunch as Russell joins them, and is in a happier mood due to Dimitri finally joining their ranks, although Ryan reminds him that he is not willing to join them on board the Destiny because of "mostly unfinished business" with known Arkeyan associates. Moose soon joins them, and wonders if they knew about Wild Bill's recent obsession with bringing down the O'Neil Brothers. Megan notes that since Volstagg's fall, Elwood, the eldest brother had put himself forward to lead His Magnificence's armies going forward, while the other brothers have been obsessively looking for arms contracts. Seeing as Bill is desperate to get himself in order if he were to confront the O'Neils, Moose offers to take him to Way Forward for some training, a small satellite planet approximately 4 light years away from the Destiny, although Arthur reminds them that they have a training hub on board the station. Meanwhile, in Xibalba, His Magnificence has issued the final shortlist for who shall lead his armies following Volstagg's death at the hands of the Rangers - Gazla, Z'Aezoth, and Elwood. Having learned that now the people of the recovering Earth are now backing Star Battleforce and its Rangers, he contacts Roboto Epee, a commandant reigning over another recovering earthling community, to carry out another Arkeyan campaign.
Moose and Bill arrive on Way Forward, where Moose leads the latter in a training session, and the duo morphs. As they train, Dimitri, who now wears the Star Battleforce uniform instead of his cloak since joining the group, has been tasked by Colonel Xiao to investigate colonies on Earth that are vulnerable to Arkeyan re-occupation. After making quick work of one O'Neil brother, Javier, after he sends an autonomous Moonbilly to attack, he reports to Colonel Xiao, Joi and Russell, who are on the Destiny's bridge, that he is spending his time searching Earth for any Arkeyan dispatches, and preemptive strikes against them. Colonel Xiao is impressed with Dimitri's work so far, stating that his duties for S.B.F. so far have reduced Arkeyan attacks on Earth by 55%, but more communities could soon be vulnerable, as a commandant is due to make his grand incursion in one such community. When Bronzee and Florian are asked for a status brief, they are watching security camera footage of Moose and Bill "fighting". When Arthur, Megan and Ryan come in, the duo shows them the security footage, to which Joi takes notice, asking them if they have a problem. Ryan suggests that one of them should go down there, so both Arthur and Megan put themselves forward, leading them both to do a "rock-paper-scissors" as to who will go; Megan wins the bet, so she goes down to Way Forward. On Way Forward, Moose narrowly bests Wild Bill in combat moments before Megan arrives in her voyager, calling them both out for getting off hand with their "training". As Megan is about take them both back to base, Russell comes through on Bill's Uni-Controller, freaking him out; he tells him that Colonel Xiao has more work for them: go to Lupaxia and find several more auxiliary Sector Keys recently reported to have been found on the planet; at the same time, Ryan alerts Megan via her Uni-Controller that another commandant has surfaced to promote the incoming Arkeyan military leadership election, and she, Arthur, Bronzee, and Florian have been chosen to investigate, and DImitri has been selected as well, and will meet with them at the rendezvous point. With that, Megan joins a selection of Rangers, while Moose and Bill head to Lupaxia.
On Earth, Arthur, Megan, Bronzee and Florian group with Dimitri, who questions them about what the commandant this time entails. Arthur claims he knows nothing about it, but all Colonel Xiao told them about it was a robot, and is likely to erase memories, according to Russell's intel. At this moment, Epee arrives and fires blasts that erases survivor's memories, causing them to go insane, and the rangers morph as a horde of Roswells is sent out. As this happens, Joi and Ryan have been tasked with analysing the "Two Minutes Hate" film produced by the Arkeyans, which shows the execution of Supreme Commander Mor-La. They are shocked by the graphic imagery of the video, but Ryan is even more troubled upon watching the video, with Joi noting the figures who murdered the supreme commander were concealed, leading Ryan to ask her who could have done this. Meanwhile, Moose and WIld Bill arrive on Lupaxia, which has descended into chaos following the Arkeyan incursion. They discover that the O'Neils have set up a rogue arms trading network on Lupaxia, negotiating arms with clients from other planets; Today, it's Otis, Ernie and Earl who are doing business. Wild Bill, angered by their sight, gets into a fight with the brothers, and although it wasn't part of the plan, Moose takes the opportunity to tie the three brothers up so he can interrogate them, seeing as Bill cannot due to his lyaric dialect, which won't make sense at all. Ernie furiously reveals that Moonbillies, before they pledged their allegiance to His Magnificence, peacefully co-existed in the Lupus Sector until the Lupaxians benefited more from the food and water supplies and resources in the sector, whereas Moonbillies did not. In retaliation, the Moonbillies allied themselves with the Arkeyans, with the O'Neils pledging their loyalty to His Magnificence, and proceeding to wipe out a vast majority of the Lupaxian race in a seemingly pre-emptive strike. Before Ernie can explain more, Bill interferes and knocks him out. At the same time, Moose is ridiculed by the Lupaxians, mistaking him for one of the Arkeyans, but he tries unsuccessfully to reason with them.
