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This article is about a/an Megazord in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info Template

The Sparkling Jewel Megazord is the main Megazord of the Jewel Machine Power Rangers in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.


Comprised of both Land Storm and Sky Storm, the Jewel Megazord is able to use all five of the individual Mashins' signature attacks. It can extend its right Blazer Ladder arm for the Ladder Fist extending punches, use the Scooper Shovel excavator arm for the Sand Attack debris projectiles, fire the Mach Flash laser headlights from its right shoulder, generate the Turbo Wind hurricane-force winds from the Helica Propellers blades on its chest, and slash with Winger Blade. Its finisher is the Dazzling Mega Slash, where the Megazord waves the Winger Blade in a circle to build up energy before executing a three-fold energy slash to destroy Marks Beasts. The core 5 Jewelzords also have a special attack technique known as the Super Jewel Flinger, where Winger, Scooper, Helica, and Mach stack in Jewel Mode next to Blazer, who swings his ladder to send them smashing into the enemy.


In the fight with Vise Beast, Land Storm and Sky Storm had trouble in dealing with the Marks Beast. Inspired by the short squabble of his teammates, Jeremy finished his drawing of the combined form of both Mages. This lead to the formation of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord, which was powerful enough to deal with Vise Beast, easily destroying it with the Dazzling Mega Slash.

Alternate Formations[]

Sparkling Land Storm Megazord[]

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateThe Sparkling Land Storm Megazord is the combined form of Jewelzord Blazer, Scooper and Mach. Land Storm possesses immense strength, being able to grab enlarged Marks Beasts with the Scooper Shovel and throw them around one handed, but has low speed and agility. To compensate, it can use the Blazer Ladder arm for long-distance punches or as a ramp which Mach can ride along to ram into Marks Beasts. Its signature attack is the Sparkling Flames, where Land Storm changes Jewelzord Mach to Jewelzord Racer and generates hot flames, which are fired from the face at the Marks Beast.

Its finisher is the Land Storm Final Strike, where Land Storm extends the Blazer Ladder to snag the Marks Beast before leaping into the air where it pulls itself towards the Marks Beast by retracting the Blazer Ladder. Once within range, Land Storm swings the Scooper Shovel arm in circles and delivers a barrage of winding punches until the Marks Beast is destroyed.

Sparkling Land Storm Megazord: Lifty/Steamroll Mode[]

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateLand Storm: Lifty/Steamroll Mode is the armament of Land Storm with both Jewelzord Lifty in his trident mode and Jewelzord Steamroll in his hammer mode. It's finisher was the Steamroll Upper attack where Lifty punches the Marks Beast into the air and it falls to Earth where Steamroll smashes into it with maximum force.

Sparkling Land Storm Megazord: Bullet Mode[]

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateLand Storm: Bullet Mode is the combined form of Land Storm and Jewelzord Bullet. It's finisher is the Bullet Sonic Slash where Bullet races down the Blazer Ladder and explosively impales the enemy.

Sparkling Sky Storm Megazord[]

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateThe Sparkling Sky Storm Megazord is the combined form of Jewelzord Winger and Jewelzord Helica which is able to fly using the Helica Propellors and Winger's boosters.

Sky Storm is armed with a pair of vulcan guns in its forearms which it uses in strafing attacks. While smaller and weaker than Land Storm, Sky Storm makes up for it with its greater speed and agility.

Additional Formations[]

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Carriage Mode[]

Main article: Jewelzord Carriage

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Carriage Mode is the armament of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord with Jewelzord Carriage in her shield mode.

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Steamroll Mode[]

Main article: Jewelzord Steamroll

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Steamroll Mode is the armament of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord with Jewelzord Steamroll in his hammer mode.

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Lifty Mode[]

Main article: Jewelzord Lifty

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Lifty Mode is the armament of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord with Jewelzord Lifty in his trident mode.

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Railroad Mode[]

Main article: Jewelzord Railroad

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Railroad Mode is a special formation when the Sparkling Jewel Megazord rides on Jewelzord Railroad. Its finisher is the Jewelzord Railroad Break, where the Megazord charges the Winger Blade and executes a slash at high speed to destroy the Marks Beast.

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Trasher Mode[]

Main article: Jewelzord Trasher

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Trasher Mode is the armament of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord with Jewelzord Trasher in his vacuum cleaner mode.

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Cementa Mode[]

Main article: Jewelzord Cementa

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Cementa Mode is the armament of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord with Jewelzord Cementa in his gun mode. It's signature attack is the Cement Shot where it fires cement in the shape of spears and it's finisher is the Full Sparkling Blast where it rapid fires Cement Shots to impale and obliterate the Marks Beast.

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Driller Mode[]

Main article: Jewelzord Driller

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Driller Mode: The combination of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord and Jewelzord Driller.

Sparkling Jewel Megazord: Bullet Mode Mk. II[]

Main article: Jewelzord Bullet

  1. REDIRECT Template:MegazordInfo/Mecha Info TemplateSparkling Jewel Megazord: Bullet Mode Mk. II is the armament of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord with Jewelzord Railroad in its Gun & Screw Cannon mode.



See Also:[]
