Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Special Force Morpher is the Special Force Rangers morphing devices. They transform by drawing the device and yelling out "S.F. Rangers! Form up!" The device gives them high tech power suits with exo-skeleton robot parts giving them super soldier like powers and abilities to help them battle against evil. It also can summon the megazords and help control them. If the device gets damaged or destroyed the rangers powers will be useless but some abilities will still be functional but not completely. Also they can use the devices to power up the megazords and combine them but if such anything happens to the device they will not be able to combine the megazord but still can use the zords and their forms.

The device is also used as a communicator for contacting base, the other rangers, Allies and S.P.D. Allies for backup.

Owners (Special Force Rangers)[]

S.F. Rangers[]

  • Alex Jay
  • Jason Tate
  • Nancy Drew
  • Kim Xiang
  • Kuffah Kitty
  • Nelson Lance

Black Ops Rangers[]

  • Wold Cruger
  • Lexi Banner
  • Tracy Leela

Navy Ranger[]

  • Amy Janice

Air Force Ranger[]

  • B.J. Anderson

Special Ranger[]

  • General J.L. (Jack Landors)