Back on Earth, Arthur, Megan and the Saint Denis duo are having trouble figuring how to locate Epee, just as Dimitri reveals to them that this commandant has been sent out in order to attract human attention to the position of the commander-in-chief of the Arkeyan's armies. Arthur, oblivious to Arkeyan politics, claims they could just pick someone right away, but Dimitri argues that this is how it works. As Megan and Arthur attempt to reach a consensus with Dimitri, Florian and Bronzee are trying to calm a memory-ridden civilian down, only for Florian to be dragged along by one, causing them and Bronzee to crash into a gas station - and surprisingly surviving the ensuing explosion. Annoyed, Dimitri asks them if they are always this stupid; Arthur says that people on Saint Denis will understand it better than him. Russell, back on the Destiny's bridge with Ryan and Joi - who is now discussing the "Two Minutes Hate" film with Colonel Xiao, is overworked with watching coverage of the Arkeyan military leadership election and Moose and Wild Bill's Sector Key retrieval mission. He contacts Moose for a status report, but Moose fills him in on Bill's distraction with the O'Neils, much to is annoyance. A put-upon Russell, in a push to get Moose and Bill to complete their task, sends them some approximate locations for autonomous Sector Keys located on the planet. Immediately afterwards, he finds out that Roboto Epee has began another round of attacks on Earthlings, and alerts the others, who are continuing to figure out a plan of attack - amid Dimitri's reluctance to go with Arthur and Megan's ideas, that the commandant is back. At the same time, His Magnificence sends Gazla into the fray, as he is the leading contender to command the Arkeyan armies going forward. Across the main town square, Epee is continuing to zap humans to wipe their memories, as Gazla makes his move to raise the stakes. The rangers then arrive, with Florian jokingly asking Gazla how much he paid for his cannon. Gazla reveals to the five rangers that he is now the leading contender in the millitary election, and the Rangers cannot stop the votes from being counted now. Arthur, Megan, Dimitri, Bronzee and Florian then morph, and Gazla summons some Roswells and a heated battle begins; while Arthur fights Gazla, Megan and Dimitri fend off Roswells while Bronzee and Florian attempt to fight Epee.
As this happens, back on Lupaxia, Bill who gets into a vigorous fight with the O'Neils, while Moose follows Russell's explicit instructions from Colonel Xiao to locate Sector Keys, successfully finding three with ease. Bill is able to best the O'Neils just in time, before Elwood shows up and comes for his brothers, and mocks Bill, threatening him with his life; Bill is fuming and asks him what makes him think they can get away with genocide, but Norman responds by saying that it's "business". Just in time, Moose comes in on the radio, stating that he found a Sector Key, but does not know what this one can do; Bill attempts to run, saying he's on his way. Back on Earth, the others manage to defeat Epee, but Epee survives and hops into his A-Drone, prompting Arthur, Megan, Dimitri, Florian and Bronzee to form the Voyager Squad Megazord; after a quick battle, Florian and Bronzee detach their voyagers, performing their joint "Serbian Spark" attack to finish off the A-Drone. However, back on Xiabalba, Gazla is voted as the head of His Magnificence's armies, and notices the rangers have defeated a commandant. His Magnificence is enraged, and signs an executive order in frustration, enlarging Epee, much to the Rangers' shock. After the group finds out about the election results, Gazla orders Epee to finish the rangers off, and the tables are turned in the wrong direction when Epee gains the upper hand. Back on Lupaxia, WIld Bill regroups with Moose, who shows the Sector Key he found. Otis O'Neil, who is searching for food for Moonbillies, notices this, and engages the two in an unmorphed fight. After a quick struggle, Bill uses the Sector Key, which puts Otis to sleep; Moose guesses this must be the Hypno Sector Key. Suddenly, they get a call from Arthur, who assumes they found a Sector Key, in addition to filling them in on their situation.
Back on Earth, the rangers are struggling to control Epee; Russell is still being overworked, and advises against performing a finishing strike as certain Voyager Squad configurations can substantially strain the Voyagers, much to Arthur's annoyance. Just before Epee can finish them off, Moose and Bill arrive on the scene with their voyagers, with the former reassuring the others that he did at least find a couple of Sector Keys for Colonel Xiao. With that, Megan and Bronzee switch places with Moose and Bill, and the tables are turned against Epee as the megazord gains the upper hand, with the help of Megan and Bronzee's voyagers. In the end, the team delivers a Universal Union Blast with the megazord and the two other voyagers, destroying Epee for good. In the aftermath, as the civilians' memories are restored, Dimitri finally gives in to his colleagues' pleas to connect with them more and reluctantly accepts their offer to join them on board the Destiny, while Bill explains to Arthur about some of the Sector Keys that he and Moose had found, while Arthur quizzes him about his beef with the O'Neils. In Xibalba, His Magnificence is giving Gazla a three-point plan to command his armies and lead them to victory, as Gazla reveals he has made a pact with two Arkeyan assassins to assist him in doing so, and they would like to have an audience with him.
- N/A as Arthur Morgan (Star Battleforce Red)
- N/A as Megan Sawyer (Star Battleforce Green)
- N/A as Ryan Torres (Star Battleforce Yellow) (unmorphed only)
- N/A as Moose (Star Battleforce Black) (voice)
- N/A as Wild Bill (Star Battleforce Blue) (voice)
- N/A as Bronzee (Star Battleforce Gold) (voice)
- N/A as Florian Hebitsuvic (Star Battleforce Silver)
- N/A as Joi (Star Battleforce Pink) (voice) (unmorphed only)
- N/A as Dimitri Skorpirov (Star Battleforce Orange)
- N/A as Colonel Xiao Longbao (voice)
- N/A as Russell Cubowski
- N/A as His Magnificence (voice)
- Paul Harrop as Z'Aezoth (voice)
- N/A as Gazla (voice)
- N/A as General Sawyer
- N/A as Elwood O'Neil (voice)
- Nic Sampson as Otis O'Neil (voice)
- N/A as Norman O'Neil (voice)
- N/A as Javier O'Neil (voice)
- N/A as Dale O'Neil (voice)
- N/A as Ernie O'Neil (voice)
- N/A as Earl O'Neil (voice)
Sector Keys[]
- Ranger Series Red - Leo (All-Star Sector Blast), Leo (Leo Voyager 1)
- Ranger Series Orange - Scorpio (All-Star Sector Blast), Scorpio (Scorpio Voyager 2)
- Ranger Series Blue - Lupus (Lupus Voyager 3)
- Ranger Series Gold - Libra (All-Star Sector Blast), Libra (Libra Voyager 4)
- Ranger Series Black - Hypno, Taurus (Taurus Voyager 5)
- Ranger Series Silver - Ophiuchi (All-Star Sector Blast), Ophiuchi (Ophiuchi Voyager 6)
- Ranger Series Green - Chameleon (All-Star Sector Blast), Chameleon (Chameleon Voyager 7)
- Ranger Series Pink - N/A
- Ranger Series Yellow - N/A
- Voyager Squad Megazord Combinations:
- ◆◆◆◆◆
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- Joi and Ryan do not appear morphed in this episode.
See also[]
- Ookami Blue & Oushi Black Chapter - Super Sentai counterpart in Kyuranger. (Way Forward training footage)
- Sasori Orange Chapter - Super Sentai counterpart in Kyuranger. (Dimitri's sub-plot)
- Space.6: Flap! Dancing Star - Super Sentai counterpart in Kyuranger. (story)
- Space.7: Take Back the Birthday! - Super Sentai counterpart in Kyuranger. (fight footage)